Spells & Rituals

The Rite Way: Blessing Tools at Imbolc

Imbolc marks the return of spring, even as winter continues its reign. It’s a time of rebirth and fertility, hope and new growth. It’s time to prepare for the warm spring days to come and for the renewal of Mother Earth and her bounty. This ritual is written for a group but can easily be modified for a solitary practitioner. 

The goddess most associated with Imbolc is Brigid, a triple goddess, the patron of poets and bards as well as healers, magicians, and smiths. She was especially honored when it came to matters of prophecy and divination. She is the keeper of the flame, the protector of the home, and a goddess of holy wells and springs. Her sanctuary in Kildare, Ireland, has a sacred well and a sacred flame tended by a group of priestesses.

One of the activities associated with Imbolc is the blessing of the tools. While gardening tools and seeds might be traditional, you can also bless magickal tools, candles, or items you use for your profession, a craft or beloved activity: baking pans and measuring spoons, candles and cauldrons, car parts and a wrench, yarn and needles. 

If you are moved to clean the ritual area, it is common to sweep widdershins (counter-clockwise) from the middle out with a besom. Three times ’round is common, but once often feels like enough. The smoke from incense, and the sound of bells or drums are other methods of cleansing. 

If using incense on a charcoal brick, here is a chant you can use as you smudge: Powers of fire and air, this circle grace. Purify, cleanse and bless this space.”

Make final adjustments to your altar. Consider placing it in the north or in front of a hearth. Traditional decorations for this sabbat include a white altar cloth, crocuses, white and yellow flowers, Brigid’s cross, twigs from trees and forsythia, and lots of candles. Breads and cakes, dairy products, and honey are among the foods associated with this sabbat. 


When you are ready to begin, take three slow, deep breaths. Feel the mundane world slip away. Ground to the Mother by sending a tap root down through your feet to the very center of the earth. Know that by doing this, you are aligning with the universe. Send out some lateral roots to further stabilize yourself and see how they intertwine with the person next to you and across from you. Absorb the earth’s energy into your roots, move it up so it fills your body, then send it out through your head and into the sky. Then focus on a light from the sun or Source energy above your head. Bring that down through the top of your head, down into your torso, down your legs, and out your feet, into the roots you have put down. With each breath, pull down the sky energy and send it down your roots at the same time as pulling up the earth energy and sending it out through your head. Continue this until you feel calm or bliss, and then proceed. 

Light a candle to honor the spirit of the returning light. To cast the circle, give everyone a candle. Begin by lighting a candle from the main candle. Turning to the person on your left, lighting their candle from your flame and say, Light to light, I cast this circle. 

When all the candles are lit, say: The circle is cast. We are between the worlds. May what we do be for the good of all.


[You may wish to light a candle or place symbolic items on the altar when calling each direction.]

We turn to the North and welcome the elementals, the spirit, and sacred ones of North. We can feel The Mother’s pulse returning beneath the still-slumbering ground as winter melts into spring. It is nurturing, and speaks of enduring strength. We are honored to be in your presence and welcome the wisdom and power you bring to this rite. Blessed be.

We turn to the elementals, the spirit, and sacred ones of the East. We are blessed by the energy of the morning sun, which we see rising earlier and earlier. We can feel the energy of spring begin to stir in the air, and in ourselves. It’s in the wind that blows away winter which will remove what no longer serves us. We are honored to be in your presence and welcome the wisdom and power you bring to this rite. Blessed be.

We turn to the elementals, the spirit, and sacred ones of the South. We celebrate the energy of fire as we see the sun returning. It’s Brigid’s forge, passion, courage, transformation, and strength. Fire purifies and heals us. We are honored to be in your presence and welcome the wisdom and power you bring to this rite. Blessed be.

We turn to the elementals, the spirit, and sacred ones of the West. The energy of water. It is the womb, passion, and emotion. Let us recognize it in all its forms and be full of gratitude as it bathes us in its healing power. We are honored to be in your presence and welcome the wisdom and power you bring to this rite. Blessed be.

We look to the energy and spirits of all that is Above: Father Sky, Star People, planetary beings, and the entire cosmos. We welcome the divine masculine energy of the grandfathers, fathers, brothers, uncles and sons. We welcome all of our ancestors and loved ones who dwell in this direction. We are honored to be in your presence and welcome the wisdom and power you bring to this rite. Blessed be.

We call to and welcome the energy of Mother Earth. We welcome the divine feminine energy and the spirit of our grandmothers, mothers, sisters, aunts and daughters. We welcome the energies and spirits of Mother Earth, our guides, and ancestors. We honor and respect the reflection of all that is and give thanks for our shadow. We are honored to be in your presence and welcome the wisdom and power you bring to this rite. Blessed be.

