Crystal Connections
Book Review The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones – A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing by Uma Silbey Published by Skyhorse Publishing, and written by Uma Silbey, this 314 page book is hands down my favorite crystal book to date. From the moment the author described how the “Stone People” spoke to her, I was hooked. I nearly leapt for joy when she tells her readers to “hear” how the crystals want to be used rather than strictly going by a written definition. This is something I often tell my readers to do and reading that simply validated my own practice. This book isn’t…
Crystal Connections
Septarian In my opinion this stone is truly fascinating. I have on many occasions gotten lost in the patterns that occur naturally in this mineral. Septarian consists of a combination of Calcite, Aragonite and Limestone along with other minerals depending on the particular stones origins. It’s also known as a Dragon Stone because it’s thought to contain all four elements, but doesn’t it look like a dragon’s egg? Especially when it’s in the form of an egg! It brings to mind what I imagine a dragon’s egg would possibly look like, or at the very least a prehistoric egg of some sort. It really is a striking stone. It’s said…
Crystal Connections
Book Review – Crystal Skulls: Ancient Tools for Peace, Knowledge and Enlightenment Published by Weiser Books, and written by Judy Hall, this 194 page book explores the origin, lore and metaphysical properties of crystal skulls in two parts. In the first part of the book the author covers the controversy pertaining to the authenticity (or lack there of) of when these crystalline structures were created, carved or machined. She says it best when she states, “But, as has been said, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” Then she continues by saying, “In talking about crystal skulls, departures from “truth” inevitably occur. But what is truth? Just…
Crystal Connections
Amazonite A member of the Feldspar family, it’s said that Amazonite is the stone of truth. By stimulating the throat chakra, this stone assists in clear communication by aligning your speech to higher ideals. Amazonite inspires confidence, hope and enhances creative “true to self” expression. With its soothing green colors, calmness is what this crystalline structure is all about. This stone also works powerfully through the heart chakra by healing past emotional traumas. (Photo courtesy http://shijewels.etsy.com) When I worked in the financial industry I would often wear Amazonite jewelry not only because of its abilities described above but also because it’s known to relieve stress and dispel negative energy, and…
Crystal Connections
Petrified Wood Also known as Agatized or Fossilized Wood, Petrified wood in all actuality is Quartz and possesses some wonderful healing energies. Once rooted deep within the earth, these crystalline structures have a strong Gaia connection plus grounding and ancestral healing energies. Additional attributes that I have felt from working with these crystals is a fortified strength and a type of wisdom that can only come from something that was and is so deeply connected to the Earth. This peaceful stone is especially good to work with when you have inner turbulence and need to regain or re-establish some inner peace and balance. Since my dad was a rockhound, Petrified…
Crystal Connections
Hematite Hematite is a common but sometimes overlooked stone because it lacks the bright flashy colors like its other crystal counterparts. In its understated, cool dark silvery tones, this crystalline structure contains some pretty great metaphysical properties. Even though it’s known as the “stone of the mind” for its clarifying and focusing abilities, for me its best properties are for grounding, balancing and protecting. I will often carry a small tumbled piece around in my pocket or purse to roll between my fingers when I’m feeling out of sorts or confused. This stone has a way of bringing things into focus and keeping me on an…
Crystal Connections
Chakra Stones What are chakras? They are wheels of energy within your subtle body. It is said that if they are blocked in any way it can trigger physical, mental and emotional imbalances that can manifest into symptoms of illness and disease. If your looking for crystals to align and clear your chakras there are many to choose from. In jewelry you will see that they are presented with a variety of different stones creating a rainbow of colors. Root/Base (Security, Trust) – Garnet, Ruby, Red Jasper, Jet, Obsidian and Hematite, Fire Agate, Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Aragonite, Smoky Quartz Sacral (Creativity, Sexual Energy) – Tiger’s Eye,…
Crystal Connections
Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals by Judy Hall Published by O books, written by Judy Hall, this 171 page book is divided into two parts. Part 1 touches on differing subjects that include Crystal Know How and Crystals for Health. Crystal Know How is set up somewhat like a FAQ on how to use the books directory and Judy Hall even includes a section on the technique that she uses to choose the crystal or crystals that are right for her. In Crystals for Health the author explains why crystals have an important role in disease and…
Crystal Connections
Cleansing and Charging Crystals absorb and hold the energy from their surroundings. Each time you or someone else comes in contact with your crystals they retain some of the energy from that interaction. After each use you should take time to clear away the energy that they’ve taken on as well as recharging to make sure that your minerals intent is restored. This ensures that your crystals are ready to use when needed. There are a few different ways to cleanse and recharge your crystals and minerals. Below are some of the different techniques that I’ve used. Smudging – I use white sage and palo santo wood.…
Crystal Connections
Shiva Lingam Gathered from a holy site on the Narmada River in India, these sacred stones pack quite a bit of energy. Though these stones are a symbol of the Hindu God Shiva they also represent both masculine (the phallic shape) and feminine (the yoni markings) energies, because of this they can be used to activate kundalini energy. Not only can they intensify vitality within the body, they are known to raise the pranic energy as well. It’s been said that Shiva Lingams represent the center axis of life, connecting earth with the universe. Known as the stone of insight, lingams facilitate releasing all that you’ve outgrown…