Monthly Columns

Weyland’s Whey, January 5th 2025 Predictions Column

For Your Deliberation

Something a little different this year: this column will focus on moons and esbats instead of sabbats.  (Esbats are full moons and sabbats are pagan holidays, in case you’re wondering.)  I’ll be drawing on a variety of sources both in print and online for inspiration and facts.  Currently my personal fave influences are Seasons of the Moon: Folk Names and Lore of the Full Moon, by Michael Carabetta and 2025 Astrology Diary by Patsy Bennett.  Trust me, Pilgrim, it’ll be fun!

Wey’s Predictions

(He’s been wrong about everything else!)

We’ll be hearing more about “Professor” Archibald Montgomery Low.  A pioneer in many fields (radio guidance systems, guided rockets, torpedo boats), he often led the way for others, but a chronic lack of discipline hobbled his ability to see a project through (he was easily distracted by new ideas).  Low’s use of the title “professor” turned off his contemporaries, since he wasn’t entitled to it–he didn’t occupy an academic chair.  His love of publicity didn’t score him any points either.  Low’s own predictions include radio, alarm clocks, private radio sets, escalators, television and telephones that would automatically dial remembered numbers.  He also foresaw women wearing trousers as becoming normal wear.  He had less accurate predictions too (don’t we all–see my own articles) like electrically charged water weapons.  (Fizzle.)  In 1950 he predicted satellites…kinda.

Everything is magick!


Wey is a columnist, interviewer and storyteller for Pagan Pages.  Fan mail and large bribes may be sent to [email protected].  No plastic!