Monthly Columns

Communing with the Essence

Gaia’s Creation Story of You —


Lately I’ve been pondering the idea of what I used to believe was a “masculine” God up in the heavens out of my awareness of ordinary and earthly reality. I am now considering God might be deeply feminine or androgynous and the Essence of Earth otherwise known as Gaia. This view of God of course is very much within our scope of awareness and perceived reality as Earthlings and not “out there”, somewhere inconceivable. I realize this is not a new thought and not solely mine, however it feels like a huge epiphany for my embodied perception. If what I was taught to believe as a new born baby growing through childhood and innocence was to put my devotion, faith, and destination in an abstract source, far away from me and where I live, then it leads one to expect and believe that the child would grow up feeling, believing, and behaving like she/he is disconnected, separate, and abandoned by their Creator and/or Father. The other belief, that God is the Earth which is our Home and our Source for all of Life; water, air, soil, trees, minerals, elements, chemical compounds, nutrition, shelter, natural resources… literally the source of everything then that belief leads to connection, belonging, being wanted, worthy, chosen, and loved. One belief feels like a manipulative test and a punishment. The other feels like a gift. Perhaps the ultimate gift of Love.

You might be wondering what this concept has to do with Communing with the Essence. For me the connecting piece has to be felt and not just written or explained.

If it’s safe to do so and you can go on a short meditative journey then get yourself comfortable so you can close your eyes. As you are letting go of the outside world of form and distractions, allow yourself to relax into your resting body, feeling the chair, couch or floor beneath you.

Allowing your body to surrender to the support and feeling of touch, the surface you are resting on is holding you so you can let go a little more. Soften, relax and let go. Embrace the darkness, the vast black and seemingly empty spaciousness. Like a clean slate or blank canvas the world as you once knew it dissolves and disappears into the Void of Infinite Possibility. Surrender and relax. Expand your energy field to include more of the darkness. Become the black dark spaciousness. Relax and let go.

Imagine you are forming inside a loving womb, from an egg to an embryo to a fetus to a human baby. This is a loving and safe womb. 

Your consciousness is aware of a baby being made in the dark loving womb of creation. Soon you will be born from the dark womb to the light of day. Soon you will be born to grow and have an Earthly experience, no longer underground or in the unseen realm of creation, like the seeds and mycelium roots of plants and fungi, but a human living above ground and growing like the animals, mushrooms, trees, and plants. You are sprouting. You are forming and becoming something new. Imagine it is time for birth now and you start to feel some pressure squeezing you. You start to see the light. You start to descend. You and the watery amniotic fluid, like a gushing tidal wave, launch you in your fresh and brand new body, into the loving hands of your beloved parent. The shock of the transformation is soothed by the warm and soft touch of your parent’s body. Flesh to flesh. All your needs are met. You want for nothing for longer than a few moments and you are cradled, caressed, and nurtured as you grow. Feel the fulfillment, satisfaction, contentment, ease, peace, and joy. Feel the connection and love.

Imagine as you grow, you go from being held by your parents to crawling on the Earth’s floor, feeling the warmth from the sun, the wetness of dew and rain, the coolness of dawn, the cold of snow and ice, the wind tickling your skin, and the crunching of fallen leaves in Autumn. Imagine this loving, safe, and nurturing land where you are learning to move your body, from crawling to walking to running, jumping, and dancing. Feel the elements. Dig your fingers and toes into the ground and pick fresh fruit from the trees to eat. Enjoy. Allow your sensations to run wild and free. Explore. Climb trees, splash in mud puddles, swim in wild rivers, oceans, lakes, and streams. Listen to the wild noises of the other species enjoying Earth with you, from crickets to birds, grasshoppers to coyotes, fox and frogs, deer and even automobiles. Even the wind, waters, and fires sing their songs. Can you hear their melodies? Taste. Touch. Feel. Look and See. Smell. Take it all in. Connect with this new life that you are part of and get to live with in harmony and reciprocity. Drink from the mountain springs. Eat from the Earth’s gardens. Build forts and shelters from the rocks, mud, hay, and trees. Rejoice in this experience where Earth provides you with all your needs and wants. As you grow from infant to child, to adolescent to adult, to Elder to Earth.

