Review: Breath Practice Cards
Breath Practice Cards are 50 breathwork meditations for mind, body and self by Rebecca Moore. These cards are a beautiful resource for anyone wanting to incorporate or expand their knowledge of breathwork into their self care. The 50 cards are organized into the following categories: Focus (grounding and centering)Relax (calming and restorative)Elevate (energizing and uplifting)Release (cleansing and clearing)Connect (harmonizing and meditative) The categories are color coded. Each card has the name of the technique, description of practice and a tip for optimal success of this technique. The front of each card has its name and a lovely illustration. These techniques have been used by myself and my family. The cards…
Create a Mindful Life to Know Thyself
The wheel of the year turns to Yule or Winter Solstice. In the Northern United States, we have watched the leaves fall, our daylight grow shorter while our nights have grown longer. Frost has covered the ground and remaining leaves. We may or may not have had snow and ice. But we have the return of darkness and the natural introspection that comes with this time of the year. Our ancestors would gather around fires and practice rites and rituals to encourage the rebirth of the Sun and the return of longer days. We can connect with our ancestral wisdom by honoring the old practices. Turning off the lights and…
Book Review – Mama, What’s a Witch? by Nico B. Paradis
Book Review Mama, What’s a Witch? by Nico B. Paradis Illustrated by Naya Kirichenko Publisher: Luminare Press 24 Pages Release Date: June 23, 2021 “Mama, What’s a Witch? Empowers potential witches with the best kinds of Magick: love and belief in oneself.” – Amazon.com I am absolutely thrilled to write this book review. There is so much to love about this book as a mother and a witch. My three children who are elementary and middle school aged love this book as much as I do. It immediately became a family favorite. Our story begins with a child asking “Mama, what’s a witch?” Mama then begins to…
Book Review – Herbana Witch: A Year in the Forest by Cecilia Lattari
Book Review Herbana Witch: A Year in the Forest by Cecilia Lattari Publisher: Red Wheel 144 Pages Release Date: September 11, 2023 “The Herbana witch is a green witch who uses the power of nature and the wisdom of the forest and who has a deep understanding of herbs, barks, mushrooms, roots, flowers and woodland plants.” — Amazon “She is an earth witch, just as the wise women of the past were.” — C. Lattari “She keeps jars full of harvested and dried herbs in an ever-plentiful pantry, including coffee beans ready to be ground and sunflower seeds for bread dough in the spring.” — C. Lattari…
Book Review – Nature Devotional: Eco-Spiritual Reflections, Meditations and Affirmations by Rebecca Reitz
Book Review Nature Devotional: Eco-Spiritual Reflections, Meditations and Affirmations by Rebecca Reitz Publisher: Leaping Hare Press 144 Pages Release Date: August 8, 2023 “Be empowered by eco-spirituality with the gorgeously illustrated devotional dedicated to celebrating and respecting nature’s wisdom.” — Amazon As I read and re-read the introduction, I knew that this author understood connection and friendship with the Earth. “But I found that in the most stressful moments, the ones where you feel like you might break – the Earth is the most massive ally and friend you can turn to.” This spoke volumes to me of her personal journey to connect, communicate and understand the…
Book Review – Listen to the Universe: A Beginner’s Guide to Synchronicity by Anne-Sophie Casper
Book Review Listen to the Universe: A Beginner’s Guide to Synchronicity by Anne-Sophie Casper Publisher: David & Charles 144 Pages Release Date: May 16, 2023 The author discusses the principles of synchronicity from a personal and experiential standpoint as well as discussing the work of Carl Gustav Jung (analytical psychologist) and Wolfgang Ernst Pauli (Physicist and mathematician) regarding synchronicity. Along with understanding the term synchronicity, the author defines and explains the terms of chance, coincidence, miracle, luck and magic. Her book discusses: Discovering Synchronicity What is Synchronicity? Origins and Manifestations Understanding Synchronicity Synchronicity and You Limiting Beliefs and False Ideas About Synchronicity A Day Living in Synchronicity…
Book Review – You Have the Magic 2024 Calendar & Day Planner by Viki Lester
Book Review You Have the Magic 2024 Calendar & Day Planner by Viki Lester Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing 24 Pages Release Date: August 1, 2023 “Dark Academia meets whimsy-gothic. Both affirming and Beautiful, You Have the Magic will make the entire year enchanting.” — Amazon The front of the wall calendar is black with flowers, moths, moons and hands. A lovely depiction of cycles and magic. The opening page has the months of September, October, November and December 2023 in a smaller usable blank dated grid format. “You Control Your Own Universe” (Opening affirmation) Each month features artwork on a black background with an affirmation. The calendar…
Mindful Living: A Connection of Mind, Body and Spirit
The wheel of the year turns to Samhain. Days are cooler, nights cooler still. What leaves are left are either evergreens or late fall colors. The smell of coolness and decaying earth sits on the breeze signaling a change in weather and pace of living. Cooler days seem to signal our bodies and minds to go at a slower pace, yet modern times have fall and Winter busier times of the year. Mindful living doesn’t have to be complicated. It is about being aware of the moments you are in and connecting to your authentic self. When you are connected to yourself then you can create a life that you…
Book Review – The Magic of Seeds: The Nature-Lover’s Guide to Growing Garden Flowers and Herbs from Seeds by Clare Gogerty
Book Review The Magic of Seeds: The Nature-Lover’s Guide to Growing Garden Flowers and Herbs from Seeds by Clare Gogerty Publisher: David & Charles 144 Pages Release Date: March 23, 2023 This book was an absolute joy to read. I highly recommend this book to anyone with an interest in herbs. The illustrations and colors are lovely. Information is concise. A balance between informative, practical, magical, historical and folklore. This is a great reference for those wishing to expand culinary, magical and gardening knowledge. One of my favorite illustrations shows you what to sow during what part of the year. Many of us mistakenly think of Spring…
Book Review – Sacred Actions Journal: A Wheel of the Year for Sustainable and Spiritual Practices by Dana O’Driscoll
Book Review Sacred Actions Journal: A Wheel of the Year Journal for Sustainable and Spiritual Practices by Dana O’Driscoll Publisher: REDFeather 200 Pages Release Date: January 24, 2023 The Sacred Actions Journal is an excellent resource for anyone seeking to deepen their connection with nature, explore sustainable living practices, and cultivate a more meaningful spiritual practice. – Amazon.com Sacred Actions Journal is organized by the Wheel of the Year. Each turn of the wheel has a focal point for deepening your spiritual practice, relationships and self-knowledge. After the introduction the journal is divided into 8 sections for the wheel of the Year and a conclusion. Content…