The Modern Merlin’s Corner-February 2025: Embodying the Divine Masculine in a Toxic Masculine Society
Hello, and welcome to February! I hope everyone who celebrates had a wonderful, and inspiring, Imbolc. We’re currently seeing the effects of toxic masculinity in our society-especially if you live in USA. Our leadership, to be blunt, embodies everything that the masculine energy has to offer in its shadow: greed, hatred, bigotry, intolerance, and more. While there are many who support this cult of personality surrounding the “FOTUS”, I believe there are many more who are opposed to him, including within the United States. As a male leftist, pagan, witch, sorcerer and mystic, embodying the masculine comes with a sort of taboo these days; many see anything masculine as simply toxic, to be discarded. While I can understand the sentiment, given our culture of toxic masculinity, it’s misguided. The true essence of the divine masculine is nothing like what we would collectively call “the patriarchy”, i.e., toxic masculinity.
The divine masculine is instead at one with all of creation, and is a creative force in and of itself; given many names throughout history, such as Cernunnos, Zeus, Apollo, Thor, Horus, Ra, Osiris, Gwyn ap Nudd and countless others, he is the embodiment of what a real man is supposed to be. I’m sure at this point that some have noticed my gloves have come off, and I’m not pulling anymore punches; our current times demand this. So for those reading this, specifically males, if you feel “called out”, then I would suggest some introspection; I’m the first to admit I’m not perfect, but I do my best to embody these characteristics as I fight for what’s right. I’m obviously writing this from not only a perspective of a male pagan & witch, but also as a political activist for the left, and the two have gone hand in hand this time around with the FOTUS. As such, this entry will focus on the following facets/ideas/concepts:
- Embodying the divine masculine for shadow work, healing and integration
- Embodying the divine masculine, as a male, to channel divine rage to fight injustice
- Embodying the divine masculine to help healing moving forward
While this article is geared towards males, or those who identify as male, the following ideas and remarks can be translated to the divine feminine as well, for women/those who identify as women. Of course, for the non-binary folks, you can apply this in any way you see fit. Magick is more powerful when it’s our own!
Reclaiming the Divine Masculine: A Guide for Disenfranchised Men
The Divine Masculine has been dragged through the mud for centuries, thanks in large part to the toxicity of Abrahamic religions like Christianity. Their God is a distorted view of what true divine masculinity looks like; as a matter of fact, I would argue that the God of the Christians and other Abrahamic religions is everything that isn’t divine, let alone divine masculine. Moreover, I think many would agree that the Abrahamic god instead embodies the toxic masculine, those traits I mentioned earlier-greed, hatred, bigotry and the like.
The Pagan divine masculine, while in some ways has its flaws, as in the case of certain aspects of Zeus’ mythology, is much more rooted in community, tolerance and compassion. When I think of the divine masculine, I tend to gravitate towards the idea of the Horned God, whatever name you may call him; even more traditional witches such as myself have such a figure in our mythos. For reference here, I will relate this to what I know to be true about Cernunnos, probably the most popular Horned God in the modern Pagan world today. It also helps me that Cernunnos has been helping me in this journey, which I’ll tie together nice and neat for you later in this article. He is also a large part of why I write this article; I think there are many men out there who need this perspective. I sure did!
Cernunnos carries an energy of not only connection to nature, animals, trees and plants, but also the Otherworld-where spirits and faeries roam. Cernunnos, to me, also has an energy of acceptance about him-he accepts everyone as they are, with no judgement. The only time he may get a little dark, is for purposes of shadow work; he is, after all, a shamanic deity too. Cernunnos loves all of his children, from the squirrels and birds in your back yard, to your pets, you and I and everyone else in between. Cernunnos bears light, being associated with the Sun, but also with his associations with the darker half of the year (most famously depicted by the serpent with a Ram’s head, from Scorpio to Aries), he can transform and help us shed the skins that no longer serve us.
Embracing the Inner Fire
Masculinity is often felt as fiery, passionate, and sometimes overwhelmingly aggressive; we see these themes carried out in a myriad of ways everyday. What if I told you that’s okay, to be passionate, fiery and even aggressive at times, so long as it’s for the right reasons? I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that the state of the world, let alone the country I live, the United States, frankly pisses me off. How hatred has consumed so many into pseudoscience and bigotry, and essentially made them “drink the Kool-Aid”, so to speak, is beyond my comprehension. Now, when there’s rightful anger, anger that stems from the desire to protect and/or out of concern for others, the environment, this is an embodiment of the divine masculine. For those who think only the Goddesses are pissed off right now, I could give you a list of Gods that aren’t all too pleased right now either; humans have shown hubris time and again, and if there’s one thing a Pagan deity doesn’t respond well to, it’s hubris. I digress…
So, when you feel this anger when you see more executive orders being signed that destroy others’ lives, the environment, communities, and the like, how do you channel it productively? This is your inner fire; it sits at the root chakra, and it fuels you whether you realize it or not. Controlling this inner flame is paramount if you want to embrace full divine masculine energy, and I would argue that many stop here after a few setbacks, which only perpetuates the problem. On my journey of reclaiming my divine masculine self, I’ve been shown that only by embracing this inner fire and transformational and creative qualities it has, can I make a difference. When you feel overwhelmed with this divine rage, first, you need to remove yourself from the source of the trigger, whether it’s social media, the news, a TV program with similar events, even music with a political bent. Part of the strategy that’s being used is one that overwhelms us, and wears us down into submission. Disconnecting from the constant notifications and flux of information is a necessary first step. After this, you need to ground; burn some incense, go outside and spend time in nature, eat something with an earthy energy like potatoes or grain-based foods. I’m a big fan of the DND (Do Not Disturb) function of my phone, and employ it often when I need to connect to this part of myself.
