Book Review-Pagan Portals: Cerridwen: Keeper of the Cauldron by Danu Forest
Book Review
Pagan Portals: Cerridwen: Keeper of the Cauldron
By Danu Forest
Publisher: Moon Books
137 Page e-Book
Release Date: December 1st, 2024
Pagan Portals: Cerridwen: Keeper of the Cauldron by Danu Forest is a fascinating examination of Cerrdiwen through mythology, worship and modern Paganism. Danu Forest is a well-known author on Celtic Pagan subjects, and she takes the cake in this book! Cerridwen is a somewhat complex, and multi-faceted goddess; some see her as mother, others as a crone. She’s the keeper of the cauldron of Awen, or inspiration, and the mother of Taliesin. She’s intertwined in the Arthurian Mythos as well, and serves as a central figure in Brythonic and especially Welsh mythos.
Through exploring Cerridwen through her various guises-keeper of the Cauldron, Keeper of the Awen, Witch, Sorceress, and Mother, as well as her animal companions and sacred correspondences, the reader is given an in-depth examination of this enigmatic Goddess. Stories weave her personality into the consciousness of the reader, and her energy is felt throughout this book. Each sacred animal and characters in her mythos are given exercises and meditations to meet, and work with. This includes spells, rituals and the like. The end of the book discusses connecting with Cerridwen, and includes meditations and prayers, as well as a ritual to her. In the conclusion, correspondences and an herbal for Cerridwen are given as well.
I picked up Pagan Portals: Cerrdiwen because I have developed over time a relationship with this powerful Goddess. As a matter of fact, besides Rhiannon, she is the Goddess from Wales I’m most likely to call on when working Celtic magick. Danu Forest’s knowledge of Celtic Paganism, its deities, especially Welsh, is a treasure trove for any Pagan looking to practice Celtic Magick and develop a relationship with Cerridwen. I give Pagan Portals: Cerridwen a 5/5 star rating; it’s a short booklet but jam packed with useful information, from mythology to modern practice with her. It’s worth picking up for any Pagan, Witch or Celtic Magician or Druid.
Danu Forest is a traditional Celtic wisewoman of half-British, half-Irish heritage. She is a writer, teacher, and Celtic scholar with an MA in Celtic Studies. She is the author of numerous books on Celtic paganism, including Pagan Portals: Gwyn ap Nudd, The Druid Shaman, and Wild Magic: Celtic Folk Traditions for the Solitary Practitioner.
To find her, visit her website at:
Author Bio:
The Modern Merlin has been a Polytheist and Animist Pagan, Witch, Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Mystic, Ceremonial Magician, Occultist, Shaman, Seer and Soothsayer for 15 years, worshipping and casting magick with deities and spirits from many cultures, including Ancient Greece, Rome, Norse & Germanic, Celtic, Egyptian, Sumerian, as well as many Faeries, Nymphs, Dryads, Ancestors and other nature and land spirits and spirits of place. He is a Priest of Hecate, Diana, Hades, Lilith and Persephone. He has experience in the Left and Right Hand Paths, working with both hands as needed. He currently practices Necromancy and Deathwalking, as well as Traditional Witchcraft, Druidry, Hellenism and Ceremonial Magick, incorporating all of them into a cohesive practice, with some shamanic touches. He studies and practices Astrology as well as Tarot and other forms of divination such as Runes, Palmistry and Ogham. He is the Co-Editor of PaganPages.Org and he has a personal blog where he shares Astrological, Pagan, and other magickal wisdom for free! He gives readings and other spiritual services on his Facebook Page, The Modern Merlin, as well other free informational posts for everyone to see!