• Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Book Review-The Language of Lenormand By- Erika Robinson

    As someone fascinated with divination when offered the chance to read a book I haven’t heard of about divination I was excited, but at the same time I was sceptical. I find most “How To Read Tarot” books are either very specific with what each card means or ridiculously vague. It’s hard to get a feel of your own for the cards. I was happily surprised when reading Erika Robinson’s book. The author, Erika Robinson, does a fantastic job of focusing on how to read the cards in conjunction with each other, better than any how to book I’ve read. Reading about how the cards change as they, in her…

  • Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Review: Breath Practice Cards

    Breath Practice Cards are 50 breathwork meditations for mind, body and self by Rebecca Moore. These cards are a beautiful resource for anyone wanting to incorporate or expand their knowledge of breathwork into their self care. The 50 cards are organized into the following categories: Focus (grounding and centering)Relax (calming and restorative)Elevate (energizing and uplifting)Release (cleansing and clearing)Connect (harmonizing and meditative) The categories are color coded. Each card has the name of the technique, description of practice and a tip for optimal success of this technique. The front of each card has its name and a lovely illustration. These techniques have been used by myself and my family. The cards…

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    Notes From the Apothecary: Caraway

    Spring is in full swing for many in the northern hemisphere, yet we’re still weeks or even months away from having fruits and seeds to store. That’s why this is the season when many magical and medical herbalists reach for their store cupboards and the trusty dried herbs, fruits, seeds, and spices at their disposal. With that exact goal in mind, I’ve picked out one of my favourite cupboard spices for this issue of Notes from the Apothecary: Caraway, or Carum carvi. The Kitchen Garden Caraway, a member of the carrot family Apiaceae, is a biennial herb. This means it has a two-year growing cycle, and will often only seed…

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    Learning Lunar: Moon Magic and Mystery

    The Last Quarter Moon The last quarter or third quarter of the moon is the beginning of the end; the final phase before waning all the way to the new moon. In different traditions, it can mean letting go, allowing things to diminish, or even feeling energy diminish within yourself. It can also be the gentle illumination needed for certain types of inner workings, or the reminder that shadow work is an essential aspect of growth, for many. What Does Last Quarter Mean? The moon’s quarter refers to how far along in the cycle of the moon we are. It’s not a reference to shape, as both the first quarter…

  • Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Wishcraft Oracle Review

    Wishcraft Oracle  By Stacey Demarco Illustrated by Eliabeth Trethoff Published by Rockpool Publishing Published date November 1st 2023 There are 30 cards included and a 41 page booklet. Believe in the power of wishcraft. This is a very unique and inspiring deck. Everyone at one point of their lives have made wishes like when blowing out candles on their birthday cakes, blowing on dandelion seeds or even a shooting star. Oh these pictures on each card is absolutely beautiful. I have so many different oracle decks and honestly this is now one of my favorites. The images are magickal and breathtaking. Here are a few of the cards. They range…

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    #172 – The Samhain Issue

    The Veil Thins for Samhain We’ve got a lot of great articles for you in this issue, dear readers! We’ve got poetry, correspondences, astrology, ritual, and much more to help you prepare for your deathly Sabbat… In Book Reviews: The Witches of Culross The Magic of Seeds Spell Jars for the Modern Witch The Unofficial Wednesday Cookbook Legend of the Deer Woman The Witch’s Yearbook   — and more! In This Month’s Articles: Samhain Correspondences In the Kitchen with Skarlett Witch Hunt The Halloweenification of Black Cats And much more!!

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    #171 – The Mabon Issue

    Enter Mabon! We’ve got a lot of great articles for you in this issue, dear readers! We’ve got poetry, correspondences, astrology, ritual, and much more to get your fall equinox harvest festival ready… In Book Reviews: Fourth Wing, Sacred Actions Journal, The Magic of Cats, Storyland, Finding the Fool, Wiccan Teas & Brews, Meeting the Shadow on the Spiritual Path, Curse and Cure  — and more! In This Month’s Articles: Mabon & Autumn Equinox Correspondences As Above, So Below Poem: Summer’s Last Hurrah And much more!! Introducing: In the Kitchen with Skarlett

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    As Above, So Below (How the Stars Became Our Hearts)

    Duality: Harvest Blessings     Blessed be the shores of Acheron, Blessed be the coming of the dawn. Blessed be the buds of spring And the bees that gather on.   Blessed be the pure and true. Blessed be the morning dew  Blessed be the pink and green. Blessed be the blue.     Blessed be the heat and sweat. Blessed be the sun. Blessed be the steamy wet. Blessed be the fun.   Blessed are the bees, As they toil to me the honey. And blessed are we. As we toil to make the money.     Blessed be the fires burning. Blessed be the year of turning. Blessed…

  • Monthly Columns,  Uncategorized

    Weyland’s Whey – That Old Familiar Feeling

    Count Them Blessings   I got COVID.  She didn’t.    Are we old?  Not yet!   We love our fur kids!   Our dog’s name is Delinquent….   ….she livers up to it.   Delinquent barks at everything.  One night she warned us of an intruder at our door.   Coffee is awesome!    Wicca is a great comfort.    ** About the Author: Weyland Smith is an eclectic solitaire wytch.  He lives in New Jersey with his girlfriend Sparkle, their two feline familiars and a dog named Delinquent.  Weyland’s interests include writing, crystals and web weaving.  Wey is also a firm believer in reincarnation—in a previous life he was…

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    #170 – The Lughnasadh Issue

    Welcome Lughnasadh! We’ve got a lot of great articles for you in this issue, dear readers! We’ve got poetry, correspondences, astrology, ritual, and much more to get your summer harvest festival growing… In Book Reviews: Celtic Tree Mysteries, Crystal Basics, Spirit Speaker, The Evil Eye, Wyldwood, The Backyard Witch  — and more! In This Month’s Articles: Interview with “I Affirm My Power” Author Phoebe Garnsworthy Finding Inspiration When You’re Overwhelmed Notes from the Apothecary: all about Anemones! Introducing: Advice from Magic Myrtle Brand new webcomic An’ It Charm None Getting eye strain from the background? Just click on the Moon/Sun switch in the menu to turn on night mode and…