Stellar Applications
Current Astrology Using Hermetic Applications Welcome to this issue’s Stellar Applications…. In this issue of PaganPagesOrg we are celebrating the Autumnal Equinox (aka. Mabon), the Second Harvest of the Fall. The Autumnal Equinox heralds the start of new beginnings that take the form of returns to school, planning for the upcoming holiday seasons, cooler weather and the bounty of beauty that surrounds in nature with the kaleidoscopic falling of leaves. This year’s date of the Equinox is Sat., Sept. 23rd @ 2:50am (EDT). If we look to the astronomical energies that are occurring we celebrate the space of balance between the waning light of the year…
Stellar Applications
Current Astrology Using Hermetic Applications Welcome to Stellar Applications…. ….a new column for PaganPagesOrg e-zine that will explore the current astrology and how you can access the fullest measure of its potency through application of other Hermetic disciplines. Last issue I offered you some basics of astrology as foundations for what is coming ahead. This issue I am going to share the astrological assignments to the Major Arcana of the Tarot and some astrological highlights of Beltane. There is a lot that can be gleaned from the astrology/tarot connections and when you apply these to your natal birth chart an additional layer of understanding is revealed. Let’s…
Stellar Applications
Current Astrology Using Hermetic Applications Welcome to Stellar Applications…. ….a new column for PaganPagesOrg e-zine that will explore the current astrology and how you can access the fullest measure of its potency through application of other Hermetic disciplines. Each issue will feature a specific discipline, such as: Tarot, the Alchemical Elements, the Qabalistic Tree of Life, Sacred Geometry, Lunar and Solar Magick and more. The fun part is that you will be learning astrological basics and how to make those connections to deeper magick. I always like to begin from a space of basics before expanding out. So, with that thought in mind, let’s get started as we…