Book Review- The HooDoo Tarot Workbook By- Tayannah Lee McQuillar
As someone who was born with a natural curiosity and drive to learn all there is to learn about everything, I absolutely love when a writer gives background and insight into the subject they are discussing; so it was only natural that I devoured every word of The HooDoo Tarot Workbook by Tayannah Lee Miller. The author does a fantastic job of not only explaining The HooDoo Tarot Deck, but also giving some insight and personal knowledge on the topics. This is a fantastic way to learn more about HooDoo even if you aren’t looking to learn a new deck. Her explanations about each person, plant, and card come from…
Tarot Deck Review – The HooDoo Tarot by Tayannah Lee McQuillar & artwork by Katelan V. Foisy
Tarot Deck Review The HooDoo Tarot by Tayannah Lee McQuillar Artwork by Katelan V. Foisy Publisher: Destiny Books Publication Date: 2/18/2020 The HooDoo Tarot: 78-Card Deck and Book for Rootworkers, published by Destiny Books, One Park Street, Rochester, Vermont, is a Tarot deck designed and created by Tayannah Lee McQuillar, with artwork by Katelan V. Foisy. This beautiful Tarot set comes in a solidly made 6 1/4 inch by 9 1/2 inch cardboard box with a glossy sepia-toned surface. On the front of the box is the Major Arcana XX card, called Dem Bones; on the back are a description of the set and brief bios of McQuillar…