
Upcoming Movie Preview & Review: “THE ATONING”









Movie Review:

I had the privilege of per-screening The Atoning, a creative horror by writer/director Michael Williams.

I watch a lot of horrors, having worked a few haunts , myself, and relish nothing more than the sounds of horrified screams in the night. I’m also a Witch, and Intuitive Medium, and I would like to offer viewpoints based on my experiences.

I watch a lot of horrors. While this is not my favorite one I’ve seen, it’s also not the worst by any means.

It delivers in regards to the beautiful screams I love to hear. It will also make you jump more than once, yourself. One thing I love about horror is how it embraces the macabre and lends it an unapologetic beauty. From the set, to the makeup for the demons, to the crisp sounds in the heirloom house, to the use of shadow to create foreboding, this delivers artistic beauty. 

And those screams! Those lovely, lovely screams!

The things most noteworthy about this is the unusual approach the team took with concepts of trapped spirits, psychics, and views of Purgatory.

I will explain without spoiling the film, because you really should watch it.

Trapped Spirits

We have all seen multiple films where ghosts are trapped, and are tortured while trying to move on. This one has a unique reason, however. The reason, and closure for the spirits comes near the end, with the details slowly disclosed like pieces of the jigsaw puzzles the family work on together.


I love it most of all when films accurately portray my kind. This one, admittedly didn’t. It was the stereotypical evil witch who scared the hell out of everybody, and orchestrated a violent showdown. While I’m more concerned that people watching TV or films will assume a work of fiction is a perfect mirror of reality, I do find the crazy psychic who fits the Biblical stereotype of the summoner of evil a tired, overdone concept that needs retired. I’ve both done, and witnessed house clearings. I’ve talked to dead people. I’ve helped with an exorcism.  The process of all these things is nothing like what was portrayed in the film. I don’t criticize artists for taking creative liberties to well…CREATE- I just want the viewers to remember, this is fiction!

The concept of a human being who has the power to command spirits is both an old one, as well as a scary one. This medium delivers on scary- if you aren’t a medium. Then, you might be rolling your eyes.


The concept of Purgatory has been explored by writers for centuries.  When artists get creative and come up with new ideas about how it works, people assume it is doctrine. It isn’t. Without spoiling the film, I will just say Purgatory is for those who are going to Heaven, but they just have to atone for some sins first. People going to Hell do not make it to Purgatory, as they are seen as a lost cause with no hope for redemption.  Purgatory is for purging and purification, and those with no sins to purge don’t need to go there. The film portrays some souls that committed no wrong stuck in Purgatory, and another that is hellbound as being in Purgatory.  As art, it is interesting. Just don’t confuse art with dogma.

This all raises a greater question. What limits for a writer or filmmaker are there in bending what is accepted as truth for the sake of artistic vision? As far as I am concerned, there are no limits, and it’s not a fictional writer’s job to educate everybody.

It is our job to educate ourselves, and it is a writer’s job in a fictional horror piece to entertain and scare us.

I consider this more of a psychological thriller, myself, because until all the pieces come together, the film keeps you guessing. That is the scary part. We can sympathize with the family, questioning “What would it be like if I were them in this situation? ”

For the little boy, early on, he says, “Does this mean I don’t have to go to school?”

For the dad, he muses, “What if this is God’s way of giving us a second chance?”

For the mom, it is the fear that,  “ God doesn’t exist…”

I’ve said enough.

Now go watch the film.

It’s full of surprises, it keeps you guessing right to the end, and the ending is quite satisfying if I do say so, myself.




Vera, Ray, and Sam, a seemingly normal family, are haunted by more than mere ghosts. The lingering horror of their past threatens their ability to function as a loving family until they become enlightened by a mystical encounter. From that moment on, they’re thrust into a horror worse than anything they’ve ever experienced. Personal demons manifest and tear the family apart from the inside out as they come to terms with their past.



Movie Specs:

Genres: Horror, Thriller, Mystery, Drama

Runtime: 89 Minutes

Language: English



Sneak Peek:






Official Movie Sites:

Official Site:




Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theatoningmovie/  


Twitter:  https://twitter.com/theatoningmovie






About the Author:





Saoirse is a recovered Catholic.  I was called to the Old Ways at age 11, but I thought I was just fascinated with folklore. At age 19, I was called again, but I thought I was just a history buff, and could not explain the soul yearnings I got when I saw images of the Standing Stones in the Motherland. At age 29, I crossed over into New Age studies, and finally Wicca a couple years later. My name is Saoirse, pronounced like (Sare) and (Shah) Gaelic for freedom. The gods I serve are Odin and Nerthus. I speak with Freyja , Norder, and Thunor as well. The Bawon has been with me since I was a small child, and Rangda has been with me since the days I was still Catholic. I received my 0 and 1 Degree in an Eclectic Wiccan tradition, and my Elder is Lord Shadow. We practice in Columbus, Ohio. I am currently focusing more on my personal growth, and working towards a Second and Third Degree with Shadow. I received a writing degree from Otterbein University back in 2000. I have written arts columns for the Arts Council in Westerville. I give private tarot readings and can be reached through my Facebook page Tarot with Saoirse. You can, also, join me on my Youtube Channel.