Monthly Columns

The Modern Merlin’s Corner: Trance States using Entheogens and Sacred Plant Medicine

Article Cover Photo Credits: Pinterest search for “psychedelic witchy art”

My reason for writing on this subject is because my column entry last month mentioned using trance state to connect with local spirits of place, the Land, etc., and so, I decided after checking with the publisher, that I would share my knowledge in this area, and give you my tried and true method of using Entheogenic plants to reach a trance and visionary state and maintain it. This is my preferred method of contacting the Otherside, doing journeying, and the like, but which entheogenic plant I use varies by day, purpose, how I’m feeling, etc. I will not give dosages, etc., but I will give you a guide to reaching that state safely using entheogens. Safe dosages and the like rest solely on the reader of this article, as does the appropriate research, which I will list sources for that I have used in the past to inform me on these practices over the years. This is Witchcraft untamed, wild, and powerful, that when mishandled can dangerous, even deadly. The responsibility of thorough research and deciding whether or not this is for you, rests solely on you.

Before I start getting into the meat and potatoes of this subject, I want to address all of my readers with the following disclaimer and note. This particular entry into my monthly column deals with substances such as Alcohol, Cannabis, Psilocybin, Amanita Muscaria, Amanita Pantherina and other substances, such as poisonous plants, that are controlled, and in some states, still illegal, and some, such as Alcohol, can be addictive. I do not and will never condone reckless substance abuse or misuse; nor will I ever be one to claim that my way is the only way. This is a way of inducing trance states that I have come to find is helpful for me in many ways. If you are currently, or have had, or even in your genetic history, have addiction issues, I give these words of caution for your safety and wellbeing. The opinions, practices and methods contained in this column entry are mine, taken from studious amounts of research as well as trial and error. I will not give formulas and recipes for items like witches flying ointment or any other elixir or product containing these sacred plants, as they are still dangerous; however, the recipes are out there, and for those looking to purchase pre-made items like this, I will defer you to a well respected and trusted apothecary run by Coby Michael, one of my favorite authors on Poison Plant Medicine and Entheogenic use of baneful plants. For obvious reasons, if Cannabis, etc., are illegal where you live, please consider local laws and be safe. I can’t stop anyone from doing what they’re going to do, so I please ask that all of you remain safe if you choose to undergo this practice. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s begin, shall we?

What exactly are Entheogens?

Atropa Belladonna, “Deadly Nightshade” from Wikipedia


According to Oxford Language’s online dictionary that can be accessed through Google, an Entheogen is “a chemical substance, typically of plant origin, that is ingested to produce a nonordinary state of consciousness for religious or spiritual purposes.”  According to Oxford, the etymology of entheogen stems from Greek, meaning “being divine within”.  These definitions and root of the word give us many clues to entheogens. It’s sacred plant medicine; it can be poisonous, such as Henbane, Datura, Belladonna, Wolfsbane, amongst others. They can be hallucinogenic, but not necessarily poisonous (or at least in a safe dose), such as Psilocybin, Cannabis and Amanita Pantherina and Amanita Muscaria. To go further and define entheogens, I group them in two main groups: poisonous and non-poisonous. The Poisonous Group contains plants such as Belladonna, Hemlock, and the others listed above, while the Non-Poisonous Group contains Cannabis, Psilocybin and others. There’s a very fine line in the Poisonous and Non-Poisonous grouping, as even Cannabis can have negative side effects when taken in too heavy of a dose; however, the reason I don’t consider them poisonous is because it takes a much larger dose to receive those negative effects, whereas with Belladonna and the like, smaller doses work best, and even the slightest bit over can cause negative effects that might require medical treatment. Something else to keep in mind with this practice is your personal health, both mental and physical, as well as spiritualBefore moving into that topic, which I will cover in another section, I want to take just a moment to again state that if any of your faculties or health, whether physical or mental, are less than perfect, join the club! What I’m specifically referring to as being dangerous existing conditions for this work are things such as severe mental health issues and physical health issues. Research is key, and I will include a list of resources for your research, as well as for those looking for a reputable supplier of certain sacred plant medicines (the poisonous ones). Google the effects of the entheogenic plant you’re thinking of using, and find out exactly what it does to your body, and the effects it may have. If any of those effects will impact an underlying condition, it’s best to change your plant spirit ally to another, safer alternative. If none seem to not have an effect on an existing condition, then it may be safest to not work this path. Keeping yourself healthy and alive is number one. Safety, safety, safety. That’s rule #1 with entheogens. Rule #2? Know thyself.


Photo of Cannabis and Psilocybin from Microdose Guru, google search

Witch, Know Thyself!

