• Reviews

    Book Review- Tarot For The Hard Work: An Archetypal Journey To Confront Racism and Inspire Collective Healing by Maria Minnis

      When I was offered a chance to review this book I knew I had to take it. As someone with a serious love of all things tarot and step mother two three beautiful mixed children who have already expressed feeling the weight of the learned societal beliefs that are so prevalent in the world today, I saw this as an opportunity to learn more about both. Having taken over a month to break down this book and all the work I did based on what I learned, I think this is a must read book for all new practitioners with an interest in tarot and shadow work. The activities in…

  • Reviews

    Cat Magick Weekly Planner By: Rieka Moonsong

    This hardcover book is sturdy and handsome with a silvery elastic to keep it closed and a built in, deep blue, satin ribbon bookmark to indicate where you left off. 18 full-month calendar spreads with no set dates…you you can use it immediately and don’t have wasted space and sheets from past dates. There is plenty of space to write and it it is conveniently sized for carrying in a book bag, briefcase, or purse. The illustrations are a pure delight for any cat lover and the lore and spellwork are well researched and no nonsense. I especially liked the in-depth descriptions of feline energy, elements, planetary companions, and folklore.…

  • Reviews

    Book Review- The HooDoo Tarot Workbook By- Tayannah Lee McQuillar

    As someone who was born with a natural curiosity and drive to learn all there is to learn about everything, I absolutely love when a writer gives background and insight into the subject they are discussing; so it was only natural that I devoured every word of The HooDoo Tarot Workbook by Tayannah Lee Miller. The author does a fantastic job of not only explaining The HooDoo Tarot Deck, but also giving some insight and personal knowledge on the topics. This is a fantastic way to learn more about HooDoo even if you aren’t looking to learn a new deck. Her explanations about each person, plant, and card come from…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Mama, What’s a Witch? by Nico B. Paradis

    Book Review Mama, What’s a Witch? by Nico B. Paradis Illustrated by Naya Kirichenko Publisher: Luminare Press 24 Pages Release Date: June 23, 2021       “Mama, What’s a Witch? Empowers potential witches with the best kinds of Magick: love and belief in oneself.” – Amazon.com I am absolutely thrilled to write this book review. There is so much to love about this book as a mother and a witch. My three children who are elementary and middle school aged love this book as much as I do. It immediately became a family favorite. Our story begins with a child asking “Mama, what’s a witch?” Mama then begins to…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Mindful Homes: Create healing living spaces with mindfulness and feng shui by Anjie Cho

    Book Review Mindful Homes: Create healing living spaces with mindfulness and feng shui by Anjie Cho Publisher: Cico Books 144 Pages Release Date: April 11, 2023         This is Anjie’s second book, the first one being Holistic Spaces, which was written a full decade after her introduction to meditation and Feng Shui. In the book Mindful Homes, Anjie introduces herself and speaks to her personal journey and how she sees the connection between mindfulness and feng shui. The energy flow or chi is explained, and how it impacts the spaces we occupy. Mindfulness and how we can create calm within our bodies, and how our physical space…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Herbana Witch: A Year in the Forest by Cecilia Lattari

    Book Review Herbana Witch: A Year in the Forest by Cecilia Lattari Publisher: Red Wheel 144 Pages Release Date: September 11, 2023       “The Herbana witch is a green witch who uses the power of nature and the wisdom of the forest and who has a deep understanding of herbs, barks, mushrooms, roots, flowers and woodland plants.” — Amazon “She is an earth witch, just as the wise women of the past were.” — C. Lattari “She keeps jars full of harvested and dried herbs in an ever-plentiful pantry, including coffee beans ready to be ground and sunflower seeds for bread dough in the spring.” — C. Lattari…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Psychic Skills for Magic & Witchcraft: Developing Your Spirit, Intuition, & Clairvoyance by Cat Gina Cole

    Book Review Psychic Skills for Magic & Witchcraft: Developing Your Spirit, Intuition, & Clairvoyance By Cat Gina Cole Publisher: Llewellyn Publications 232 pages Publication Date: February 8, 2022         “Psychic Skills for Magic & Witchcraft” guides readers to develop intuitive abilities, something many may not realize is possible. The book begins with an introduction to beliefs, a glossary of terms, and exercises to master the fundamental tools required at all levels of psychism. Meditation, imagination, and the effects of social conditioning are explained. Pathworking, remote viewing, psychometry, manifesting, and letting go are among the skills covered. In Chapter 5, readers are given exercises to advance such skills…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Nature Devotional: Eco-Spiritual Reflections, Meditations and Affirmations by Rebecca Reitz

    Book Review Nature Devotional: Eco-Spiritual Reflections, Meditations and Affirmations by Rebecca Reitz Publisher: Leaping Hare Press 144 Pages Release Date: August 8, 2023       “Be empowered by eco-spirituality with the gorgeously illustrated devotional dedicated to celebrating and respecting nature’s wisdom.” — Amazon As I read and re-read the introduction, I knew that this author understood connection and friendship with the Earth. “But I found that in the most stressful moments, the ones where you feel like you might break – the Earth is the most massive ally and friend you can turn to.” This spoke volumes to me of her personal journey to connect, communicate and understand the…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Listen to the Universe: A Beginner’s Guide to Synchronicity by Anne-Sophie Casper

    Book Review Listen to the Universe: A Beginner’s Guide to Synchronicity by Anne-Sophie Casper Publisher: David & Charles 144 Pages Release Date: May 16, 2023       The author discusses the principles of synchronicity from a personal and experiential standpoint as well as discussing the work of Carl Gustav Jung (analytical psychologist) and Wolfgang Ernst Pauli (Physicist and mathematician) regarding synchronicity. Along with understanding the term synchronicity, the author defines and explains the terms of chance, coincidence, miracle, luck and magic. Her book discusses: Discovering Synchronicity What is Synchronicity? Origins and Manifestations Understanding Synchronicity Synchronicity and You Limiting Beliefs and False Ideas About Synchronicity A Day Living in Synchronicity…

  • Interviews,  Reviews

    Book Review & Interview – Green Witchcraft: Discover how to use Herbs, Flowers, Woods, Crystals, and Essential Oils to Naturally Heal, Increase Abundance, and Align Yourself with the Magic of Mother Earth by Madeline Silvy

    Book Review Green Witchcraft: Discover How to use Herbs, Flowers, Woods, Crystals, and Essential Oils to Naturally Heal, Increase Abundance, and Align Yourself with the Magic of Mother Earth by Madeline Silvy Publisher: Self-Published 233 Pages Release Date: September 12, 2023       Some books feel like a conversation and visit from an old friend, one that you enjoy very much. Green Witchcraft by Madeline Silvy brought the comfort and companionship of sisterhood to my heart and home. Being brought up in a family of all men, it took me a while to discover the beauty and truth spoken, Women need Women. Green Witchcraft delivered the fulfillment of that…