News and Notes from the Editor-January 2025: The Devil in the Details
Hello all, I’m finally getting back into my usual groove after battling illness for a few weeks. That time away allowed me time to go inward, and also allowed me to read a book that was on my personal reading list, that I hadn’t received to review. That book, Magic at the Crossroads: The Devil in Modern Witchcraft by Kate Freuler inspired many days of sleuthing on the internet researching subjects such as the Satanic Panic (the main topic of this article) as well as similar topics like the Temple of Set, LaVeyan Satanism, Dr. Michael Aquino and the like. Along with Magic at the Crossroads, a book that I’ve reviewed, Song of the…
Entheogens For The New Gen: Using Poisons, Psychedelics and Cannabis in Witchcraft and Magick
Article Photo is Original Design by Author ***The author of this article and PaganPages.Org are not liable for the use and/or misuse of poisonous plants, fungi, or any other plant substance, regardless of legality in your area. Each reader consumes these substances at their own risk. The information within this column is meant to be informative, and does not form a medical diagnosis or cure*** Updated for Trigger Warning: TW **This post contains topics like substance use, suicide and mental health issues** Introduction to the New Column Hello friends, and welcome to 2025! I’ve returned from my break for the holidays and am brimming with excitement to start my new…
In a Forest of Winter Enchantment: A Special Fiction Piece by The Modern Merlin
Good afternoon and Frohes Muttersnacht to you all! For those who don’t know, Mother’s Night is celebrated the night before Yule (the Winter Solstice) in many traditional Germanic customs. Not only are our earthly and ancestral mothers honored, but also the mother goddesses. This part of my Winter holiday celebration is when I switch into a more ancestry-based practice, incorporating various Celtic, Germanic and Anglo-Saxon beliefs concerning the winter solstice tradition. All this, while still honoring Saturnalia, which in essence welcomes in “Jack Frost” or “Old Man Winter” as he is now called. This fiction piece is inspired by the energy of Mother’s Night, and is in celebration of all mothers out…
Book Review-Pagan Portals: Maman Brigitte: Dark Goddess of Africa and Ireland by Pauline Breen
Book Review Pagan Portals: Maman Brigitte: Dark Goddess of Africa and Ireland By Pauline Breen Publisher: Moon Books 104 page E-Book Release Date: December 1st, 2024 Pagan Portals: Maman Brigitte is a fascinating exploration of an oft-misunderstood goddess within the Vodou traditions of Haiti and Louisiana. Breen makes clear that she has no “in” with these cultures that have been the subject of centuries of exploitation, from slavery to the appropriation of their beliefs. I appreciate the author’s intent to avoid an attempt at appropriation, but rather the exploration of the Goddess, in this case, Brigid, as she evolved to meet the needs of peoples who had been exploited and sold…
The Modern Merlin’s Corner-December 2024: Saturnalia, Yule and Winter Celebrations
IO Saturnalia! I hope my readers are having a joyful and blessed Saturnalia and start of the holiday season. Before getting into the subject of this month’s column, I want to take a moment to address some changes coming in 2025 to this column. Rest assured, I will still be contributing this column to our publication, but I will be re-defining it in some ways, excluding certain subject areas, as they will be touched on by other columns I will be writing, and add in other subject areas into this one. This column will still remain fairly eclectic, but I will be expanding it to include more on the subjects…
Scary, Strange and Mythical Encounters: A Paranormal, Folklore & Mythology Column-December 2024: Introduction and Friday the 13th
Happy Friday the 13th! I’m so excited to start one of my new columns, and on Friday the 13th no less! How perfect for a Paranormal Column! Before I get into the content of my article, which I promise is themed for this Friday the 13th, and we will look at lore, legends, and myths as well as possible Pagan basis for the current superstitions and beliefs surrounding this magickal day. Before we get into the fun that I have in store for you, I want to explain what this column will be, and why I chose to tackle these subjects, both separately and apart. Stay with me, as it’s…
News & Notes from the Editor-December 9th-15th, 2024: Reclaiming Paganism
Hello again friends! I hope you’re all doing well, and that your week is getting on without any major issues as we continue to navigate the end of Mercury retrograde this week. I’ve decided to take on an Op-Ed style for this week’s Editorial. Paganism is, and has been, pervasive in history, with its cultures, traditions and folk beliefs influencing everything, from our outlooks, philosophy and our holiday traditions. Different Gods, Goddesses and spirits have taken on similar attributes for each culture, helping explain things like the changing of the seasons, weather events, death, birth and similar, unavoidable aspects of life. For large parts of recent, modern history, Christianity and…
Book Review-Pagan Portals: Cerridwen: Keeper of the Cauldron by Danu Forest
Book Review Pagan Portals: Cerridwen: Keeper of the Cauldron By Danu Forest Publisher: Moon Books 137 Page e-Book Release Date: December 1st, 2024 Pagan Portals: Cerridwen: Keeper of the Cauldron by Danu Forest is a fascinating examination of Cerrdiwen through mythology, worship and modern Paganism. Danu Forest is a well-known author on Celtic Pagan subjects, and she takes the cake in this book! Cerridwen is a somewhat complex, and multi-faceted goddess; some see her as mother, others as a crone. She’s the keeper of the cauldron of Awen, or inspiration, and the mother of Taliesin. She’s intertwined in the Arthurian Mythos as well, and serves as a central figure in…
Book Review-Pagan Portals: Circe: Goddess of Sorcery by Irisanya Moon
Book Review Pagan Portals: Circe: Goddess of Sorcery By Irisanya Moon Publisher: Moon Books 112 Page E-Book Release Date: December 1st, 2024 I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; I am a huge fan of the Pagan Portals series by Moon Books. Pagan Portals: Circe: Goddess of Sorcery by Irisanya Moon is no different. I practice Hekatean Witchcraft blended with traditional witchcraft, and Circe is a Goddess/Spirit that I’ve encountered on this path before, but she has always been veiled in mystery, especially as it pertains to her functions in the modern world, in modern witchcraft. This book de-mystifies a Goddess that’s much misunderstood, and maligned throughout history. Pagan Portals: Circe covers Circe’s historical context…
The Modern Merlin’s Mars Retrograde in Leo Survival Guide
Another planet has entered its retrograde phase, this time, it’s Mars, the planet of energy, action, sexuality and masculinity. Mars is transiting in Leo, but with the retrograde motion, will careen back into Cancer, making for an interesting retrograde transit. We’ll discuss what Mars retrograde typically brings, as well as sign specific things to expect for both Leo and Cancer. After this, we’ll discuss certain aspects this retrograde period will make with other planets, and the effects they may have. Without further ado, let’s begin! Mars Retrograde: What it means Mars retrograde is known to typically bring with it a propensity for short tempers, especially as setbacks are experienced and…