Now, you’ve gotten yourself calmed down, grounded and centered. Where do we go from here?
I want you to sit still, and listen to your inner voice. You can call on any divine masculine figure you wish-personally, I’ve been developing this practice with Cernunnos, but there are so many others to choose from. Aside from going on about current political events, and boring you with my takes on them, I want to instead inspire others, especially those who identify as male, to embody the divine masculine, whether it’s through a deity like Cernunnos, as is the case for me, or simply by embodying those traits, so that we can transform this toxicity we’re seeing play out from the masculine side of things today. The Divine Masculine and the Inner Fire have allowed me to focus my energy into productive pursuits, instead of allowing my emotions to overwhelm me into not taking action. I’m very much an activist in all of this craziness going in the US right now, and Cernunnos has really helped me step into that, along with other Divine Masculine figures such as The Dark Man/Witches’ Devil and Apollo. I’m going to give you a ritual meditation that will allow you to connect with the divine masculine; I naturally will use Cernunnos, but you can of course tweak this to fit your chosen masculine divinity. Without further ado, let’s get into the magick!
A Ritual Meditation to Embody the Divine Masculine with Cernunnos
To start, you will need a few basic supplies and accommodations:
- One orange candle, one black candle, one yellow candle
- A stick/cone/blend of musky or other earthy incense
- A quiet place where you will be undisturbed
- Light drumming music (I personally love using Kellianna’s The Horned God)
- One piece of Jet, one piece of Amber, one piece of Fire Agate
Beforehand, record yourself reading the prompt given after these instructions.
Light the incense and candles, and if you have one, put a statue or other depiction of Cernunnos with the candles & incense. Set the crystals with these items as well. Start the music, and allow yourself to drift to a place that is not a place, a time that is not a time. You may also use any entheogenic substance you wish, I personally prefer cannabis or amanita muscaria for this particular practice. You may also cast a magick circle if that helps you. It’s really all about what works best for you, as no two people are the same. Once you’ve reached the desired state of liminality, play your recording of the invocation and guided meditation, given below:
Invocation to Cernunnos as Divine Masculine
Cernunnos, Hornéd One, Dark One, Shining One
He who roams with the wild, yet loves society
Come to your child as I seek the mysteries of your essence
Enlighten me, empower me, protect me, assist me
Cernunnos, with your serpent with the ram’s head, allow me to embrace and integrate my shadows
With your torcs of shining gold from the sun, allow me to embrace my light and inner fire
Cernunnos, wild one, allow me to be untamable as I fight for the well being of my fellow humans, plants and animals
Cernunnos, bless me as I embody you, myself, to protect our Earth Mother and her children
As I have willed it, it so shall be.
Now, take the three crystals off of the working/altar space. Say the following:
“Jet to ground, and infuse the shadows into my being. Amber to shine my inner light forward and heal any divide. Fire Agate to symbolize the inner fire of the divine masculine burning within me.”
Hold these crystals or carry them in your pocket for the meditation
Guided Meditation to Meet Cernunnos, Find and Embrace Your Inner Fire, and Embody the Divine Masculine
You find yourself sitting under a large forest of Oak, Ash and Birch Trees. It’s nighttime, and the Moon illuminates the ground below with her sleek, silvery glow. It’s a bit chilly, but not enough to complain about. A heavy mist rolls in the forest, and you hear rustling in the leaves and branches. You don’t feel threatened, but rather, you sense a presence that feels all too familiar. Out of the mist steps an antlered figure, skyclad and wearing golden torcs on his wrists, a pendant of Jet and Amber, and carrying a serpent with a ram’s head. Accompanying him are countless wild animals: boars, wolves, foxes, fireflies, raccoons, bears and so many more. He approaches, and announces himself:
“I am Cernunnos, Lord of the Shadows and Light, Lord of the Wild, untamable self. You sought me, and I have come. Now, we have work to do….”