As I’ve stated multiple times previously, knowing yourself, self awareness, is critical for using entheogens. Your spiritual hygiene needs to be pretty good. Cleanse your space, yourself in an herb bath or with a sacred wash or soap. Physically cleanse yourself in the shower, and physically clean the home with intent to not only physically cleanse, but spiritually cleanse. There’s many ways to do this, so I defer you to your most trusted cleansing methods. A safe place to perform these trance states is another requirement. Simply put, you need to be safe, not only from others but yourself. It helps to have a trusted friend or relative with you who can monitor in case things go awry. Make sure to note any health conditions, mental or physical, to them in case things do go haywire. Trance states with entheogens are more art than science, but some science is helpful in this path as well. My purpose in writing this column entry is not to go over dosages, etc., as I will leave you with resources to discover on your own those bits of information, I’m more focused on giving those who are interested in, or already practicing this path, my safe, proven and trusted method of using entheogenic plants for meditations, deathwalking, journeying and other purposes. In essence, I want to give more minute tips of the path, the ones that I’ve found have helped me forge a stronger and safer connection to this untamable path.

I would be remiss to not mention the other healing qualities of these plants, such as the wide range of use Cannabis has in treating various ailments and diseases, and the positive results being seen with psilocybin use in PTSD and other mental health issues. The Poisonous Group also has healing qualities in low doses; Foxglove, for instance, in certain doses can help with heart related medical issues, and digitalis is the chemical component from Foxglove (or atleast originally derived from, I’m sure there’s synthetic now) that has this healing effect. Datura is known in small doses to help with pain, essentially being a potential replacement for opioid painkillers (although this is still controversial in mainstream circles, and I will never advise anyone to use it in place of, as again, it has its dangers and some are still not fully known, so I defer you to a healthcare provider for any kind of pain management). These are the facts about entheogens as I know them, and this field is still growing and evolving as science continues to study their potential uses and chemical components, etc.

Where does Alcohol fit into all of this?

Alcohol is one of the oldest elixirs mankind has; it’s been brewed, distilled and made for millenia. It’s considered an appropriate offering for the dead, the Gods and Goddesses, and others. Libations are a common practice in Pagan traditions and multiple other religions. However, in my research of Ancient societies, I have found that Ancient Greek, and especially Ancient Egyptian pagan religions used Alcohol as the key to accessing their Gods and Goddesses. In Ancient Hellenic religion, wine was a common offering to the Gods, as in Ancient Egypt was beer, but was also consumed with those deities sharing the consumption of the libation with the human participants, thus mixing their essence and energy into the person consuming the libation with the deity. This concept is still seen in modern Paganism as well, especially in ceremonial forms of Wicca, Druidry, and Heathenry, and it’s beginning to emerge once more in the modern Hellenic tradition. Alcohol, as we all know, can be addictive; for this reason, I again will state that the above cautions still apply here as well. Please, be careful; don’t hurt yourself, or others, and always drive sober.

Inducing Trance and Visionary States using Entheogens

Having discussed all the differing types of entheogens in short, we can now go on to using them safely to induce a trance state or visionary state. Shamanic methods that have been subsumed into witchcraft practices over time, as tribal shamanism became the cunningfolk and wise woman/man of late antiquity and early post-christian European culture. Again, I urge each reader to look at the resources I will provide at the end of this article, and do their research-both historical and practical, academic and spiritual-before using an entheogen. First off, take an inventory; what do you wish to achieve? What do you want to experience? How vivid and intense of an experience can you tolerate? How vivid and intense of an experience do you want? What do my ancestors and spirit guides have to say about this path? Is this a passing interest, or something I’m willing to commit to, keeping safety in mind at all times, holding myself accountable for all consequences, good or bad? These are just a few of the questions I had to ask myself before fully committing to being a practitioner of the Poison Path and Sacred Entheogenic Plant Medicine.

Sometimes, I use specific mixtures of herbs and sacred plants to achieve a certain outcome, or contact a certain realm or spirit(s). For instance, for deathwalking, easing restless souls into the otherworld by giving them space to heal and work through their unfinished business and trauma, I would use mugwort, damiana, and a small pinch of belladonna and wormwood and put it through rituals and processes to make it safe and usable. This is a mixture that I’ve come to find is subtle, yet potent enough to do deathwalking for me, enhancing my psychic abilities just enough to accurately commune with the spirit(s) and help them. Sometimes, I prefer to go au naturale; I’ll eat a single Belladonna berry, which I have learned through experience, is most potent and will achieve the effects I need. Part of this path and work is, simply finding what works for you, while keeping safety in mind at all times. Another part of this path is the work with each individual plant spirit. This can be tricky, especially in modern times, as most of us will find our plants and such from resellers, rather than harvesting it ourselves. I consider myself lucky in that there is wild Belladonna that grows near my home, and thus I have access to harvest it at the precise lunation I choose when it’s ripe. Most will probably foray with pre-made concoctions, which is fine and perfectly acceptable for safety reasons. Using what is available is always the trademark of the true witch; not everything has to be harvested by you, processed by you, etc., if it’s not accessible that way, then it’s not available, is it?

