• Reviews

    Book Review – Walking with the Seasons: The wonder of being in step with nature by Alice Peck

    Book Review Walking with the Seasons: The wonder of being in step with nature by Alice Peck Publisher: CICO Books 128 Pages Release Date: February 13, 2024         Walking with the Seasons explores the habit of a ritualized daily walk as a way to stay in touch and build your relationship with nature throughout the year. The book is divided into four chapters corresponding to the four seasons, and each chapter deals with several different topics appropriate to that season, dedicating a couple of pages to each one. It’s a very well-designed book, with tons of full-color photos and graphics to illustrate the beauty of each season.…

  • Monthly Columns

    The Modern Merlin’s Corner: What’s in a name? The Power and Magick Behind Names

    Names are some of the fundamental words we learn when we’re being taught how to speak any language. Every thing has a name. Every place has a name. Every one has a name. Place names, surnames and first names, middle names, magickal names are just some examples we see everyday, Pagan or not. In magick, both ancient and modern, it’s a pretty well accepted fact that having a spirit (or person’s) name, gives power over them. Examples of this are abundant in the Medieval Grimoire tradition, especially in works like The Goetia and other well-known grimoires. Knowing a deity’s name doesn’t give you power over them, but it does help you connect to their current of energy, and…

  • Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Review: Breath Practice Cards

    Breath Practice Cards are 50 breathwork meditations for mind, body and self by Rebecca Moore. These cards are a beautiful resource for anyone wanting to incorporate or expand their knowledge of breathwork into their self care. The 50 cards are organized into the following categories: Focus (grounding and centering)Relax (calming and restorative)Elevate (energizing and uplifting)Release (cleansing and clearing)Connect (harmonizing and meditative) The categories are color coded. Each card has the name of the technique, description of practice and a tip for optimal success of this technique. The front of each card has its name and a lovely illustration. These techniques have been used by myself and my family. The cards…

  • Monthly Columns

    Communing with the Essence

    The Layers of Awareness and Our Essence Coherence —   Communing with the Essence requires telling the truth. We must move with and through the layers of thinking, feeling, experiencing, believing, and perceiving in order to naturally and organically arrive at deeper states of awareness. We feel weight to feel weightless. We feel held to feel free. We feel alone to feel closeness. We sense the noise to sense silence. We become present to our life to feel present with others. Our Spirit embodies as a mortal human to know its immortality. We feel lack to feel full. We feel abundant to feel what’s missing. We forget to remember. To…

  • Monthly Columns

    Pagan Prompts no. 3: Coping with Overwhelm

    PROMPT: How do you cope with overwhelm? Are you good at it, and do you have strategies for it? Do you see it coming, or feel like you are hit by it unexpectedly? Is it related to burnout, or something you can prepare for better in the more relaxed times? When you do find yourself overwhelmed, do you turn to your Craft to help? Or does it demotivate you from practicing altogether? by it? I hope those questions aren’t overwhelming in and of themselves… but these are important factors to consider. Often, overwhelm creeps up on us before we notice it. Being able to take a step back and look…

  • Monthly Columns

    Mindful Living: A Connection of Mind, Body and Spirit

    The wheel of the year turns to Samhain. Days are cooler, nights cooler still. What leaves are left are either evergreens or late fall colors. The smell of coolness and decaying earth sits on the breeze signaling a change in weather and pace of living. Cooler days seem to signal our bodies and minds to go at a slower pace, yet modern times have fall and Winter busier times of the year. Mindful living doesn’t have to be complicated. It is about being aware of the moments you are in and connecting to your authentic self. When you are connected to yourself then you can create a life that you…

  • Monthly Columns

    Communing with the Essence

    Gaia’s Creation Story of You —   Lately I’ve been pondering the idea of what I used to believe was a “masculine” God up in the heavens out of my awareness of ordinary and earthly reality. I am now considering God might be deeply feminine or androgynous and the Essence of Earth otherwise known as Gaia. This view of God of course is very much within our scope of awareness and perceived reality as Earthlings and not “out there”, somewhere inconceivable. I realize this is not a new thought and not solely mine, however it feels like a huge epiphany for my embodied perception. If what I was taught to…

  • Monthly Columns

    Communing with the Essence

    Cellular Communication —   Our sensitivity provides us with a great gift. A gift of incredible sight that far exceeds our eyes. We see through our flesh, auric field, and biological, ancestral, and spiritual connection to the universal field of consciousness. In this web of Life there is infinite intelligence and we as humans are inherently plugged in. It’s through our biological birthright that our sensitivity gets restored and we find our rightful place as living Beings with our planet Earth, Galactic Milky Way, and beyond. Like a seed, it is my understanding that we grow deep into the Dark Rich Soil of the Earth to grow above and beyond…

  • Monthly Columns

    Mindful Living: A Connection of Mind, Body and Spirit

    The Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon, will fall on September 23, 2023. It is the end of the harvest season and a time to reflect on what we have grown and gathered during this turn of the wheel or reap what you have sown. Because it is an equinox, it is also time to examine balance in your life. Balance is not something we achieve once and remains a constant. Our lives are fluid so the balance of the season of our life must be fluid. Many of us approach balance as something to be achieved and then it is completed. Balance is to be constantly reexamined because our…

  • Monthly Columns

    Mindful Living: A Connection of Mind, Body and Spirit

    The Wheel turns towards Lughnasadh (August 1st) and in the United States the Midwest is in the height of Summer. Vacations and day trips are scheduled to make one more summer memory before the grind of school and school related activities becomes the primary focus of many for the bulk of the year. Gentle buds and blossoms have given way to the hearty heat loving plants and flowers. Solace can be found under shade trees, in creeks, pools and water parks. Those who live in accordance with nature often split their days to rise early to work outside then afternoon rest and work later in the day as the heat…