Meet the Gods: Zeus (Statue of Zeus at Olympia From Ancient History Encyclopedia www.ancient.eu) Zeus is the Greek king of all the other gods and of man. He rules the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order, and justice. In addition to the weather, Zeus is associated with wisdom and destiny. Universally he was referred to as Father. His home was Mount Olympus. The son of Cronus and Rhea, he married his sister and wife Hera. His legitimate children are Ares, Hebe, and Haphaestus. His numerous affairs resulted in many children including Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Heracles and Helen of Troy. A promiscuous god, he could also take the shape…
Meet the Gods: Lugh The Celts, who lived in central Europe, worshipped Lugh (or Lug) as their Sun god. He is one of the most prominent gods from Irish mythology with many skills including fierce warrior, master craftsman, harpist, poet, and king. Fulfilling a prophecy, he grew up to kill his grandfather, Balor, the god of the underworld. Lugh (pronounced Loo) is associated with the festival of Lughnasadh (pronounced Loo-NA-sah), which bears his name. It is celebrated as the first harvest – traditionally August 1 – by those who keep the tradition alive. Astrologically, it falls on August 6, 2020. He is depicted as a tall,…
Book Review & Interview with Author – The Holly King and The Oak King: A Pagan Children’s Tale by J.C. Artemisia
Book Review & Interview with Author The Holly King and The Oak King A Pagan Children’s Tale by J.C. Artemisia 43 pages I was lucky to be sent a copy of “The Holly King and The Oak King- A Pagan Children’s Tale” by J.C. Artemisia to review. This is a children’s Pagan book, 43 pages long, and illustrated by Sarah A. Chase. I was so excited to read a Pagans children’s book, as its the first one I’ve had the pleasure of reading! I was also able to ask the Author some questions about her book! This is a beautiful book that tells the tale of the Holly King and…