We call to and welcome the energy of all our relations and to the place within. We give thanks for each living being on this planet and for the ancient heartbeat that connects us. We invite in the universal soul energy and the spirt of the One Heart and welcome the gifts of love, unity, and compassion. We are honored to be in your presence and welcome the wisdom and power you bring to this rite. Blessed be.

We stand before you Great Lady Brigid, keeper of the hearth fires, goddess of crossroads, patron of poets, bards, healers, and magicians. We light this candle to honor your presence here as we celebrate Imbolc. Fire our forges, fan the flames of our creativity. We are honored to be in your presence and welcome the wisdom and power you bring to this rite. Blessed be.

Take a moment to feel the energies you have recognized. 


Imbolc marks the first stirrings of spring, a time of new beginnings. It’s the time of spring cleaning, and preparing the gardens for planting. Blessing tools is one of the many ways to celebrate this sabbat. Giving them attention, love, and spirit honors their inherent magical power.

Each person will have their objects placed in front of them. The first step is to cleanse the tools. [If this is a solitary ritual, you might choose to wash, sharpen, oil, these tools in sacred space. For a group ritual with limited time, suggest participants complete this step before bringing them to ritual.] To cleanse them energetically you will be speaking your intention as you bless them with each of the four directions as well as the goddess Brigid.

Face North; sprinkle the tools with salt or dirt, or pass them over a container holding earth or salt as you say: Elementals, guardians, and divine energies of the North, cleanse these tools with the deep power of Earth. Remove from them what does not serve our magic. 

Face East; pass the tools through incense smoke and say: Elementals, guardians and divine energies of the East, cleanse these tools with the power of spring and knowledge. Blow away from our tools what does not serve our magic.

Face South; pass your tools over or through a candle flame as you say: Elementals, guardians and divine energies of the South, cleanse these tools with the purifying flames of Fire. Burn away from them what does not serve our magic.

Face West; sprinkle water over the tools or pass over a container of water as you say: Elementals, guardians and divine energies of the West, cleanse these tools with your holy water. Wash away from them what does not serve our magic. 

Brigid, we ask you to bless these tools with the power of your flame and the strength of smiths.

Now raise energy using drums, rattles, chanting, or dancing. Visualize the energy surrounding you and your tools, so that your spirit and theirs form a bond. May your spiritual practice deepen every time you use them with reverence. 


If you have put out food, now is the time to consume it. Dairy products, ancient grains, and seeds are among the traditional foods of Imbolc. Giving some first to Brigid, pass the bread with the blessing, “May you never hunger” or “May the Goddess ever nourish you.” Do the same when distributing the beverage saying to each participant, “May you never thirst” or “May your thirst ever be quenched.” 

Eat and drink mindfully while contemplating the sabbat and your magickal workings. Spend as much time as you wish sitting in the energy. When you are ready, release the quarters and open the circle.


Brigid, we are grateful for your presence at our circle tonight. As we leave this magic circle, let us pause and remember we carry your flame within us. Blessed be.

Within, we are grateful for your presence at our circle tonight. As we leave this magic circle, let us pause and remember love connects us all. Blessed be. 

Below, we are grateful for your presence at our circle tonight. As we leave this magic circle, let us pause and remember the power of the divine feminine is there for us always. Blessed be. 


Above, we are grateful for your presence at our circle tonight. As we leave this magic circle, let us pause and remember that the divine masculine energy is available to us always. Blessed be. 

West, we are grateful for your presence at our circle tonight. As we leave this magic circle, let us pause and remember we can return anytime to the healing waters of Brigid’s well. Blessed be. 

South, we are grateful for your presence at our circle tonight. As we leave this magic circle, let us pause and remember that the passion and strength of fire are always available to us. Blessed be. 

East, we are grateful for your presence at our circle tonight. As we leave this magic circle, let us pause to hear you in the wind and in laughter, and see you in the returning light. Blessed be. 

North, we are grateful for your presence at our circle tonight. As we leave this magic circle, let us pause and remember that grounding into the earth brings us stability and resilience. Blessed be. 

To open the circle, have everyone hold their lit candle. Beginning with the high priestess and going around the circle widdershins, pinch out the flame on your candle and say, “I carry Brigid’s light with me into the world.” 


It is customary to leave bread and fresh butter on the window sill on St. Brigid’s Eve, along with a little bit of stray or hay for the fairy cow that travels with her on this holy night.

About the author:
As an eclectic solitary practitioner, I travel the country in a converted school bus and share magick with those I meet. Find me at https://thewitchonwheels.com/ and on Facebook.