Book Review-From Elder To Ancestor: Nature Kinship for All Seasons of Life by S. Kelley Harrell
Article Photo Credits: Stock Photo of Cover of From Elder to Ancestor, via Publisher From Elder to Ancestor: Nature Kinship for All Seasons of Life by S. Kelley Harrell is a 184 page paperback book published by Destiny Books, an imprint of Inner Traditions Publishing. From Elder to Ancestor is a book of animism in that it takes the belief that many Pagans, Witches and others walking a nature spirituality path hold, and expands it past nature spirits, spirits of place, etc., and moves it forward into tending community and leaving a legacy for future generations. Harrell leaves exercises, journal prompts and even suggestions for rituals. From Elder to Ancestor can be seen as a blueprint…
The Modern Merlin’s Corner: What’s in a name? The Power and Magick Behind Names
Names are some of the fundamental words we learn when we’re being taught how to speak any language. Every thing has a name. Every place has a name. Every one has a name. Place names, surnames and first names, middle names, magickal names are just some examples we see everyday, Pagan or not. In magick, both ancient and modern, it’s a pretty well accepted fact that having a spirit (or person’s) name, gives power over them. Examples of this are abundant in the Medieval Grimoire tradition, especially in works like The Goetia and other well-known grimoires. Knowing a deity’s name doesn’t give you power over them, but it does help you connect to their current of energy, and…
Book Review: Alive with Spirits by Althaea Sebastiani
Overview of Alive with Spirits Alive with Spirits: The Path and Practice of Animistic Witchcraft by Althaea Sebastiani, published by Weiser, is a book that I’ve been personally excited to read since Weiser mentioned it on social media. Sebastiani doesn’t disappoint, either. She starts off with what I consider a thesis on the philosophy of animism, in that it isn’t something you believe but rather, something you embody through daily practice. Sebastiani continuously breaks down societal barriers and programming that prevent most from fully taking on this worldview. She states that Animistic Witchcraft and Polytheism typically go hand-in-hand (and from experience as a Polytheist and Animist, I concur), but that other paradigms of Witchcraft also…
The Modern Merlin’s Corner: Owls and Oaks: Wisdom of the Seen and Unseen
My personal spiritual journey has been zig-zagging lately, between different topics, practices, pantheons and spirits. Lately, I’ve been on a path of deepening my connection with the land, the animals that inhabit it, and the spirits, too. When I began reading Celtic Goddess Grimoire for my review, which you can read here, I began sensing an even deeper appreciation for nature than I already had. I felt a deep connection with the trees, animals and land that I see everyday, and I can only explain this as Nemetona’s presence, one of the Goddesses in that book that really came through, along with Melusine, as I live in a town that was literally…