Book Review – Yemaya: Orisha, Goddess, and Queen of the Sea by Raven Morgaine
Book Review Yemaya Orisha, Goddess, and Queen of the Sea by Raven Morgaine Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser LLC 190 Pages Publication Date: September 2021 Bright Blessings, Readers! Red Wheel Weiser LLC has brought us another fantastic book, and this one was written with tender loving care by the charismatic Raven Morgaine. Morgaine is a witch, a Voodoo, Santeria, and Candomblé devotee, an artist, and owner of the shop Familiar Spirits in Rhode Island. He is actually a devotee of this amazing goddess he has written this entire book about. Online reviews of him state he is very helpful in helping with questions about magic, and gives outstanding psychic readings and…
Meet the Gods: Babalú–Ayé Babalú–Ayé, the God of Healing in Santerian practice and Yoruba religion, is an Orisha. God checker.com describes an Orisha as “a spirit cocktail with a slice of saint and a tiny dash of divinity for flavor.” A few – including Babalú–Ayé – were worshiped as gods. Babalú-Ayé translates to “Father, Lord of the Earth.” What began with a single tribe in Nigeria spread to many tribes all along Africa’s western coast. He is closely associated with infectious diseases, and healing the physical body, wealth and possessions. In West Africa, smallpox, Ebola, leprosy, influenza and HIV/AIDS epidemics are affiliated with him. He works to combat…
The Goddess of Ten Thousand Names
Healing Goddesses (Previously published July, 2015, with some modifications) Like so many others, I am saddened, devastated and scared by the outbreak of this horrific and deadly virus that has stricken our world. This month’s Goddess column will be on just a few of the Healing Goddesses, whom I ask to please look kindly upon us all, to send us the strength and courage that we will all need to persevere through this. Coventina The British Goddess of springs and wells, she was also a Goddess of abundance and inspiration. Her sacred well, located in Northumberland, is considered a sacred healing site. Anaita While there is not much information…