• Reviews

    Deck Review – The Amazonian Angel Oracle: Working with Angels, Devas and Plant Spirits by Howard G. Charing

    Deck Review The Amazonian Angel Oracle: Working with Angels, Devas & Plant Spirits by Howard G. Charing Publisher: Destiny Books 192-page Guidebook and 33-Card Deck Release Date: August 9, 2022         I did not know what to expect when I opened up the box containing The Amazonian Angel Oracle. I had never heard of it, nor had I heard of Howard G. Charing, the creator of this stunningly beautiful set of cards, or Pablo Amaringo, the artist and spiritual philosopher on which this deck is based. So obviously, I had a lot to learn. What I found out was that The Amazonian Angel Oracle is a beautiful…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Journeys with Plant Spirits by Emma Farrell

    Book Review Journeys with Plant Spirits by Emma Farrell Published by Bear & Company 288 pages Publication date: October 26, 2021     In part one of Journeys with Plant Spirits, Emma Farrell delves into several broad spiritual and supernatural topics that are shared by many shamanic traditions, such as healing wounds from past lives and navigating shamanic journeys through the upper, middle, lower, and other worlds. This introduction takes a primarily animistic view of the plant spirits, with a heavy emphasis on using intuitive practices like meditation to connect to the spirits of the plants. While many of these notions are now well-trod traditional pathways of plant spirit medicine…