Communing with the Essence
Gaia’s Creation Story of You — Lately I’ve been pondering the idea of what I used to believe was a “masculine” God up in the heavens out of my awareness of ordinary and earthly reality. I am now considering God might be deeply feminine or androgynous and the Essence of Earth otherwise known as Gaia. This view of God of course is very much within our scope of awareness and perceived reality as Earthlings and not “out there”, somewhere inconceivable. I realize this is not a new thought and not solely mine, however it feels like a huge epiphany for my embodied perception. If what I was taught to…
Book Review – Earth Witch: Finding Magic in the Land by Britton Boyd
Book Review Earth Witch: Finding Magic in the Land by Britton Boyd Publisher: Hierophant Publishing 184 pages Release Date: December 15, 2022 Earth Witch is a great book for exploring the area otherwise known as green witchcraft. Earth witch is another name for those who identify as “wild” or “green” witches. It is those practitioners who choose to primarily work in nature with the earth, the moon and life upon the planet including trees, plants and herbs. In this easy-to-read book, Ms. Boyd shares with her readers the path in which she has been called to. She shares with us her need to get away from…
Book Review – GaeaGenesis: Conception and Birth of the Living Earth by Oberon Zell
Book Review GaeaGenesis: Conception and Birth of the Living Earth by Oberon Zell Foreword by Alex Vikoulov Publisher: Left Hand Press 436 Pages Release Date: July 30, 2022 From the publisher: “Oberon Zell was the first person to conceive and publish the biological and metaphysical foundations of what has become known as the ‘Gaia Theory’— the unified body and emergent soul of the living Earth. Oberon’s profound reconciliation of science, mythology and spirituality inspired and infused worldwide neo-Pagan, pantheistic movement. His visionary sculpture of the ‘Millennial Gaia’ is a three-dimensional revelation, an artistic masterpiece that fuses evolutionary biology with sculptural elegance. For over 50 years Oberon has been…
As Above So Below (How the Stars Became Our Hearts)
The Roots of the Earth: Acknowledging Our Divine Heritage The moons of the previous month no doubt have you reeling in some way. Moons have always been the way the universe speaks directly to us. Even humans with no spiritual background whatsoever feel like a full moon does something to them. The reason for this is, it’s absolutely true. Spirit or no spirit, the moon exerts its gravitational force on every atom in your body, which of course subsequently effect brain chemistry. Though this can be explained scientifically, it doesn’t mean the universe isn’t awake, and communicating to you consciously. This is to say, regardless of you spiritual background,…
Gael Song
A Druid’s Garden, Edible Forestry, Year Two A year ago, I wrote an article on putting in an edible forest garden when I was so excited to finally have enough outdoor space to plant one after waiting lots of years for it. And someone requested a follow-up on that first article, so here it is. Just to recap the basics: an edible forest garden is made up of three layers, trees, shrubs, and ground covers, all perennial and all edible in some way. Most of the examples of EFGs I’ve seen look a lot like a jungle, masses of plants scrambling all over each other. But I’m a druid and…
Book Review – Magic in the Landscape: Earth Mysteries and Geomancy by Nigel Pennick
Book Review Magic in the Landscape Earth Mysteries and Geomancy by Nigel Pennick 176 Pages Nigel Pennick’s new book, Magic in the Landscape – Earth Mysteries and Geomancy, opens with a lament for the loss of a cultural sense of humans’ place in the natural world. We spend most of our time physically separate from the natural world, in artificial environments, oblivious to what we cannot see on our screens. The worldview of “developed” cultures is that we live in a “world of dead matter, there to be used and used up.” And, as Pennick emphasizes, we have rejected not only the natural world, but the ways in…
Meet the Gods: Babalú–Ayé Babalú–Ayé, the God of Healing in Santerian practice and Yoruba religion, is an Orisha. God checker.com describes an Orisha as “a spirit cocktail with a slice of saint and a tiny dash of divinity for flavor.” A few – including Babalú–Ayé – were worshiped as gods. Babalú-Ayé translates to “Father, Lord of the Earth.” What began with a single tribe in Nigeria spread to many tribes all along Africa’s western coast. He is closely associated with infectious diseases, and healing the physical body, wealth and possessions. In West Africa, smallpox, Ebola, leprosy, influenza and HIV/AIDS epidemics are affiliated with him. He works to combat…
Earth Protection Spell an Excerpt from the Book ‘Modern Wicca: Beliefs and Traditions for Contemporary Life’ by Rowan Morgana
Earth Protection Spell Excerpt from the Book ‘Modern Wicca: Beliefs and Traditions for Contemporary Life by Rowan Morgana Intention: To invite the elemental Earth spirits to live in your garden to protect and nurture it. Protecting a small part of your own garden counts toward the greater good of protecting and healing Earth. If every- one takes care of their little corner of land, a wave of Earth-healing may begin. This spell is best done under the light of the full moon. What You’ll Need: 1 very large stone Dried lavender and thyme Gold, red, blue and green ribbons each about 12 inches…
Peeking in the Shadows: Crafting a Book of Shadows and Light
Starting Your Book of Shadows: Part Three Some Docs To Get You Going And Some Time In Magickal Contemplation Last month we discussed and enacted a ritual of dedication for your Book of Shadows. Now you are ready to begin filling it with your goodies. This month I’m going to give you some traditional writings that you may want to include in your BOS. (photo by Angelina Litvin on Unsplash) Begin with your own writing. Spend some time thinking about how you would like your BOS to serve your growth. What “mission” will it serve as part of your journey? Is there a specific Deity that you would like…
Creating Sacred Space The Experience of Sacred Space makes possible the “founding of the world”: where the sacred Manifests itself in space, the real unveils itself, and the world comes into existence … Mircea Eliade … What is Sacred Space? Read and re-read the quote above. Take it into your space of meditation. Analyze, dissect and observe it from all angles, perspectives and meaning. Try to feel the weight and breath of its meaning and allow the words to gently wash over you. Digest it and then simply sit with the feeling of satiety its inner essence provides. And, once you have done these things, redo them, one by…