Imagine you were taught Earth was your Creator. As well as your parent’s creator, grandparent’s creator, great grandparent’s creator, throughout all the ages… Earth was all of your Mother/Father God. Continuously giving life. Holding everyone and everything through all the cycles, even in death. The cycles of degeneration and decomposing, feeding new soil and new species, the omnipresent, everlasting, neverending dance of life. Within every handful of soil, cup of water, and breath of air, are your Ancestors. Feel the connection. Talk to the wind and listen to the flowing waters. Go to the species and places you feel most drawn. Allow them to nurture, cradle, feed, love, and support you. Be curious to learn more of your history. Imagine you grow to old age. You know the land like it is your beloved family, the back of your hand. Imagine you go to your favorite relative, maybe it’s the ocean or forest, and you lay your tired body down, back to the Earth’s rich and dense soil. Is it cool or warm, hot or cold? Wet or dry? With gratitude overflowing from your life well lived and for your beloved family never leaving your side, you surrender, drawing in your last breath, and release your mold, back to the clay of the Earth. You are back in the dark womb of your beloved parent. You feel the black spaciousness envelop you. From ripened fruit back to seed, you know you too are part of this cyclical dance of life.

The whole time your Essence plugged into the Essence of Creation, in all its magical and infinite forms and glory. You commune with your relatives irregardless of the color or texture of their skin, bark, waves, scales or feathers. You are all made from the same Mother/Father God; Gaia. It is from here you are born and from here you will die. It is from here you are nurtured and survived. It is here you grieved and cried. It is here you grew and ascended and descended in birth and death. Wanting nothing. Having everything. Wanted. Worthy. Belonging. Connected and Loved. Nurtured, Nourished, Fed and Held. Imagine. A completely different way of telling the story of you. As you wiggle your toes and fingers, like you once did, into the Earth’s soil, you remember, You are Alive and within a beautiful multisensory body, still living and growing, and being nurtured by Gaia God. You take a deep breath in with gratitude. It’s not too late. You still get to rejoice in this miraculous dance of creation. You start to crack open your eyelids and see the light shine through. You open further and descend from the darkness into the Light. You are born yet again. Your Ancestors and Relatives are awaiting your arrival. They are singing to you. Can you hear them? The Essence of Creation, God/Goddess, Gaia. That which is not only within you but all around. In every molecule, fiber, cell, tissue, and organism. It is time for you to go play and commune, Essence to Essence, with your beloved family! Welcome Home.

Written, recorded, and photographed by Nicole Lynn.





About the Author:

Nicole Lynn is the creator of F.L.O.E; Facilitating Love On Earth. She is a Soul Coach/Intuitive Counselor and Soul Writer. She facilitates awakening to our True Divine Nature. Nicole holds a Master’s Degree in Clinical Social Work, certifications in Auricular Acupuncture, Clinical and Holistic Hypnotherapy, Somatic Experiencing, Astrology, Numerology, Meditation, as well as Reiki and Esoteric Energy Healing modalities. She is an initiate of Contemporary Shamanism as well as more recently, Peruvian Shamanism.

Nicole Lynn lives in Northern New Hampshire with her husband. She has four adult children and five grandchildren that are the light of her life. She has a deep connection and love for Nature and leads nature-based Soul sessions, shamanic journeys, fire ceremonies, sweat lodges, and women’s circles. Nicole holds in-person and remote Soul sessions with individuals, couples, and families. She is the creator of Mushroom Medicine Oracle; A Rite of Passage through Transition, Grief, and Transformation back into Connection, Integration, and Wholeness, a 33 card deck, full color booklet, and soft tuck box set now available to purchase within the United states. You can find Nicole Lynn and all her offerings at