• Monthly Columns,  Paranormal, Folklore & Mythology,  Spells & Rituals

    A World Re-Enchanted February 2025

    “It is said by the Eldar that in water there lives yet the echo of the Music of the Ainur more than in any substance that is in this Earth; and many of the Children of Ilúvatar hearken still unsated to the voices of the Sea, and yet know not for what they listen.” R. R. Tolkien   The elemental focus for this month based on the Elven lore of Arda is Water.  As the above quote shows for the Elves of Arda water is a powerful force holding extensive wisdom and knowledge from the past. The Teleri or coastal Elves are most deeply connected to the ocean primarily and…

  • Monthly Columns,  Paranormal, Folklore & Mythology,  Spells & Rituals

    A Word Re-Enchanted January 2025

    The Gregorian calendar has once again turned over and the start of a new year has begun. Change is a constant aspect of the seasons and time moves steadily forward. Here on the Big Island of Hawaii however things progress along pretty normal timelines. The seasons do not really exist and so tracking things like winter, spring, summer and fall are completely different. That being said even January has an impact as people look towards the newly unfolding year. Many people drawing on the fire ignited by the energy of the new year have started resolutions and sadly some have already ceased them and an estimated 43% will drop them…

  • Monthly Columns,  Paranormal, Folklore & Mythology,  Spells & Rituals

    Cody’s Column

    The Land Spirits Are Still Calling      It’s Winter in the Northern Hemisphere here along the Magic Skagit River in the beautiful and wet Pacific Northwest.  The bears have decreased their movement across the land but their claw marks on the apple trees are still visible.  Black-capped chickadees are flocking by the dozens to glean the small seeds of chicory and lamb’s quarter.  Our farm cats crouch in the crumpled grass with a glimmer in their eyes.  The snow is still wandering in the upper hills and mountains and has not come down to the riverbed yet.  Land spirits are here, I can feel their calls, they are a whole…

  • Monthly Columns,  Paranormal, Folklore & Mythology

    Scary, Strange and Mythical Encounters: A Paranormal, Folklore & Mythology Column-December 2024: Introduction and Friday the 13th

    Happy Friday the 13th! I’m so excited to start one of my new columns, and on Friday the 13th no less! How perfect for a Paranormal Column! Before I get into the content of my article, which I promise is themed for this Friday the 13th, and we will look at lore, legends, and myths as well as possible Pagan basis for the current superstitions and beliefs surrounding this magickal day. Before we get into the fun that I have in store for you, I want to explain what this column will be, and why I chose to tackle these subjects, both separately and apart. Stay with me, as it’s…