Tarot with Lady Saoirse
Yule 2023 Bright Blessings! As Yule approaches, you might be thinking of which decks you would like to buy to give to loved ones as gifts- and you might be thinking of which decks you hope to get as Yule gifts yourself! Instead of focusing on cards this time, let’s set them aside and discuss the runes. Yule, is after all, named after Odin, and Odin was the one who gave mankind the runes. Some people say the runes are just letters of the alphabet some smart Heathen incorporated into a new form of divination at some point. Others say that Odin intended the runes for people to use to…
Book Review – The Way of the Oracle and Odin: Ecstasy, Runes & Norse Magic by Diana L. Paxson
Book Review The Way of the Oracle: Recovering the Practices of the Past to Find Answers for Today and Odin: Ecstasy, Runes & Norse Magic by Diana L. Paxson Publisher: Weiser Books Around the time that Barack Obama was elected to be the forty-fourth president of the United States, I noticed a strange phenomenon in the Wiccan-Pagan world – a growing acceptance of the free expression of racism, white supremacy, white nationalism, and the call for ethnic purity. Because of this – and a few other issues – my Facebook friend list went from over 3000 members to under 200 in the last ten years. Some people might…
Meet the Gods: Ullr Merry meet. Winter is upon us, and up north, in the land of the Norse, was the cold-loving god Ullr. Norse mythology called him the God of Snow. Son of Six and stepson of Thor, Ullr became the patron saint of skiers. It is said he’s an expert skater, skier and hunter who moved around the world, covering the land with snow. References indicate he was an important deity: it is said he ruled while Odin was temporarily exiled and he occurs in many place names, but little else is known. (Ullr. Small Wooden Figurines created by Kseniya of AncientGods on Etsy.) …
Book Review – Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult by Peter Levenda
Book Review Unholy Alliance A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult by Peter Levenda 464 Pages Bright Blessings, readers! My editor offered this book, and I JUMPED at it! As a daughter of Odin, I have spent time speaking with plenty of different Heathens who come from a plethora of groups and belief systems, and let me tell you- there is a very strong influence from Nazi Germany even in modern Heathenry. I feel it is extremely important to be aware of this, and know the difference between genuine devotion to the gods, and devotion to being a racist. So, I was over the moon to hear I…