
Book Review – A Tea Witch’s Grimoire: Magical Recipes for Your Teatime by S. M. Harlow

Book Review
A Tea Witch’s Grimoire:
Magical Recipes for Your Teatime
by S. M. Harlow
69 pages
Publication date: July 25, 2021



What is a tea witch?

Let’s check out A Tea Witch’s Grimoire: Magical Recipes for your Teatime by S.M. Harlow to find out more!

This Grimoire has a few paragraphs about what it means to the author, and she paints a picture of a cottage with an herb garden, with the tea witch inviting you in for a cup of tea. On the table is a steaming tea kettle waiting to be poured. The old dusty cupboard is full of teas, elixirs, and potions. “Ring the bell to this little cottage and explore the warm magic of the tea witch’s endless cup of lore.”

We get an introduction next, where Harlow states this grimoire contains the sacred recipes that she as a tea witch holds true and dear. We’re also reminded that these herbal brews, potions, spells, and magic are but tools and an extension of our power to be incorporated into the larger acts in the arcane arts we use to better ourselves. “The Great Wisdom that may be taught within these pages is but the root that transforms a simple hand’s gesture into a powerful tool that handles a teacup. It is the greatest of virtues to see the larger realm of magic within the homeliest of recipes.”

The book then gives us a bunch of tea recipes broken into categories; the first group of twenty- six recipes is called Tea Remedies, where we get such recipes as Happiness Tea (Red Clover, Lavender, Marjoram) “to fill the heart and space with needed happiness. Especially favored when shared to others with Lemon slices;” Sleep Tea (Elder Berries, Passion Flower, Thyme, Valerian Root) “to promote restful sleep. If you wish for prophetic dreams, add Rosebuds;” Tarot Tea (dried Cherries, Vanilla Bean, Peppermint, Black Tea) “drink to sharpen the senses during tarot card readings. Use a whole Vanilla Bean …slicing halfway down its stem …as a stirrer” and many, many others I look forward to trying.

Next we have Moon Teas where we get teas for the phases of the moon, with other celestial recipes like Blue Moon (Mugwort, Goldenrod, Blue Mallow, Mullein, Honey) “ideal to drink during a powerful Blue Moon. For it instills wisdom, money, divination, astral travel, courage, banishing, fertility, healing, health, love, prophetic dreams, prosperity, protection, enhancing psychic powers, and strength.” (WOW!) …and others for a total of 6 recipes.

We then go into the twelve Horoscope Teas where we get a recipe for each of the zodiac signs, followed by a section of nine Sabbat Tea recipes. And then the book talks about “Potions” which are similar to the teas, but the ingredients are steeped in alcohol for for one to three weeks before being consumed; we’re given ten recipes such as the Solar Potion (Tequila Silver, Limes juice, Honey, Sea Salt) “for solar rites and sabbats. To manifest abundance, healing, protection, and love.” And the Protection Potion (Bourbon, Blueberry bourbon, Blueberries, sliced Lemons, Cloves, Honey, Water) “drink or serve to manifest a circle of protection around the person.”

Between the Potion section and the lists of Tea Correspondences is the Tea Spell Chant, a poem to chant over your teas, and potions, as you create them. It’s important to remember that drinking tea is so much more than just poring some hot water; using the sound of the chant as a magical vibration to activate the teas and potions is as important as the ingredients used in the elixirs.

The final third of the book is dedicated to lists of corresponding ingredients for specific needs, such as Astral Projection, Beauty, Chastity, Courage, Divination, Exorcism, Fertility, Fidelity, Friendships, Gossip (to halt), Happiness, Healing (to promote), Health (to maintain), Hexes (to break), and so many, many, many more categories.

While it’s easy enough to cross reference to see what ingredients are found in different correspondences, it would have also been nice to have a second set of correspondences which lists the ingredients and then the list of correspondences for that ingredient. Just to save us some time doing that work ourselves, because it is important information that is useful when creating your own brews. And being able to cross reference the two chapters of correspondences could go a long way towards giving the readers real freedom in creating their own teas and potions. But this chapter of correspondences really is a useful starting point, and we’re given lots of examples in the pre-made recipes to work off of, and really make our own.

I’ve Got Questions!

I guess I’m just that guy, I always want to learn more. Like how does S.M. Harlow get her knowledge and information? What formal training did she receive; or did she figure this out on her own, and how? Why are certain teas the way they are? And I’d love a list of substitutions for the ingredients those who have sensitivities want to avoid and want to tweak the recipes to work better for their needs. Though I suppose we have the lists of correspondences to work from, for basic ingredients; it would be nice to have a section on which alcohols can be substituted for each other, in case someone can drink once type of spirits, but is allergic to the one in the Potion Recipe.

Final Thoughts

This book definitely sparked my own interest in turning our average cup of tea into a witches brew, by mixing teas with herbs, spices, and fruits. I’m looking forward to seeing what I can pull together from the list of correspondences, as well as trying S.M. Harlow’s pre-made recipes. I’d have liked a “why” section explaining why the herbs were associated with the correspondence picked and I feel that a substitution section is needed in this age of food sensitivities, but overall it’s a great jumping off point for your own exploration of what it means to be a Tea Witch.

Happy brewing my witches!

Don’t forget to join us for the interview on YouTube about this book, and to see how S.M. Harlow answers the above questions!

S.M. Harlow discovered her love of romantic fiction and the wildcraft over two decades ago. Her calling for the craft began when she was a young girl at eleven, among the trees and the wind. She found great peace and connection with herbs and how they brought magick into the everyday mundane. Tea was a gift given to her by a Master, who taught her how spirituality and healing is found within its brewed depths. Romantic fiction was a turning point in Harlow’s teens, setting the imagination free and ablaze. It set her off towards expressing her creative fantasies on paper. As a writer for both Romance and Tea Witchery, S.M. Harlow hopes to give the world the same passion and inspiration that was so humbly bestowed upon her. When she is not writing, Harlow is studying to become a Doctor of Traditional Naturopathy. She lives with her husband, son, and their adorable fluffy Welsh corgi in Southern California.


A Tea Witch’s Grimoire on Amazon


About Jonathan:

Jonathan has been reading Tarot for over 33+ years. He has had many teachers, and has experienced many Spiritual Truths. He even had the honor of teaching a Beginner’s Tarot Reading class!

He has swam with Manta Rays, Sea Turtles, and Whales in Hawaii; ran barefoot in the jungle with the Ticos of Costa Rica; danced the Naraya with the Shoshone; Prayed at Buddhist Temples in Thailand, China, and Japan; wandered the green hills of Ireland, studied Acupuncture in China; and has had many more adventures!

Jonathan’s love of the Tarot started when he was in Summer Camp (in New Jersey of all places) and was privileged to take a class with a Magus who taught the group not only the Tarot, but also crystals, Runes, pendulums, energy work, spell casting, Past Life Regressions, and many other “New Age” practices. That class was one of the catalysts for Jonathan’s own Spiritual Awakening to his many past lives, and his Higher Purpose.

Jonathan is an Acupuncturist who has created his own style of acupuncture aided past life regressions using gold needles. Jonathan is a Certified Health Coach. He has lost count of how many readings he’s given, and decks he’s collected, over the last 3 decades. Find more from Jonathan on YouTube.