• Reviews

    Book Review – Tarot Priestess: Using the Cards to Heal, Grow & Serve by Leeza Robertson

    Book Review Tarot Priestess: Using the Cards to Heal, Grow & Serve By Leeza Robertson Published by Llewellyn Publications 219 pages     Tarot Priestess is a 5 1/4 inch by 8 inch soft cover book with a matte finish full color front cover showing the book’s title and a closeup of an image from The High Priestess of the Major Arcana. My copy is an uncorrected proof (not for sale), with a back cover containing the publishing information and a brief bio of the author. I am assuming the final version would have a different book back. Tarot Priestess contains 219 pages with black print on sturdy off-white paper…

  • Reviews

    Tarot Deck Review – Tarot Healer: Using the Cards to Deepen Your Chakra Healing Work by Leeza Robertson

    Tarot Deck Review Tarot Healer Using the Cards to Deepen Your Chakra Healing Work by Leeza Robertson 276 Pages … The Tarot Healer Path… who or what is a tarot healer? It doesn’t matter what sort of energy work you do-incorporating elements from this book will deepen your work. Tarot healing is a way of exploring how to dialogue with, shift, and release thoughts, feelings or beliefs that may e standing in the way of over-all health and well being or causing pain or suffering…. Tarot Healer: Using the Cards to Deepen Your Chakra Healing Work by Leeza Robertson merges the knowledge of an energetic healer’s practice with that of…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Pathworking the Tarot: Spiritual Guidance & Practical Advice from the Cards by Leeza Robertson

    Book Review Pathworking the Tarot Spiritual Guidance & Practical Advice from the Cards by Leeza Robertson 216 Pages     Pathworking the Tarot: Spiritual Guidance & Practical Advice from the Cards is created by Leeza Robertson, creator of two Tarot decks and author of two Tarot books, and published by Llewellyn Publications, a Division of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd., 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989. Pathworking the Tarot is a 5¼” by 8” book with a color soft cover with Tarot images on the front and a book description and brief author bio on the back. The interior of the book consists of 200 pages, black easy-to-read type of a nice…