Jennifer Wright is a witch on a path of change that is ever winding. She founded PaganPagesOrg over a decade ago in hopes of giving Pagans a platform to share and learn without judgment. She is now one of a Trinity of Goddesses running PaganPagesOrg. She loves to create in her spare time and you can find her Magickal Creations & Jewelry for sale on Her Page: This Witch’s Stitches & More Love Yourself.

  • Monthly Columns

    Spiritually Based Card Readings with The Gaelic Lenormand by Diana Clark

      My interest in learning Lenormand began early on. At the age of fourteen, I began reading Lenormand cards — cards that were passed down through several generations from the German side of my family. I feel fortunate to be part of a card reading lineage – a continuation of a legacy of mystical women. Since those early days of reading, I have increased in wisdom and spiritual awareness. From where I now stand, the importance of Divine Spiritual connection deepened my ability and is immersed within my reading style.     I am based outside of Seattle Washington, with a clientele that spans the globe. I describe myself as…

  • Monthly Columns

    Creating a Solitary Rhythm An Excerpt from the Book ‘The Witch at the Forest’s Edge: Thirteen Keys to Modern Traditional Witchcraft’ by Christine Grace

    Creating a Solitary Rhythm   For the traditional witch the goal is real, functional witchery. This means that it is essential for us to do our craft on a day-by-day, season-by-season basis. For some this is easy and obvious, while for others it is hard. These challenges can be long term or last only a season. One challenge can be that many of us are solitary witches. At the Forest’s Edge, we say we are all solitary-in-community. This means that whether we have a local circle or not, we all cultivate solitary practice and work to maintain our ties to our tradition community. For a traditional witch with neither tradition…

  • Monthly Columns

    Good Vibrations – Subtle Energy Techniques for a Radiant New You this New Year by Cyndi Dale

    No matter your biological age, energy medicine offers great anti-aging benefits. From the get-go, I must admit that I have my own secret ingredient. I have spent almost two decades following my youngest son’s baseball career, with most of the games occurring between February and June in the upper Midwest. Guess what that means? Yup. I am typically sitting on the bleachers in glacial weather. The downside is that I am usually miserable. The upside? My wrinkles freeze in place. Short of recommending my own unique practice, there are numerous activities that promote longevity, good health, and a youthful appearance. The ones I share herein are backed by science but…

  • This Month's Holiday

    Imbolc Correspondences

    (Brigid Goddess Imbolc figurine/ St Brigid needle felt Stand Alone created by Rachel Mack of WonderfulWaldorfFelt on Etsy.)   February 1, 2   Other Names: Imbolg (im-molc)(em-bowl’g) (Celtic), Candlemas (Christian), Brigantia (Caledonii), Oimelc, Festival of Light, Brigid’s (Brid, Bride) Day, La Fheill, An Fheille Bride, Candelaria (Mexico), Chinese New Year, Disting-tid (Feb 14th, Teutonic), DisaBlot, Anagantios, Lupercalia/Lupercus (Strega), Groundhog Day, Valentines Day. Animals & Mythical Beings: Firebird, dragon, groundhog, deer, burrowing animals, ewes, robin, sheep, lamb, other creatures waking from hibernation. Gemstones: Amethyst, garnet, onyx, turquoise. Incense/Oil: Jasmine, rosemary, frankincense, cinnamon, neroli, musk, olive, sweet pea, basil, myrrh, and wisteria, apricot, carnation. Colors/Candles: Brown, pink, red, orange, white, lavender, pale…

  • This Month's Holiday

    Ostara Correspondences

    (Ostara the Spring Goddess Witch Sticker by artist Di from Fort Witchy Stickies, FORTWITCHDFW shop on Etsy.)   March 20-21st – when the Sun enters Ares (oh-star-ah) – Lesser Sabbat – Spring/Vernal Equinox,   Other Names: Ostre, Oestre, Eostre, Rites of Spring, Eostra’s Day, Lady Day, First Day of Spring, Easter, St. Patrick’s Day, Alban Eiler, Bacchanalia, Mean Earraigh, Pasch, Caisg, Pess Date: Spring Equinox March 19–23 in Northern Hemisphere. Symbolism: The beginning of spring, new life and rebirth, the God and Goddess in Their youth, balance, fertility Goddesses: all love, virgin, and fertility Goddesses; Anna Perenna (Roman), Aphrodite (Greek), Astarte (Canaanite, Persia, GrecoRoman), Athena (Greek), Cybele (Greco-Roman), Blodeuwedd, Eostre…