For the example and guide which I’m going to give you, I’m going to use Cannabis, a rather common entheogen and one that I feel is safest to use as an example, given the few negative effects this sacred plant has. The template I give doesn’t give specific invocations, etc., as I feel each person, if they craft their own, will experience better results. Of course, you can alter this to fit your needs specifically to what sacred plant(s) you’re working with, and I encourage each individual to use their creativity. It doesn’t have to be perfect, nor does it have to be picturesque, ready to be photoed and posted on social media. Rarely is the true craft of the Wise Ones so aesthetic; rather, it’s wild, untamed, and uncontrollable. You will experience what you will experience. In this way, there are guidelines we can all follow to stay safe, physically, mentally, and spiritually, but the ultimate practice and experience rests with the individual. Without further ado, I will give my guideline, based on personal practice and experience. Please note, this is only a guideline and can be adjusted to work with any other entheogenic plant you choose to use.

What You Need:

  1. Cannabis, either flower, wax, or wax cartridge
  2. Incense
  3. Candle(s) of appropriate color(s), if desired
  4. A quiet space
  5. Your trusted friend or relative
  6. A Notebook or pad of paper for your friend to write down anything you say, etc., during this practice


Before consuming the cannabis ritual entheogen, I would like to note that I personally have strains and pipes that I use specifically for these purposes, but this is not required, and I leave it to you to decide if this is what you wish to do as well. For cartridges, I don’t have any taboos, as long as it’s a strain I know will work for my purposes (Indicas tend to work well for most with this, however, I’ve found hybrids and sativas work best for me with this). If you so wish, create a small ritual to cleanse, consecrate and bless the plant material and pipe for use as ritual tools. I also recommend spending a moment or two in silent meditation, reaching out to the plant spirit of cannabis, to see if it has any messages, etc., for you. After this, consume the ritual entheogen, and allow yourself to slowly fade into a liminal state. From here, we begin the trance and visionary state work.

Once you feel you’ve reached the liminal state, where space, time, and realms merge, start to breathe slowly and deeply. Allow any visions to come, and allow any messages to be spoken through you, if you and the spirit(s), etc., see fit. Allow the experience to happen naturally; rarely do scripted dialogues work, nor do they flow, in this kind of work. Again, this is the wild, untamed, aspect of the craft. Allow it to come as it may, and when you’re ready to be done, or when the spirits, etc., have shown that their end of the work is finished, then start to slowly allow your consciousness to drift back into our material realm, closing the veil to the Otherside. Thank the spirits, guides, deities, plants and their spirits, as well as the Earth Mother, whom I call Gaia, for their protection, help, and assistance in gaining the wisdom and magick you needed. Slowly open your eyes and allow your breathing to return to normal. If you consumed an entheogen other than Cannabis, then more grounding may need done, as well as potential for more time for the experience to end. With Cannabis, it’s more controlled; with other entheogens such as psilocybin and belladonna, it lasts some time longer. Eat some food, drink some water, and if you feel the need, go outside to further ground. After care for entheogenic plant use is just as important as the precautionary work that we do to keep ourselves safe. Grounding is everything, as our soul, our spirit, literally traverses to other realms with the help of these scared plant allies.

As promised, below I am giving you a list of resources pertinent to this work and practice, that have informed me and inspired my methods. I advise each person to read at the very least, the first two, especially the first, as it gives important information on the use of entheogenic poisonous plants.

Resources and reading

  • The Poison Path Herbal: Baneful Herbs, Deadly Nightshades, and Ritual Entheogens by Coby Michael
  • Entering Hekate’s Garden: The Magick, Medicine & Mystery of Plant Spirit Witchcraft by Cyndi Brannen
  • Veneficium: Magic, Witchcraft, and the Poison Path by Daniel A. Schulke
  • Wake, Bake and Meditate: Take Your Spiritual Practice to a Higher Level with Cannabis by Kerri Connor
  • Conjuring With Cannabis: Spells and Rituals for the Weed Witch by Kerri Connor
  • Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana–Revised and Updated by Michael Backes
  • Cannabis and Spirituality: An Explorer’s Guide to An Ancient Plant Spirit Ally, edited by Stephen Gray
  • Psychedelics and Spirituality: The Sacred Use of LSD, Psilocybin, and MDMA for Human Transformation edited by Thomas R. Roberts, PhD
  • Besom, Stang & Sword: A Guide to Traditional Witchcraft, the Six-Fold Path & the Hidden Landscape by Christopher Orapello & Tara-Love Maguire

Coby Michael’s website, where he sells ointments, etc., using Poison Plants, can be found here


About the Author:

Hello there! I’m the Modern Merlin, and I’ve been a Polytheist Pagan, Witch, Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Mystic, Ceremonial Magician and Soothsayer for 15 years, worshipping and casting magick with deities and spirits from many cultures, including Ancient Greece, Rome, Norse & Germanic, Celtic, Egyptian, Sumerian, as well as many Faeries, Nymphs, Dryads and other nature and land spirits. I study and practice Astrology as well as Tarot and other forms of divination. I give readings and spiritual services on my Facebook Page, The Modern Merlin, as well other free informational posts for everyone to see!