Book Review – Walking with the Seasons: The wonder of being in step with nature by Alice Peck
Book Review Walking with the Seasons: The wonder of being in step with nature by Alice Peck Publisher: CICO Books 128 Pages Release Date: February 13, 2024 Walking with the Seasons explores the habit of a ritualized daily walk as a way to stay in touch and build your relationship with nature throughout the year. The book is divided into four chapters corresponding to the four seasons, and each chapter deals with several different topics appropriate to that season, dedicating a couple of pages to each one. It’s a very well-designed book, with tons of full-color photos and graphics to illustrate the beauty of each season.…
Teachings of the Mythic Past
Fairies and Plants in Slavic Folklore and Spirituality The ancient Slavs worshiped and believed in a broad range of magical creatures found in nature, and various perspectives on the male and feminine facets of divinity. Folktales from all across the world contain fantastical beings that sometimes resemble people and animals, and sometimes both simultaneously. Folklore holds the key to the numerous stories of giants, people, fairies, animals, and so on. We have referred to these stories as “fairy tales” for generations due to the relevance of these widely known and popular creatures. These beings are sometimes referred to as fairies, faeries, fey, or fae in modern English. In Slavic folklore,…
#172 – The Samhain Issue
The Veil Thins for Samhain We’ve got a lot of great articles for you in this issue, dear readers! We’ve got poetry, correspondences, astrology, ritual, and much more to help you prepare for your deathly Sabbat… In Book Reviews: The Witches of Culross The Magic of Seeds Spell Jars for the Modern Witch The Unofficial Wednesday Cookbook Legend of the Deer Woman The Witch’s Yearbook — and more! In This Month’s Articles: Samhain Correspondences In the Kitchen with Skarlett Witch Hunt The Halloweenification of Black Cats And much more!!
From the minds of Aeor, a Series of Shorts
The Braleigh Affair There was a pounding at the door, late in the night. The gatekeeper tried to ignore it at first as it was too late for visitors, and too early for the morning deliveries. That only left one possible cause for such an incessant knocking: trouble. The Magus Institute was greatly appreciated and respected by most, but there were still some who feared magic and wanted to drive them out of town. Therefore, the gatekeeper felt well within his right to let the hoodlums banging on his door freeze in the cold night wind for however long it took them to finally give up and leave. That…
#171 – The Mabon Issue
Enter Mabon! We’ve got a lot of great articles for you in this issue, dear readers! We’ve got poetry, correspondences, astrology, ritual, and much more to get your fall equinox harvest festival ready… In Book Reviews: Fourth Wing, Sacred Actions Journal, The Magic of Cats, Storyland, Finding the Fool, Wiccan Teas & Brews, Meeting the Shadow on the Spiritual Path, Curse and Cure — and more! In This Month’s Articles: Mabon & Autumn Equinox Correspondences As Above, So Below Poem: Summer’s Last Hurrah And much more!! Introducing: In the Kitchen with Skarlett
#170 – The Lughnasadh Issue
Welcome Lughnasadh! We’ve got a lot of great articles for you in this issue, dear readers! We’ve got poetry, correspondences, astrology, ritual, and much more to get your summer harvest festival growing… In Book Reviews: Celtic Tree Mysteries, Crystal Basics, Spirit Speaker, The Evil Eye, Wyldwood, The Backyard Witch — and more! In This Month’s Articles: Interview with “I Affirm My Power” Author Phoebe Garnsworthy Finding Inspiration When You’re Overwhelmed Notes from the Apothecary: all about Anemones! Introducing: Advice from Magic Myrtle Brand new webcomic An’ It Charm None Getting eye strain from the background? Just click on the Moon/Sun switch in the menu to turn on night mode and…
Book Review – The Evil Eye: The History, Mystery, and Magic of the Quiet Curse by Antonio Pagliarulo
Book Review The Evil Eye: The History, Mystery, and Magic of the Quiet Curse by Antonio Pagliarulo Publisher: Weiser Books 256 Pages Release Date: May 1, 2023 The more occult books I read, the more I enjoy those which get really specific and focus on just one practice, going into detail and exploring it thoroughly. The Evil Eye: The History, Mystery, and Magic of the Quiet Curse is a perfect example of this type of book: one which takes a long, deep dive into the history and practices surrounding the Evil Eye. This book presents its singular topic with both depth and breadth, looking at the…
Webcomic – An’ It Charm None
** About the Cartoonist: Sarah McMenomy is a visionary artist, author, and witch. Pulling inspiration from trance states, dreams, auras, psychedelia, and the natural world, she weaves together themes of nature and the occult in her artwork and writing. She has created art and written for books, magazines, games, and more, as well as producing digital fine art prints and acrylic paintings. She is the creator of The Entanglement Tarot, a hex-shaped occult Tarot deck designed for spell-craft. She is co-runner of Pagan Pages, for which she also writes articles and book reviews, and she also publishes art on her Portfolio site and other work on her Tumblr.
Book Review – Backyard Witchcraft: The Complete Guide for the Green Witch, the Kitchen Witch, and the Hedge Witch by Cecilia Lattari and Betti Greco
Book Review Backyard Witchcraft: The Complete Guide for The Green Witch, The Kitchen Witch, and the Hedge Witch Written by Cecilia Lattari Illustrated by Betti Greco Publisher: Ixia Press 160 Pages Release Date: September 14, 2022 Backyard Witchcraft is a lavishly illustrated book that focuses on modern homespun witchcraft with an emphasis on herbal cunning tradition. In the Introduction, we learn all about the author’s approach to magic as an expression of plant relationship, and the three types of witchcraft that she will be discussing: green witchcraft, kitchen witchcraft, and hedge witchcraft. A bit like a witchy internet meme in book form, the book includes a…
Magic Myrtle
Hello Myrtle! I’m middle aged and have “started again” multiple times. I’m not too bad at it, but I’m getting tired of changes if I am honest. I understand that times change and I will get left behind if I don’t roll with the changes, but this time, I really don’t feel like it. I have settled comfortably into a new career I’m good at…but the job is changing again in such a way I feel pushed to literally get another degree because I can tell my skills need sharpened. I am good at what I do, but I am going to have to learn more so I am not…