Tree Circles for Healing It’s a New Year, and when a new cycle opens in my life, I often go to a tree circle nearby to help move me through the changes I’m experiencing in life. So, I thought an article about various tree circles and how they can help would be appropriate to the season. When I stand within a circle of trees, I feel as if I’m in a grove of spirit beings rather than physical trees, beings who can sense exactly what I need at that moment. And I usually feel my spirit family of light moving into the trees as well, a whole community of light…
Labyrinth Lore I’ve built quite few labyrinths and used to walk one every day, for years. This is the season for labyrinths and mazes, so I’ll share my thoughts on the two major types that have been found in history. First is the Minoan, 7-circuit one. This was built as a place for initiates to meet their darkest fears, and it is said there was a Minotaur in the center. But I am guessing it was shaman in disguise, helping move his tribe through their initiations, instead. These ancient mazes were not easy places, though, for many who entered did not come out alive. The seven-circuit labyrinth was used in…
Gael Song
A Druid’s Peace, Dealing with the Covid Blues So, this pandemic seems to go on and on, doesn’t it? I thought it would only be a couple of months at first but now it seems to be headed for a year or maybe more. Ugh! And cold weather that will make seeing friends even harder to do, plus forcing risk taking by going inside, is looming in the near future. So I thought an article about dealing with the blues might be appropriate, a druid perspective. The first thing I want to emphasize is not to let fears and sadness take over your thoughts and emotions. Fear has no power…
Gael Song
A Druid’s Garden, Edible Forestry, Year Two A year ago, I wrote an article on putting in an edible forest garden when I was so excited to finally have enough outdoor space to plant one after waiting lots of years for it. And someone requested a follow-up on that first article, so here it is. Just to recap the basics: an edible forest garden is made up of three layers, trees, shrubs, and ground covers, all perennial and all edible in some way. Most of the examples of EFGs I’ve seen look a lot like a jungle, masses of plants scrambling all over each other. But I’m a druid and…
In Memory of George Floyd I cannot get that picture out of my mind, the one of the policeman with his knee on George Floyd’s neck. There is a weight of sadness in my world, everywhere I go, as if that man was my own brother. And he was, they both are. So, I want to talk about my soul memories of being a black person. First of all, as I’ve written before, we all have five parts to our spirits, in the exact image of the Creator Sun, the highest light structure in the Creator Sun, where every one of us was once created into light. The five parts…
Gael Song Second Edition
The Hidden Gem of Solitude With most folks staying at home during this pandemic, I thought an article about solitude might be helpful. I’ve lived a contemplative life for twenty years now, mostly by myself, writing, meditating, in complete silence 90% of every day. Besides three mornings of volunteer work a week, my life is very, very quiet. When my last daughter went off to college twenty years ago, I chafed against the isolation but within a very few months, I began to cherish it and still do. What I discovered fairly quickly is that silence opens the doorway to the Otherworld. In general, beings on the other side…
A Light Worker’s Guide to Dealing with Covid-19 All things that happen are created for a reason. As a light worker, I long ago realized that any difficulty in my own life was being brought in by the Creators to help me remember a fear I took in long ago, during a past life or my fall from heaven to earth, in order to heal it. Every global catastrophe is linked to cosmic fear archetypes, powerful spirit beings that brought very specific fears or shadows into all humanity during our long-ago descent through the seven heavens of the inner planes to earth. Covid-19 is no different. As these global…
Gael Song
The Hardest Thing About a Druid Path: The Pagan Divide from the World I’ve been on a druid path since 1982, nearly forty years. And right from the very first moment, during a small ritual on Mother’s Day in 1982, I felt the Goddess come in to lead me, a Goddess no one had mentioned in my entire life before that. Growing up, I lived within a Christian framework, until I was 35 and felt intensely drawn to read about Celtic times and lore, learning about the Goddess as I explored. And She began to show up in my quiet times or just before I fell asleep, too. After…
Gael Song
The Most Important Druid Lesson of All – The Power of the Heart I recently went to a Sunday service where folks believe that keeping one’s mind controlled and focused on positives like peace and abundance and health can manifest such things into a living reality. Manifestation into form is the magic everyone wants to access and use for their own purposes. And while I do agree that thoughts hold some creative power, what I’ve been taught on my thirty-year druid path isn’t nearly so simple. The closest thing to manifesting anything into physical reality I’ve ever observed was during energy school in 1996, when staff healers did…
Gael Song
The Sacredness of Silence, the Goddess in Everything I watch so many of my friends, relatives, and neighbors race through the holiday season; creating elaborate rituals, shopping, wrapping, cooking, one detail after another to be attended to. And I recall doing the same myself when my children were young, before I began my druid path. And so, this month, I decided to write an article about the spirit nourishment that slowness and silence have brought to my life, especially during the winter season. As a druid, time in nature is food and drink to my soul. I couldn’t live without it. The first thing I notice whenever I take a…