• Reviews

    Book Review-At The Borders of the Wondrous & Magical: Nature Spirits, Shapeshifters, and the Undead in the Never Ending Middle Ages by Claude Lecouteux

    Book Review At The Borders of the Wondrous & Magical: Nature Spirits, Shapeshifters, and the Undead in the Never Ending Middle Ages By Claude Lecouteux Publisher: Inner Traditions 273 Page E-Book Release Date: January 7th, 2025 At The Borders of the Wondroud & Magical: Nature Spirits, Shapeshifters, and the Undead in the Never Ending Middle Ages is another wonderful addition to the body of Claude Lecouteux’s work, compiling folklore, magic, grimoires and more from many different periods of history, from more Archaic periods, to the Modern period, specifically as they spread throughout Europe. This book encapsulates a fascinating examination of spirits-where they be of land, of the dead, or something else…

  • Reviews

    Book Review-Jim Morrison, Secret Teacher of the Occult: A Journey to the Otherside by Paul Wyld

    Book Review Jim Morrison, Secret Teacher of the Occult: A Journey to the Otherside By Paul Wyld Publisher: Inner Traditions 256 page E-Book Release Date: September 10th, 2024 Jim Morrison, Secret Teacher of the Occult: A Journey to the Otherside by Paul Wyld is a fascinating look into Jim Morrison’s life, and his exploration of the Occult and Hermetic mysteries, coinciding with his musical career and well-known use of psychedelics and other drugs. The book covers Morrison’s life from early childhood, his adolescent and college years, where he began experimenting with LSD, and his career with The Doors and the numerous debacles thrown his way by the Establishment through law enforcement…

  • Reviews

    Deck Review-The Jolanda Witch Tarot: The Healing Art of Magic by Rosie Björkman & Hans Arnold

    Cover Photo Credits: Stock photo of The Jolanda Witch Tarot from publisher The Jolanda Witch Tarot: The Healing Art of Magic by Rosie Björkman & Hans Arnold is a traditional 78 card Tarot Deck, in a sturdy box with a magnetic enclosure, and a 400 page guidebook published by Findhorn Press, an imprint of Inner Traditions Publishing. This kit was originally printed in Sweden in 1997, and has now come to the US via Inner Traditions and Findhorn Press. This Tarot Kit is the real deal, packed with beautiful illustrations, meaningful symbols and artwork for each card, in-depth explanations for each card, including correspondences with Gods and Goddesses, Zodiac Signs and Planets, as…

  • Reviews

    Book Review-Occult Germany: Old Gods, Mystics and Magicians by Christopher McIntosh

    Occult Germany: Old Gods, Mystics and Magicians by Christopher McIntosh, published by Inner Traditions Publishing is a 241 page paperback detailing the mystical and occult in Germany. McIntosh explores Germany’s ancient pagan roots, and thoroughly hops around different subjects chapter-to-chapter. The book isn’t in chronological order, but instead each chapter contains a subject that goes through different eras of Deutschland’s history. Germany has a long history of mysticism and the occult, with famous Occultists and Alchemists hailing from Germanic lands, such as Paracelsus, Agrippa, and others. McIntosh delicately discusses the Nazi regime’s impact on the occult in Germany, and also their appropriation and misuse of Germanic and Nordic pagan beliefs, practices…

  • Reviews

    Deck Review: The Dragon Rider’s Oracle by Christine Arana Fader, Illustrated by Elena Dudina

    The Dragona Rider’s Oracle by Christine Arana Fader, illustrated by Elena Dudina, published by Earthdancer, an imprint of Inner Traditions publishing. For those who love Dragons, this 43 card deck is different from the rest, in that each card not only features a Dragon, but also a “Dragon Rider”, various spirits and deities that the author has come across in her mediumship sessions. Each card then takes on two messages, as each spirit and dragon have a message for their respective cards, which can be found in the guidebook accompanying the deck. The deck itself comes in a sturdy box with an attractive cover, featuring the art from one of the…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Nature of Astrology: History, Philosophy, and the Science of Self-Organizing Systems by Bruce Scofield

    Book Review The Nature of Astrology: History, Philosophy, and the Science of Self-Organizing Systems by Bruce Scofield Publisher: Inner Traditions 544 Pages Release Date: January 3, 2023         This is not a casual read. This is not the kind of astrology book that tells you what your sun sign is, what your moon sign is, your rising sign, and so on – you’re not going to find out how to learn how to find the love of your live or the best career for your personality by casting a perfect horoscope and following the planets each month, day, year – this is not that book. This is…