• Reviews

    Book Review – The Magic of Cats by Andrew Anderson

    Book Review The Magic of Cats by Andrew Anderson Illustrated by Hannah Willow Publisher: Moon Books 120 Pages Release Date: May 1, 2023         Cats are magical. There’s no two ways around that. Dogs are great – I love dogs, I’ve owned dogs and I miss the dogs I used to own, especially my beloved yellow lab Lucy – but dogs are pedestrian, ordinary, almost run-of-the-mill. Cats have a whole ‘nother vibe and it’s not too far out there to say that vibe is magic. There have always been cats in my life. My grandmother had a gorgeous calico cat named Pansy who lived to be eighteen…

  • Monthly Columns

    Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times

    Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times for April/May 2022 Bright Blessings This is our first Spring in our apartment, and as I was deciding what to plant for this year, I pined for the ground and built-in planters I had at our old place. I used to buy so many seeds, and there were years I planted tons of cucumbers and tomatoes as well as pumpkins, roses, herbs, and a whole lot of annual flowers. This year, I am relegated to a limited number of pots, and the truth is, it may be this way for a while, if not permanently. We made it out of the condo successfully…

  • Crafting Articles

    The Sacred Spoon

    Heavenly Hound Cake     This dog cake recipe is wonderfully healthy for your loyal familiar and infused with all of your loving, caring, and appreciative energies. The love and appreciation is what makes this cake so heavenly for your familiar. Love goes a long way in healing an animal, as it’s their biggest source of joy and healing positive energies. Even if they’re not sick, like us dogs undergo daily stress that requires daily healing. Every familiar deserves all the extra love it can get for all of their unseen help. If you’re having trouble connecting with your familiar, check out my article on familiars and crystal magic. It…