You follow Cernunnos deeper into the forest, until you come upon a clearing with standing stone monoliths forming a circle. Fireflies flutter and dance about within the circle, indicating a presence of the Otherworld. He guides you to the center of the ritual circle, and begins chanting in ancient language that you don’t know, but find comforting and empowering. He brings to you a sacred flame contained in a bronze vessel, and speaks once more:
“This is the inner flame of the divine masculine. It has been abused and mistreated for millennia, and. has led many to destroy themselves and the world around them. I gift this to you, here and now, in trust and love, that you can help light the way for others. So that it may spark within you the impetus to create change that aligns with the true divine nature of this planet. This inner fire is always burning, and I am always tending it. You may return here anytime that inner fire needs stoked or re-lit”
You thank Cernunnos, and he places his hands on your heart and head. He speaks again:
“Your mind and heart have been told to fight each other, that they were separate, when they really are one. The mind cannot function without the heart, and the opposite is also true. Darkness cannot exist without the light, masculine without feminine, above without below. All is one, all is connected. Embrace the union of mind and heart, of body and soul, of destiny and purpose. Never let the inner fire grow and burn the heart or mind, nor the body, but never let it be extinguished either. Allow sacred rage to exist, but take action based from the heart space, for the good of all of our Earth Mother’s creatures, not just you. This is the quintessence of the divine masculine as shadow and light at once.”
This time, as you open your eyes, Cernunnos is gone, and all that remains is the fire inside the bronze vessel, and a Crow and Fox friend. The Crow caws, encouraging you to take the fire and vessel, and follow the Fox home. You once again reach the edge of the forest, and thank Fox and Crow for their guidance and companionship on this journey. You begin slowly feeling yourself return to this earthly plane, and begin moving your body, from your toes to your head, until you are fully embodied, here and now, once again. Take time to eat something, breathe, drink water, and of course, write down any experiences, messages or visions you might’ve just had. If you cast a magick circle, banish it. Allow the candles and incense to burn themselves out. You may find it helpful carrying the three crystals in the foreseeable future, as they will likely empower you as you continue embodying the divine masculine and work with it for activism (if you so choose).
Closing Thoughts
Whether we like it or not, the issues we’re facing right now have only just begun, and I would hedge a pretty confident bet that many Pagan, magical men are having trouble embodying the divine masculine right now, as we see the problems the toxic masculine presents us. Instead of denying this rightful energy, I suggest embracing it; the divine, not the toxic, naturally. Of course, the balance of the Goddesses is needed too, if we’re to move forward in a cooperative, unified manner. I sincerely hope that my points have been clear, and that I have inspired some to embody their own inner flame, their own divine masculinity, regardless of gender identity. We need healed masculine, divine masculine right now, to work alongside with the divine feminine (which also must be healed). There’s lots of work to do, and Cernunnos gives us the space to reset, ground, and embody our truest self once more. Meet him in the forest with me, and light your inner fire, or stoke it, if needed.
The world needs light more than anything right now, and I don’t mean the fluffy bunny white light crap, either. I mean the kind of light that illuminates the soul, the kind that you feel from the warm sunshine. The kind of light that illuminates the shadows and exposes them, so we can face them without fear and alchemize them. The kind of light that can only be found within. With that, I leave one last blessing to those embarking on this journey with me; this blessing is one of my favorites, and one of the first ones I ever learned, and comes from Ireland:
“May your troubles be less, may your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door”.
And may The God/Divine Masculine/Cernunnos/Horned One or whatever else you may call him protect you, guide you and bless you always.
~The Modern Merlin
Author Bio:
The Modern Merlin has been a Polytheist and Animist Pagan, Witch, Sorcerer, Poison Witch, Wizard, Druid, Mystic, Ceremonial Magician, Occultist, Shaman, Seer and Soothsayer for over 15 years, venerating and casting magick with deities and spirits from many cultures, including those from Ancient Greece, Rome, Norse & Germanic, Celtic, Slavic, Egyptian, Sumerian, as well as many Faeries, Nymphs, Dryads, Ancestors and other nature and land spirits and spirits of place. He is a Priest of Hecate, Diana, Hades, Lilith and Persephone, among others. He has experience in the Left and Right Hand Paths, working with both hands as needed. He currently practices Necromancy and Deathwalking, as well as Traditional Witchcraft, Druidry, Hellenism and Ceremonial Magick, incorporating all of them into a cohesive practice, with some shamanic touches. He studies and practices Astrology as well as Tarot and other forms of divination such as Runes, Palmistry and Ogham. He has also been investigating the paranormal for over 10 years and has a keen interest in researching various mythologies, cosmologies and folklore from around the world. He is the Co-Editor of PaganPages.Org and he has a personal blog where he shares Astrological, Pagan, and other magickal wisdom for free! He gives readings and other spiritual services on his Facebook Page, The Modern Merlin, as well other free informational posts for everyone to see!