• Reviews

    Book Review – The Magic of Trees: Discovering the Magic Within by Jessica Baumgartner

    Book Review The Magic of Trees: Discovering the Magic Within by Jessica Baumgartner Publisher: Witch Way Magazine 312 Pages Publication: February 25, 2023     “I wrote this book during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout those early lockdowns, the forests were still there for me. Parks and trails remained to be explored. Birds still sang, and the animals continued their cycle of life and death without change. The trees in my backyard remained friends. No matter how closed off the world became, the sky was still blue, and the trees continued to paint it with emerald and gold leaves…” Although this quote is found in the Conclusion: Continue to Grow…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – GaeaGenesis: Conception and Birth of the Living Earth by Oberon Zell

    Book Review GaeaGenesis: Conception and Birth of the Living Earth by Oberon Zell Foreword by Alex Vikoulov Publisher: Left Hand Press 436 Pages Release Date: July 30, 2022     From the publisher:  “Oberon Zell was the first person to conceive and publish the biological and metaphysical foundations of what has become known as the ‘Gaia Theory’— the unified body and emergent soul of the living Earth. Oberon’s profound reconciliation of science, mythology and spirituality inspired and infused worldwide neo-Pagan, pantheistic movement. His visionary sculpture of the ‘Millennial Gaia’ is a three-dimensional revelation, an artistic masterpiece that fuses evolutionary biology with sculptural elegance. For over 50 years Oberon has been…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Fourteen Holy Helpers by Christiane Stamm

    Book Review The Fourteen Holy Helpers: Invocations for Healing and Protection by Christiane Stamm Publisher: Earthdancer Books 112 Pages Publication Date: March 29, 2022                     This book struck my interest when it was offered for review. This was due to having spent over 30 years of my life as a Catholic. The Fourteen Holy Helpers are Christian Saints. In this book, Christiane Stamm presents how to initiate yourself to use the power of the saints as well as how to preform an invocation utilizing prayers to bring about healing and protection. The book invites you to become initiated by copying each…

  • Monthly Columns

    30 Days of Samhain

    It’s Almost Time!     The final harvest calls, the Ancestors await and the veils between the worlds have thinned offering the gifts of healing, transformation and deeper communion with the cycles of nature. 2020 marks the fourth year of 30-Days of Samhain! This year has been challenging and turbulent and as we approach this sacred time of the year all that we hold dear is reaching out to embrace us in all of its beauty and power. In past years we have explored the mysteries of Samhain using a daily format of postings and suggestions to deepen your awareness of this sacred time of the year. This year I’ll…