Book Review – Nature’s Hidden Charms by Liz Dean
Book Review Nature’s Hidden Charms Written by Liz Dean Illustrations by Lizzie Harper Publisher: Welbeck Balance 239 pages Publication date: November 2, 2021 Do You Wander in Nature? Nature’s Hidden Charms by Liz Dean, and illustrated by Lizzie Harper, is the book for you if you answered “Yes” to the above question. The book starts with a foreword by Victoria Preston that’s an in-depth look at Nature worship in Europe with sacred wells and springs, “clooties” and coin tossing, and how those old ways of using small, natural objects found on walks can be used to make Charms. Then we…
Book Review – The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Spreads by Liz Dean
Book Review The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Spreads by Liz Dean Publisher: Fair Winds Press 192 Pages Publication Date: 3/01/2016 The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Spreads by Liz Dean, is published by Fair Winds Press, an imprint of Quarto Publishing Group, 100 Cummings Center, Suite 265-D, Beverly, MA 01915, and copyrighted in 2016 by Quarto Publishing Group USA, Inc., with the text copyrighted in 2016 by Liz Dean. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Spreads is an 8 1/8 inch by 11 1/4 inch book with a substantial color soft cover containing images of Tarot cards on the front, and reviews and a book description on the back. The…
Book Review – The Divination Handbook: The Modern Seer’s Guide to Using Tarot, Crystals, Palmistry, and More by Liz Dean
Book Review The Divination Handbook The Modern Seer’s Guide to Using Tarot, Crystals, Palmistry, and More by Liz Dean Fair Winds Press 176 Pages I love little guidebooks like this. I must have well over a dozen of them. In each one, there’s an overview of a half-a-dozen or so divination methods – sometimes more – and even though the information may often be more or less the same in all the books, they each have some nugget of enlightenment that the other books don’t have – which is why I collect these books. And quite honestly, you can’t have too many books! The Divination Handbook: The Modern Seer’s…