Book Review – Brigid’s Light: Tending the Ancestral Flame of the Beloved Celtic Goddess, Edited by Cairelle Crow and Laura Louella
Book Review
Brigid’s Light: Tending the Ancestral Flame of the Beloved Celtic Goddess
Edited by Cairelle Crow and Laura Louella
Published by Weiser Books
256 Pages
Published: March 2022
“Brigid is a shapeshifter. As a goddess, she takes many forms: as a woman of various ages from girl to crone, as a serpent, as a pillar of fire, and as a woman with flames emanating from her head. Sometimes she appears as a single being, but she may also take the form of a triplicity, or as three sisters. Brigid seems able to take on the spiritual characteristics most needed and most accessible to her devotees…” ¹
Brigid’s Light: Tending the Ancestral Flame of the Beloved Celtic Goddess is an anthology of writings in devotion to the Celtic Goddess Brigid. The title is carefully curated and edited by Cairelle Crow and Laura Louella and boasts a “who’s who” of contributors including Amy Blackthorn, Annwyn Avalon, H. Byron Ballard, Laura Tempest Zakroff, Mary-Grace Fahrun, Raven Morgaine, Courtney Weber and many other leading figures of the Pagan community.
Brigid’s Light: Tending the Ancestral Flame of the Beloved Celtic Goddess is separated into six (6) parts and is rich in content, providing the reader with personal accounts of Brigid’s gifts in their life as well as recipes to use for celebrations honoring Her, poetry, prayers, invocations, and more.
The formatting of these sections allows the reader to flow easily through The Many Faces of Brigid (Part I), The Goddess in Nature (Part II), Ritual Practices and Prayers (Part III), Goddess of Hearth and Home (Part IV), Mothers and Daughters (Part V) and rounds the content with The Circle of Life and Death (Part VI). Each portion provides the reader with a deep dive into the many attributes and connections to Brigid that may be forged (no pun intended-LOL). Brigid’s Light: Tending the Ancestral Flame of the Beloved Celtic Goddess has photos and illustrations thoughtfully placed throughout; some are pictures of the writers’ ancestors, mothers and grandmothers. Each of the writings is poignant in its telling and offers a deeply personal perspective of the blessings of Brigid and the impact of her presence on the many she has touched.
One of the many writings that called to me was “Brigid of the Stars” by contributor Maria Jones:
“Through Brigid’s gift of astrology. We are able to uncover how we may best be of service to her, and to humanity itself, as we move through these times of change. Within the twelve archetypes, or houses, of the zodiac, we see the many faces of Brigid reflected back at us…” ²
Ms. Jones moves through each of the Houses and their signs of the Zodiac and provides her interpretation of Brigid’s energies through each. Using the reader’s natal birth chart’s information of Sun, Moon and Ascendant zodiacal signs the reader gains insight into how to use the various gifts of Brigid as expressed through the lens of the Zodiac. In my case, Aquarius (Sun), Scorpio (Moon) and Gemini (Ascendant) were the signs of focus and I am looking forward to using my newly gained information in adding another layer to my spiritual practice. Oh, and did I mention that my birthday is on Imbolc?
I also enjoyed “Walking Brigid’s Path – A Tarot Spread,” contributed by Nancy Hendrickson…
“Walking Brigid’s Path is a tarot spread that creates a connection between you and the many faces of the goddess. Whoever appears in your spread is the Brigid you are most called to work with at this time…” ³
The spread is crafted with seven (7) cards and aligns with: Fire (Spirit), Healer (Spirit), Warrior (Spirit), Craft, Gift, Path and Blessing. This was a wonderful way to connect with Deity and although it was designed for the goddess, Brigid, it could equally be used for other Deities. There is so much packed into this title that at its ending the reader feels as though they have journeyed to Ireland, stood at Brigid’s well, felt her eternal presence and been enfolded in the arms of warrior, healer, creatrix and the many epithets that grace Brigid’s devotion.
Would I Recommend:
Brigid’s Light: Tending the Ancestral Flame of the Beloved Celtic Goddess is a title that can serve equally as introduction to Brigid and devotional for those to dive deeply into for those who work with Her changing faces. With 73 writings, there is something that everyone, regardless of deity affiliation can find inspiration from. This is a title I will be returning to frequently.
