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Review: Breath Practice Cards

Breath Practice Cards are 50 breathwork meditations for mind, body and self by Rebecca Moore. These cards are a beautiful resource for anyone wanting to incorporate or expand their knowledge of breathwork into their self care.

The 50 cards are organized into the following categories:
Focus (grounding and centering)
Relax (calming and restorative)
Elevate (energizing and uplifting)
Release (cleansing and clearing)
Connect (harmonizing and meditative)

The categories are color coded. Each card has the name of the technique, description of practice and a tip for optimal success of this technique. The front of each card has its name and a lovely illustration.

These techniques have been used by myself and my family. The cards are great to throw into your daily go bag and have on hand if anyone suffers from anxiety, sensory issues, etc. Each technique is easy to understand an apply. My elementary school age children have been able to follow the instructions with ease.

I highly recommend these cards for anyone wanting to learn new techniques to regulate their systems.

Irisa MacKenzie

Irisa MacKenzie

Irisa began her journey into holistic living 30 years ago. This lifelong journey has included the study of Meditation, mindfulness, breath work, reiki and varied spiritual practices. Alongside the study of scents, herbs and nutrition on the mind, body, and spirit. Overall, this journey has led to a deeper connection with self and the environment in which we live.

Viking Woman Creations was founded in 2021. Our purpose is to be inspired by and work with nature to create products that nurture you and your home. We have an array of Hand Crafted items: Beard Oils, Personal Scent Oils, Hand Salves, Bath Salts and Hand Soaps. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.