Eleven Elders
This blog is based on a dream I had in Sweden, on the night of Sunday October 28th in 2018. The Big Bear Mother in the night sky (asterism Ursa Major) observed the spiritual darkness cloaking` Earth and decided to send down her seven lights as falling (or shooting) stars. I decided to type up this dream as a blog honouring the lives of the people who died in the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. Eleven Elders The Big Bear Mother in the Night Sky Watches Children starve in Yemen Suffering inhumane violations in Syria Child prostitutes in Sri Lanka She sees Eleven Elders…
Art Video
Swedish Petroglyphs Sweden has an abundance of mysterious petroglyphs. The Swedish word for petroglyphs is “hällristningar”. This refers to figures and shapes carved in rock surfaces. Most of these images are pre-historic in origin. Scandinavia has a very large concentration of rock art, created around c. 9000 (the first century BCE). There are about 30,000 registered sites (but new sites are being discovered all the time). Vivid interpretations have been attempted, based on Old Norse beliefs and Sami ethnography. In truth we do not know until today what their purpose or meaning really was. Do they tell stories? Were they a backdrop for community rituals and ceremony? This…
The Ancestors Walk in The Footsteps of the Living
For today a reminder that we will be Ancestors for a much longer “time” (Outside Time) than our lifespan on Earth. Perhaps life on earth is a training for becoming a wise or compassionate ancestor? Let’s make personal and global decisions that we can be proud of once we join our Ancestors! Some tribal peoples (especially in Siberia) believed that the Ancestors literally walk in the footsteps of the living, in an “upside down realm”. If this is so – our every footstep affects them and pulls on them…. just as they in turn can influence every move we make (if we let them). As I am publishing a book…
Sexual Harassment on the Energetic Level
The week I wrote this article the case of Christine Blasey Ford was headlining. She is a university professor from California who has accused supreme court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of a sexual assault that occurred when they were both teenagers (in the 1980’s). Dr Blasey Ford has been forced to go into hiding since the story went viral and her life has been turned upside down completely. Yesterday many people close to me were glued to their screens as she gave her opening testimony and explained how the sexual attack has changed her life. I am acutely aware that her story is upsetting and triggering many other women who…
ÁLFABLÓT (The Sacrifice to the Elves)
Brief description International teacher of sacred art and Northern European Tradition shamanism Imelda Almqvist describes the small Álfablót (Sacrifice to the Elves) Ceremony she performed on her land in Sweden on October 31st in 2018. This is the indigenous Scandinavian version of (or closest thing to) Samhain/Halloween. ÁLFABLÓT (THE SACRIFICE TO THE ELVES) One day even our children (and their children) will be ancestors… Today Halloween is celebrated in many English-speaking countries. It originated with the Celtic festival of Samhain. I was in a large supermarket, here in Sweden, yesterday and the first thing I saw upon entering the shop, was an abundance of shelves stacked with Halloween decorations…
Lunar Eclipse and Blood Moon 27 July 2018 My dear friend Susan Rossi who is a gifted astrologer (https://openchannelastrology.com/) has taught me to pay close attention to eclipses and the, so called, annual Eclipse Season. She tells me that eclipses act as gates or portals for human consciousness we can pass through. If we handle the challenges right we can even unhook from “karmic theatre” – meaning that we can put long-standing dysfunctional dynamics between us and others to rest. Easier said than done, but when we achieve it there is instant relief and head space. In November last year I discovered some cysts in my breast which opened a…
Rune Activism for Fallen Trees
Rune Activism for Fallen Trees In Germanic regions, it was believed that mankind was created from tree trunks, echoing the perception that people and trees have much in common. In Sweden, some trees were considered ‘wardens’ and could guard a home from bad luck. The warden was usually a very old tree growing on the lot near the home. The family living there had such great respect for the tree that they would often adopt a surname related to the name of the tree. A well-known sacred tree in Norse mythology was Yggdrasil, a giant ash tree that was said to link and shelter the nine worlds that were believed to exist. https://blog.pachamama.org/people-and-trees-intimately-connected-through-the-ages Earlier…
Sacred Art Video
The Sacred Marriage in the Great Below Our soul’s craving for wholeness drives the unfoldment of all stories. A profound mystery teaching is found at the heart of a collection of myths from ancient Sumeria, such The Descent of Inanna and the sacred marriage of Ereshkigal and Nergal. The language may be archaic but the message is timeless: the sacred marriage between divine feminine and masculine principles is what animates and revitalizes the cosmos This phenomenon needs to occur within our own psyche (on the level of soul and archetypes) as much as in the world around us. I invite you to take a journey of initiation into these mysteries…
The Holy Grail
What is the Grail to you?! The Grail stands as a beacon of hope and wholeness in the midst of the Wasteland created by modern Western materialism. The potency of this symbol beckoning us back to living in harmony with both ourselves and the land around us is a myth very much of our time. It speaks directly to wholeness and connection and reminds us that to bring the Wasteland back to fertility and lush abundance we must return to the Source that nourishes it. Our modern Society and education systems gives us few really useful tools to take with us on the great journey of Life. We need knowledge…
Sacred Art Video
YMIR AND ORION First Ancestor, First Shaman During a sunset walk in the snow, one afternoon in Sweden, the star constellation Orion appearing gave me a powerful vision that involved the primordial giant of Norse mythology: frost giant Ymir. (In truth I had never before assumed any connection between them!) Ymir was the First Ancestor and First Shaman. The gods dismembered him and created the world from his body parts. Therefore Ymir was the first person to die and he became the Lord of the Dead. The word root of the name Ymir means “twins”. A profound mystery involving twins resides in both the night sky and world mythology.…