1. From the Publisher
2. Pg. 23
3. Pg. 75
About the editors: Cairelle Crow and Laura Louella
Cairelle Crow has walked a goddess path for more than thirty years, exploring, learning, and growing. She is a priestess, genealogist, wanderess of wild and holy places, and co-foundress of the Sanctuary of Brigid and its flame-keeping circle, Sisters of the Flame. She lectures locally, nationally, and internationally on the blending of genealogy with magic and, through her company Sacred Roots, is dedicated to connecting magical people to their ancestral truths. When she’s not roaming the world in search of grandmothers, quirky art, and stone circles, Cairelle is home in New Orleans, where she lives joyfully, loves intensely, and laughs frequently with beloved family and friends. You can find her online at
Laura Louella is a priestess, certified Pilates instructor committed to teaching the strength that lies within, and the owner of Goddess Pilates, where she blends the art of sacred movement with the beauty of the goddess. She is also the co-foundress of the Sanctuary of Brigid and its flame-keeping circle, Sisters of the Flame. Many days, you can find her tending her garden, taking long walks through the forest, sitting by the river, or creating a quilt on her 1936 Featherweight Singer sewing machine. Laura lives in the Cascade Mountains of northern California.
Brigid’s Light: Tending the Ancestral Flame of the Beloved Celtic Goddess
About the author:
Robin Fennelly is an Elder within The Assembly of the Sacred Wheel Tradition and serves as High Priestess of Coven of the Mystic Path, the 12th Coven within the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel Tradition. She teaches and facilitates classes for the Pagan Experience Study Group that serves as foundation for membership within Coven of the Mystic Path.
Her spiritual journey is strongly rooted in both Eastern philosophy and the Western Magickal systems from which she has formed a core foundation that is diverse in knowledge and rich in spiritual practice. A life-long learner, her practice has evolved from the classical and philosophical teachings of books, practical experience and enrichment of this knowledge base by attending workshops of various spiritual traditions presented by master teachers.
Robin formally came to the Wiccan path in 1994. Following a practice as a solitary for 2 years, she dedicated to Oak and Willow Coven of The Assembly of the Sacred Wheel Tradition in November of 1996. She received her 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th (Elder) degrees within the Assembly Tradition and has served as High Priestess of two ASW covens since Samhain of 2001 and the Winter Solstice of 2015.
As a teacher of esoteric and magickal studies she uses Energetic Anatomy, Tarot, Astrology, Hermetic Qabala, Eastern Philosophy, and Numerology as the foundations of her diverse selection of workshops and writings for more than 25 years. Exploration of varied energetic protocol has been the focus of her work for some time now and the information gained through direct experience informs all of her magickal and spiritual work.
Robin’s writings have been featured online, and in print Internationally. She has authored several books incorporating her unique style of writing making use of poetry, prose and pathworking to enhance the concepts presented. She has taught extensively throughout the Pagan community, including Sacred Space Conference, Spring Magick, Between the Worlds Interfaith Conference and Free Spirit Gathering Festival. Her most recent projects include a channel on youtube: A Journey to the Inner Chamber. She also shares audio pathworkings and ritual on her bandcamp site: Teachings on the Path with Robin.
Robin is the owner of Holistic Embrace providing services for mind, body and spirit such as Tarot readings, Astrology reports, Spiritual Guidance and other related offerings. She lives in Eastern Pennsylvania and her life is blessed by a 40+- year marriage, five children and the opportunity to work in the field of public education.
Robin’s Website:
Coven of the Mystic Path, ASW:
Her books can be found on Amazon or purchased directly through her website:
For more info:
The Inner Chamber, Vol. 1 It’s Written in the Stars-Astrology
The Inner Chamber, Vol. 2 Poetry of the Spheres-Qabalah
The Inner Chamber, Vol. 3 Awakening the Paths-Qabalah
The Light of SELF: Consciousness, Spiritual Practice and Learning to Breathe
Magickal Verse: A Collection of Poetry and Prose
A Year of Gaia: The Eternal Cord
The Elemental Year: Aligning the Elements of SELF
Temple of the Sun and Moon: Luminous Devotions
Sleeping with the Goddess: Nights of Devotion
A Weekly Reflection: Musings for the Year
The Magickal Pen: A Collection of Esoteric Writings
The Enchanted Gate: Musings on the Magick of the Natural World
The Temple of the Sun: An Astrological Solar Year
Writings in the Shadow: An Exploration of the Shadow Nature