Deck Review – The Women of Myth Oracle Deck: Guidance and Insight from the Divine and Diverse Feminine cards by Maria Sofia Marmanides
Deck Review The Women of Myth Oracle Deck: Guidance and Insight from the Divine and Diverse Feminine Cards By Maria Sofia Marmanides Publisher: Adams Media 50 cards and 120-page booklet Publication Date: July 4, 2023 “The Women of Myth Oracle Deck” allows users to consult the wisdom of 50 mythic women from mythologies around the world, each with their stories. The artwork, printed on quality stock, portray these women as powerful goddesses, heroines, and monsters. Each has a full-page illustration and paragraphs with what these women are known for, the card’s meaning, and the advice she offers. Preceding the explanation of individual cards, Maria Sofia Marmanides…
Book Review – My Pocket Self-Care: Anytime Activities to Refresh Your Mind, Body, and Spirit by Adams Media
Book Review My Pocket Self-Care: Anytime Activities to Refresh Your Mind, Body, and Spirit by Adams Media Published by Simon & Schuster 176 pages Publication date: December 8, 2020 This cute little book is an excellent addition to my library of self-care books. It covers the body, mind and spirit, rather than just one of those topics like some books I own. I think it’s great how it is small enough that I could just throw it in my purse and have it easily at hand. In fact, it lived in my purse as I was reading and reviewing it. Now it lives on my nightstand for quick…