Weyland’s Whey Lughnasadh 2024 Column
It’s pronounced LEW-NAS-AH. One of the eight Pagan Sabbats, the focus is typically on an early harvest aspect and/or celebrations of the Celtic god Lugh. During the Middle Ages it included large gatherings for ceremonies, athletic contests, horse racing and feasting, among other activities. More recently, Lughnasadh observances were typically held atop hills and mountains. The tradition of climbing hills and mountains has survived in some areas, reinterpreted as Christian pilgrimages. (I’m thinking Sound of Music in robes, but that can’t be right.) Since the late twentieth century, Celtic neopagans (us, kinda) have celebrated Lughnasadh–or observances based on it–as religious holidays.
Hey, any excuse for a party!
(Sources: Wikipedia, learnreligions.com)
MUSIC Review
Abundant Lughnasadh~Chant for August Eve and Lammas by Flora Ware with Heidi McCurdy
Flora Ware is a Ceremonial Priestess and a Cyclic Living Teacher, among many other wonderful things. I discovered her work as a sacred musician while researching songs for this Lughnasadh column. I like her music, love her blog and recommend her website.
Heidi McCurdy has a blog too! She is a singer, voice coach, songwriter and sound healer. Her musical style has been described as jazz-pop with wit and soul.
Abundant Lughnasadh is a lovely song. Spiritual. I like the video. I think you will too. Google the song title.
Weyland has to stay in shape to keep up with Sparkle and the furkids! His attempts to do so include yoga, powerwalking and the occasional stairmaster. But despite his best efforts, Delinquent the dog can still outrun him. Send your canine congrats to [email protected]