
Book Review-From Elder To Ancestor: Nature Kinship for All Seasons of Life by S. Kelley Harrell

Article Photo Credits: Stock Photo of Cover of From Elder to Ancestor, via Publisher

From Elder to Ancestor: Nature Kinship for All Seasons of Life by S. Kelley Harrell is a 184 page paperback book published by Destiny Books, an imprint of Inner Traditions Publishing. From Elder to Ancestor is a book of animism in that it takes the belief that many Pagans, Witches and others walking a nature spirituality path hold, and expands it past nature spirits, spirits of place, etc., and moves it forward into tending community and leaving a legacy for future generations. Harrell leaves exercises, journal prompts and even suggestions for rituals. From Elder to Ancestor can be seen as a blueprint of what animism is in a general sense, urging you to more deeply explore your own personal cosmology, from the microcosm to the macrocosm. Working through shadows and healing ancestral traumas is addressed, as well as the collective trauma that humanity has undergone because of its now millenia long separation from the sacredness of nature. Harrell addresses settler culture, and how it has impacted our continued separation from nature and each other, enforcing the view that we are above, and thus separate from, nature and the land and animals, and the spirits, that we live among. From Elder to Ancestor is the book every animist needs as our outdated, imperialistic culture begins to die off, giving way to needed change, but not without resistance from those seeking to maintain the outdated overculture and its beliefs.

Personal Thoughts on From Elder to Ancestor

From Elder to Ancestor was an unexpected resource I’ve found myself growing to embody the lessons and messages within. I’ve been an animist for almost nearly as long as I’ve been a Pagan, but embodying that belief is an ongoing process, given the constraints imposed on us by the overculture of our day. This book has helped me personally grow and embody those relationships with the life and spirits among me, and has helped me grow my self-awareness of the biome that exists within me, and within each of you, too. I’ve been longing to leave a legacy behind, despite my young age of 30, as I’ve long realized that life is not what you do, but rather, what you leave behind for others. From Elder to Ancestor not only helps one embody themselves, their craft, and develop meaningful, reciprocal relationships with all of the spirits and beings among you, but also slowly molds you to leaving a legacy behind, of tending community, human and non-human; of leaving a legacy full of lore, teachings that are of use to generations beyond ourselves, and wisdom that when applied leads to happiness and a tightly woven community. We too often rely on or focus on our other-side friends and guides, allies and spirits, as Witches, Pagans, or what have you. From Elder to Ancestor encourages breaking that routine, and beginning to grow a community that is made up of other humans, that also includes the other-side. This is only a glimpse into the depth of this book, and the growth and healing possible within its pages, and I would encourage every animist to read it. On a scale of 1-5, I give From Elder to Ancestor; Nature Kinship for All Seasons of Life a 5; it’s just that good, with a depth that keeps you interested and engaged, without being specific to a spiritual/pantheon tradition, despite the author’s belief in Heathenry. Harrell carefully exhibits her beliefs as example, pulling from Norse beliefs, but only as examples, encouraging the reader to apply the concepts to their own personal cosmological views. From Elder to Ancestor is a book I’d recommend highly to just about anyone!


S. Kelley Harrell is an animist and deathwalker who teaches nature based soul tending programs as well as ethically based spiritual practices, involving Runework, Deathwalking and the like. Harrell has authored several other books, inluding Runic Book of Days. She lives in North Carolina.


About the Author:

Hello there! I’m the Modern Merlin, and I’ve been a Polytheist and Animist Pagan, Witch, Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Mystic, Ceremonial Magician and Soothsayer for 15 years, worshipping and casting magick with deities and spirits from many cultures, including Ancient Greece, Rome, Norse & Germanic, Celtic, Egyptian, Sumerian, as well as many Faeries, Nymphs, Dryads, Ancestors and other nature and land spirits and spirits of place. I practice Necromancy and Deathwalking, as well as Traditional Witchcraft and Ceremonial Magick. I study and practice Astrology as well as Tarot and other forms of divination. I give readings and spiritual services on my Facebook Page, The Modern Merlin, as well other free informational posts for everyone to see!