  • Monthly Columns

    Solar Eclipse Sour Mixed Drink Recipe & More, Excerpted from Moon, Magic, Mixology by Julia Halina Hadas

    SOLAR ECLIPSE SOUR ENERGIES: purification, protection, grounding, spirituality MOON(S): solar eclipse, in Leo     Solar eclipses can often act as doorways to new beginnings, signifying powerful change in one’s life. With elements drawing on the moon and the sun, and a red wine float covering an otherwise bright color just like the moon covering the sun, this 1870 Sour variation is symbolic of the solar eclipse both in visual representation and ingredient alignment. Mix egg white to symbolize rebirth, cinnamon for vibration raising, and blueberry for psychic protection, and you have a concoction to help ground and protect your energy during this celestial event.   Serves 1 4 fresh…

  • This Month's Holiday

    Samhain Correspondences

      Samhain 2021 in Northern Hemisphere will begin in the evening of Sunday, October 31 and ends in the evening of Monday, November 1   Other Names: celtic ~ Summer’s End, pronounced “sow” (rhymes with now) “en” (Ireland), sow-een (Wales) – “mh” in the middle is a “w” sound – Greater Sabbat(High Holiday) – Fire Festival Oct 31-Nov 1(North Hemisphere) – Apr 30-May 1 – The Great Sabbat, Samhiunn, Samana, Samhuin, Sam-fuin, Samonios, Halloween, Hallomas, All Hallows Eve, All Saints/All Souls Day(Catholic), Day of the Dead (Mexican), Witches New Year, Trinoux Samonia, Celtic/ Druid New Year, Shadowfest (Strega), Martinmas or Old Hallowmas (Scotttish/Celtic) Lá Samhna (Modern Irish), Festival of the…

  • Monthly Columns

    Excerpt from the Book ‘The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Fairies’

      When you hear the word “fairy,” what image comes to mind? A miniature girl with gossamer wings and a sparkly dress, a la Disney’s version of Tinker Bell? A benevolent creature who flits about sprinkling fairy dust everywhere, waving her wand to make children’s wishes come true? If so, you’re in for a surprise. Like unicorns and mermaids, these magickal entities have been denatured by pop culture, robbed of their mystique and majesty. The fairies of old were nothing like the sugar-coated cartoon characters we envision today. They were powerful beings of a semi-divine nature, who may have descended from the gods and goddesses. According to some tales, they…

  • Monthly Columns,  This Month's Holiday

    Mabon/Autumn Equinox Correspondences

    Fall/Autumn Equinox, Wednesday, September 22, 2021   (artwork: Card – Mabon Meditation – fantasy art printed on sustainable paper by Maartje from the shop MaartjevanDokkum on etsy.)     Michaelmas (September 25th, Christian), Second Harvest Festival, Witches’ Thanksgiving, Harvest Home (Anglo-Celtic), Feast of Avalon, Wine Harvest, Festival of Dionysus, Cornucopia, Equinozio di Autunno (Strega), Chung Chiu (China), Night of the Hunter, Alban Elfed “The Light of the Water”(Caledonii/ Druidic-celebrates Lord of the Mysteries), Winter Finding (Teutonic, from Equinox ’til Winter Night or Nordic New Year, Oct 15th.)   It is the equilibrium of day and night and this represents the light and darkness in our lives. The long summer nights…

  • Monthly Columns

    30-Day Chakra Healing Challenge by Cyndi Dale and Dana Childs

      In our groundbreaking book, Chakras, Food, and You, we present a revolutionary way to connect to your true self by identifying your primary chakra. From this starting place, you can structure your food choices and lifestyle to support that main energy center. However, every chakra needs a little love and maintenance. Your chakras are essentially eddies of energies that interact with one another, the external environment, and other living beings. They are the subtle prisms of sound and light that create your outer physical reality. That means if you want to be in tip-top shape, every chakra must be the same. So, why not spend the next 30 days…