
Book Review-The Poison Path Grimoire: Dark Herbalism, Poison Magic, and Baneful Allies by Coby Michael

Book Review

The Poison Path Grimoire: Dark Herbalism, Poison Magic, and Baneful Allies

By Coby Michael

Publisher: Destiny Books

224 page E-Book

Release Date; November 5th, 2024



The Poison Path Grimoire: Dark Herbalism, Poison Magic, and Baneful Allies by Coby Michael was a much-anticipated book for me and I very happily chose it for review when my publisher offered it up. For those who don’t know, I am an avid Poison and Psychedelic Witch, and I work with many of these wonderful plant allies in my spiritual practices, whether it’s for necromancy, deathwalking, spells/magick/rituals, or anything else. They truly help me, and many others, connect to the current of Witchcraft that’s balanced and works with both hands. I was blown away by the material in this grimoire; it’s a tome full of recipes, formularies, spells, rituals, invocations and so much more, it’s sure to make any Poison Witch’s black little heart pop out of their chest. In fact, I like this book so much (as well as Coby Michael’s work) that I even went and got a paperback copy. As for quality of content, it’s unmatched! Poison Path Grimoire takes Michael’s previous work with The Poison Path Herbal and not only explicitly gives you rituals, formulas and the like (which Coby himself produces and then sells on his website) that are safe, but also includes pointers and tips on using different preparations of these sacred and powerful plant allies and for the various purposes one might work with them.

On a side note, I’ve purchased and used Coby Michael’s Belladonna Ritual Oil and can verify the effectiveness and safety of his products, methodology and knowledge on the subject. I’ve been working with the Poison Path for about 6 years now, and no other book on the subject comes close in terms of practicality and safety; most other books look at historical context, instead of a modern, practice based context. I’ve also prepared my own concoctions with poisonous plants, as well as purchased flying ointments from others, and none compare to Coby Michael’s products. Aside from that, there is no other author that I would trust more with information that can be so alluring, but also dangerous for those that are unprepared. For this reason, I always recommend Coby Michael’s works to those looking to learn more and potentially practice the Poison Path.

The Poison Path Grimoire exceeded my expectations, and I cannot state enough how much I love this book, and Coby Michael’s work in all the forms it takes. I recommend this book to any witch looking into the Poison Path, flying ointments, and dark herbalism, but with the caveat that The Poison Path Herbal should be read first, as The Poison Path Grimoire works with material directly from the former. I rate The Poison Path Grimoire  5/5 stars. It’s excellent for many reasons, and I hope that those who read my review, and are interested in this subject matter, will give not only this book, but Coby Michael’s other works in their various forms, a look. The Poison Path Grimoire is my favorite book of 2024!


Photo courtesy of author

Coby Michael is an occult herbalist and magical practitioner who teaches about the ritual use of poisonous and psychoactive plants. He is the author of The Poison Path Herbal and coauthor of Leo Witch. He owns and operates The Poisoner’s Apothecary, an online shop and education resource for those interested in the Poison Path and Dark Herbalism. He lives in St. Petersburg, Florida. You can find the link to his website below:

The Poisoner’s Apothecary





Author Bio:

The Modern Merlin has been a Polytheist and Animist Pagan, Witch, Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Mystic, Ceremonial Magician, Occultist, Shaman, Seer and Soothsayer for 15 years, worshipping and casting magick with deities and spirits from many cultures, including Ancient Greece, Rome, Norse & Germanic, Celtic, Egyptian, Sumerian, as well as many Faeries, Nymphs, Dryads, Ancestors and other nature and land spirits and spirits of place. He is a Priest of Hecate, Diana, Hades, Lilith and Persephone. He has experience in the Left and Right Hand Paths, working with both hands as needed. He currently practices Necromancy and Deathwalking, as well as Traditional Witchcraft, Druidry, Hellenism and Ceremonial Magick, incorporating all of them into a cohesive practice, with some shamanic touches. He studies and practices Astrology as well as Tarot and other forms of divination such as Runes, Palmistry and Ogham. He has a personal blog where he shares Astrological, Pagan, and other magickal wisdom for free! He gives readings and other spiritual services on his Facebook Page, The Modern Merlin, as well other free informational posts for everyone to see!