Spiritual First Aid: Defense Against Love Spells
Welcome to the latest edition of Spiritual First Aid! I apologize it’s been so long since my last column. Life has been a little hectic between my personal life, and with my new book being released and the many many side projects I have going on I have neglected the thing that gives me the most joy- writing. Some of these projects, you might know about, such as The Invisible College, the nonprofit I founded to aid the development and infrastructure of the spiritual communities we all hold dear. I also have some other new projects on the horizon that I’m going to keep silent on for the moment as…
Spiritual First Aid
Magick for Dealing with the Holidays Last time I went over what to do in one of the many different spiritual emergencies you may find yourself dealing with. In this installment, I want to talk more about how to use magick to deal with the craziness that life throws at you. Since this is the Yule issue, I am going to do a deep dive into how to use magick to cope with what can be the most emotionally charged time of the year- the holidays. Holidays are usually joyous occasions marked by joy, frivolity, and feasting, but for many others the holidays can be extremely emotionally triggering or overloading.…
Spiritual First Aid
Moving Spirits On Welcome to the first installment of Spiritual First Aid! I intend to use this column for two complementary goals: one is what to do with a metaphysical crisis or having a magickal emergency, and the other is using magick to handle the difficulties of life. Some topics I will cover will be things such as dealing with unwanted spirits, banishing harmful forces, advanced protection magick, using magick when in an emotional crisis, dealing with possession, energetic parasites, dealing with psychic vampires (unethical ones not asking for permission), how to handle intense energies in and out of ritual, and even rebuilding your life after a major life crisis-…