Book Review – The Creative Pendulum: Keys to Unlock Your Innovative Spirit by Joan Rose Staffen
Book Review The Creative Pendulum: Keys to Unlock Your Innovative Spirit by Joan Rose Staffen Published by Weiser Books June 1, 2022 288 pages I know I’m showing my age here, but back in the day, there was a commercial for breath mints with the tagline, “two – two – two mints in one!” I kept thinking of this slogan when I was reading The Creative Pendulum: Keys to Unlock Your Innovative Spirit by Joan Rose Staffen, published earlier this year by Weiser Books. It’s two – two – two books in one! It’s a book about how to use a pendulum and how to be a more creative…
Book Review – Shamanic Creativity: Free the Imagination with Rituals, Energy Work, & Spirit Journeying
Book Review Shamanic Creativity: Free the Imagination with Rituals, Energy Work, & Spirit Journeying by Evelyn C. Rysdyk Published by Destiny Books 256 pages Publication date: January 25, 2022 I have been on an Evelyn Rysdyk reading binge in the last few months. In the April 2022 edition of Pagan Pages, I reviewed her book, co-written with Bhola Banstola, The Nepalese Shamanic Path. I was lucky enough to have another of her books on hand to review – Shamanic Creativity: Free the Imagination with Rituals, Energy and Spirit Journeying. Working from her underlying worldview of shamanic practice, Rysdyk shows us how to examine our relationship to the fear…
Meet the Gods: Lugh The Celts, who lived in central Europe, worshipped Lugh (or Lug) as their Sun god. He is one of the most prominent gods from Irish mythology with many skills including fierce warrior, master craftsman, harpist, poet, and king. Fulfilling a prophecy, he grew up to kill his grandfather, Balor, the god of the underworld. Lugh (pronounced Loo) is associated with the festival of Lughnasadh (pronounced Loo-NA-sah), which bears his name. It is celebrated as the first harvest – traditionally August 1 – by those who keep the tradition alive. Astrologically, it falls on August 6, 2020. He is depicted as a tall,…