The Modern Merlin Chats with Rachel S Roberts, Author of Wolf and Pagan Portals: Lupa
Hello everyone! I am so excited to present another author interview for you all! Rachel Roberts is another one of my favorite authors, and it was truly a pleasure to have a chance to talk with her! This interview is nearly two hours long, and split into two separate parts. We talk about everything Wolf, her books, and even go into Astrology, Starseeds, herbs, plants, crystals, deities and more, all relating to Wolves! Rachel Roberts Interview Pt. 1 The first part below, Rachel and I get into Wolves, and why we’re each drawn to them, and we discuss everything from deities, Starseeds, Astrology, Shadow Work, and more, of course all…
WitchCrafting: Treasure Chest
Merry meet! Dollar Tree is a magical place for finding magickal supplies. One of my favorite five-quarter finds is a small wooden box with a clasp. I painted this one to make a treasure chest for the dragon on my bus. Every day I’d sit with her I would add another bauble to her collection. I painted another brown and used it to hold offerings I made to the land on which a friend’s house will be built. I will use a third for a banishing spell – I will put the name or likeness of a negative influence, harmful habit, limiting belief, or toxic person I want to eliminate…
Stellium: An Astrology Column-January 2025: Introduction & First Column
Hello everyone, and welcome to Stellium, my new Astrology column! This is so exciting that I get to write about a subject that I’m not only well versed in, but also am continuously studying, learning and applying in new ways. Astrology is definitely a passion for me! This column is not meant to be instructional, as I will have one of those coming soon; rather, this column is where I come to express what I’m currently researching, learning and working on in regards to Astrology. The topics could range from the current one, Starseeds, to aspects, asteroids, natal chart know-how, and other odds and ends. For those who are looking for a…
Good God!: Cronus
Cronus was the youngest of the 12 Titans – Greek deities who ruled the world before Zeus. The primordial deities Uranus (Father Sky) and Gaia (Mother Earth) were his parents. Uranus prevented all his children from leaving Gaia’s womb. The mother begged her children to do something. All but Cronus were too afraid to act. He escaped Gaia’s womb and used a stone sickle she gave him to castrate his father. He threw the testicles into the sea and it’s said Aphrodite arose from the white foam while blood dripping from Uranus created the Gigantes (giants), Erinyes (furies), and Meliae (nymphs). Cronus freed most of his siblings and took his…
The Rite Way: Blessing Tools at Imbolc
Imbolc marks the return of spring, even as winter continues its reign. It’s a time of rebirth and fertility, hope and new growth. It’s time to prepare for the warm spring days to come and for the renewal of Mother Earth and her bounty. This ritual is written for a group but can easily be modified for a solitary practitioner. The goddess most associated with Imbolc is Brigid, a triple goddess, the patron of poets and bards as well as healers, magicians, and smiths. She was especially honored when it came to matters of prophecy and divination. She is the keeper of the flame, the protector of the home, and a…
Book Review-Becoming Baba Yaga: Trickster, Feminist, and Witch of the Woods by Kris Spisak
Book Review Becoming Baba Yaga: Trickster, Feminist and Witch of the Woods By Kris Spisak Publisher: Hampton Roads 208 Page E-Book Release Date: September 3rd, 2024 Becoming Baba Yaga: Trickster, Feminist and Witch of the Woods is a relatable, easy to understand (re)telling of Baba Yaga’s stories as they’re presented in Slavic mythology and folklore. Anyone wanting to learn more about the precarious Earth Mother should definitely give this book a read! Instead of focusing on magick & witchcraft workings with Baba Yaga, Spisak instead explores Baba Yaga through her various myths. Baba Yaga is a mysterious, and sometimes scary, Goddess to come into contact with; she’s the oldest of crones…
Book Review-Pagan Portals: Venezuelan Folklore: Spirits and Legends of the Dead by Alan U. Dalul
Book Review Pagan Portals: Venezuelan Folklore: Spirits and Legends of the Dead By Alan U. Dalul Publisher: Moon Books 96 Page E-Book Release Date: January 1st, 2025 Another Pagan Portals Book to add to my collection! This particular entry into this wonderful series of booklets concerns Venezuelan folklore, specifically centered around death, spirits and the supernatural. Through my studies of folklore and mythology of many different cultures, I’ve found that a lot of our legends tend to overlap. Venezuelan Folklore adds to the wealth of knowledge out there about Latin American spirituality, folklore and folk practices and beliefs. Aside from being a fascinating examination of these subjects, it also seems to be…
Crows Take Care Of Crows
I pressed my toes into the damp earth and leaned back, letting the sun bathe my pale face. Blue eyes—Crow eyes—can’t handle the bright sun. I closed them and watched the back of my eyelids turn the color of pomegranate. Sunflakes settled all around me, and a river of deep green slid beneath the trees. This is where I come to think. Somewhere in the lush canopy above, a mourning dove cried. This will ruin your life, Mara. I rubbed my stomach, which wouldn’t be flat anymore by winter. I wanted to be the first of five to finish high school. Those plans died in the back seat of Tim’s…
Book Review, 2025 Astrology Diary by Patsy Bennett
Book Review 2025 Astrology Diary by Patsy Bennett Publisher: Rockpool Publishing 140 page paperback Release date: July 17th, 2024 What I like best about this handy little tome is it doesn’t presuppose the reader has detailed familiarity with astrological interpretations. So there’s an eight page “How to Use This Diary” section in the front, immediately followed by a two page chart of Northern Hemisphere (natch) moon phases for 2025. Every astrological sign is acknowledged and explained as it arrives on the calendar. There are sun sign forecasts, eclipse and supermoon tips and even mercury retrograde suggestions. The black and white illustrations and page edgings throughout…
Interview-The Modern Merlin Talks with Coby Michael, Author of The Poison Path Herbal and The Poison Path Grimoire
In this interview, The Modern Merlin speaks with Coby Michael, the author of The Poison Path Herbal and The Poison Path Grimoire, and proprietor of The Poisoner’s Apothecary. For those looking for a review of Coby’s latest book, The Poison Path Grimoire, click here. Coby Michael is an occult herbalist and magical practitioner who teaches about the ritual use of poisonous and psychoactive plants. He is the author of The Poison Path Herbal and coauthor of Leo Witch. He owns and operates The Poisoner’s Apothecary, an online shop and education resource for those interested in the Poison Path and Dark Herbalism. He lives in St. Petersburg, Florida. You can find the link to his website below: The Poisoner’s Apothecary …