
Book Review – Listen to the Universe: A Beginner’s Guide to Synchronicity by Anne-Sophie Casper

Book Review

Listen to the Universe:
A Beginner’s Guide to Synchronicity

by Anne-Sophie Casper

Publisher: David & Charles

144 Pages

Release Date: May 16, 2023




The author discusses the principles of synchronicity from a personal and experiential standpoint as well as discussing the work of Carl Gustav Jung (analytical psychologist) and Wolfgang Ernst Pauli (Physicist and mathematician) regarding synchronicity. Along with understanding the term synchronicity, the author defines and explains the terms of chance, coincidence, miracle, luck and magic.

  • Her book discusses:
  • Discovering Synchronicity
  • What is Synchronicity?
  • Origins and Manifestations
  • Understanding Synchronicity
  • Synchronicity and You
  • Limiting Beliefs and False Ideas About Synchronicity
  • A Day Living in Synchronicity

“Synchronic events are beautiful gifts from the Universe, experienced when they first appear as genuine small miracles, because they are not rational, intelligible or explicable.”

Understanding Synchronicity section of the book is to further foster understanding of synchronicity. There are four mini-quizzes in this section. Each quiz has a series of questions. You are invited to read them and check off the statements that you agree with, then add the total number of agreements across the four quizzes for a result.

Mini Quizzes cover:

  1. My state of mind
  2. My equilibrium and my needs
  3. My emotions
  4. My relationship with the paranormal

After the quiz, the author gives her recommendations on where you stand on tackling a full 24 hours of synchronies living based on this quiz. This includes cultivating an open state of mind, meeting your needs and finding your equilibrium, welcoming and managing your emotions, and opening to the paranormal.

“Behind every behavior, every utterance and every word, there hides a reason – and even if you do not share that reason, accept that it has the right to exist.”

Developing your observation skills and the power of positivity is something the author encourages the reader to do in their preparation for change. Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is referenced as a tool to assist you in identifying your needs so you can understand how to prioritize them.

Casper offers an interesting take on journaling. She recommends that you have two different journals, one black, the other pink. The black one is your “bad mood book” and the pink is your “good mood book.” Within the black book write down everything that you find negative – then never read it again. The pink book is for your happiness and to be reread as often as you would like.

“Emotion is an energy. If you try and repress it, this energy will express itself in physical form and will have a direct impact on your physical health.”

A section on how to live in synchronicity through 24 hours. Included are ‘anchoring alternatives to meditation”, a senses test, 15 ways to increase your vibratory rate, Developing and training the 6th sense, mirror hours and numerology (i.e. 11:11), animal symbolism, Gratitude, Intention, and Law of Attraction.

A Day Living in Synchronicity is divided into:
07:00 The Morning: Appreciating Synchronicity
12:00 Lunchtime: Observing Synchronicity
17:00 Teatime: Deepening Synchronicity
20:00 The Evening: Interpreting Synchronicity
23:00 The Night: Attracting Synchronicity To You

I was completely uncertain how I was going to feel about this book. Curiosity is what drove me to read a book on Synchronicity. Examining the Table of Contents made me realize that this was a more scientifically researched book than I first thought. The mix between scientific background, personal experiences and the author’s template for expanding yourself to live a life filled with synchronicity makes for a delightful, thoughtful and engaging read. She sprinkles personal stories and humor with scientific fact, observations and stories. I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in Law of Attraction, Course in Miracles, Mindful Living and self-growth.

Note: Dr. Carl Jung is frequently referenced in this book. I only mention this for those that have strong opinions about Jung, because this will most likely impact your opinion of the book.

Blessed Be,


About the Author 

Anne-Sophie Casper is a Reiki master, teacher, licensed massage therapist, certified coach, energy specialist, the author of oracles as well as personal growth and well-being books, and host of conferences, training sessions, and a radio column on self-development.



Listen to the Universe on Amazon



About the Author:

Irisa MacKenzie joined in 2022 writing the Mindful Living: A Connection of Body, Mind and Spirit column and book reviews. Irisa has taught meditation and mindfulness for 25 years. Her blog continues her discussions on mindfulness, meditation and living a purpose driven life. Follow @sassyvikingmama on Instagram to see how mindfulness and the Craft coexist with modern living, learning to homestead, kitchen shenanigans and homeschooling.

Viking Woman Creations has eclectic creations for authentic self-expression. Our holistic services support meditation and mindfulness practices plus the magic that support our body, mind and spirit connection to the Universe. Viking Woman Creations is a small woman owned new business that will be growing over the coming years. Please look for us on Instagram and Facebook.