Weyland’s Whey, Quiet Moon January 11th 2025 Column
Look, Up in the Sky!
January 13th of this month marks the Quiet moon, so called among the Celts because it rose above silent, snowy vistas. This full moon’s in Cancer, so expect the unexpected, along with possible relationship changes and challenges. (Sounds like a typical day to me!) I’ll tell you how things worked out next month!
Name That Kitty Contest!
Our newest family member is a rescue kitten who was found in a Jersey drainpipe! She’s a polydactyl (six toes on both front paws, in her case) tabby, between four to six weeks old at the time we got her. We still have to give her a coven name, and would love your–yes, YOUR–input! Email Weyland one or two suggestions and we will pick one out of all the entries we receive by the day before Imbolc! We’re looking for something witchy, natch–but Sparkle and I are suckers for anything cute. We’d love to hear from you! Winner gets a Null Award. Remember, all votes due by midnight Saturday February 1st!
MUSIC Review
Arcade Fire is a Canadian indie rock group from Quebec. Current members are Win Butler, Regine Chassagne, Tim Kingbury, Richard Reed Parry and Jeremy Gara. Since Regine is of Haitian descent, the group continuously works to help and support the Haitian people. The band has been active since 2001 to the present and their genres embrace indie rock as well as art, dance and baroque pop. Their most popular songs include “Wake Up”, “The Suburbs” and “Rebellion (Lies)”. Check ’em out!
4 broomsticks.
Source: Wikipedia.
“Todo es magia.”
Don’t forget to send in your kitty name entries to [email protected] by midnight February first! Wey is waiting! And so’s the cat!!