Book Review- The HooDoo Tarot Workbook By- Tayannah Lee McQuillar
As someone who was born with a natural curiosity and drive to learn all there is to learn about everything, I absolutely love when a writer gives background and insight into the subject they are discussing; so it was only natural that I devoured every word of The HooDoo Tarot Workbook by Tayannah Lee Miller. The author does a fantastic job of not only explaining The HooDoo Tarot Deck, but also giving some insight and personal knowledge on the topics. This is a fantastic way to learn more about HooDoo even if you aren’t looking to learn a new deck. Her explanations about each person, plant, and card come from…
Book Review – Astrology For Mystics: Exploring the Occult Depths of the Water Houses in Your Natal Chart by Tayannah Lee McQuillar
Book Review Astrology For Mystics Exploring the Occult Depths of the Water Houses in Your Natal Chart by Tayannah Lee McQuillar Publisher: Destiny Books 176 Pages Publication Date: March 9, 2021 Most astrology books focus on the basics. Most of us – myself included – never get beyond these basics in astrology. We may know – as I do – our sun sign, moon sign and rising sign – perhaps we know our other signs, too – so that when we read that Venus or Jupiter or Neptune is going to be turning retrograde, we know what that means for us personally. But few of us – and…
Tarot Deck Review – The HooDoo Tarot by Tayannah Lee McQuillar & artwork by Katelan V. Foisy
Tarot Deck Review The HooDoo Tarot by Tayannah Lee McQuillar Artwork by Katelan V. Foisy Publisher: Destiny Books Publication Date: 2/18/2020 The HooDoo Tarot: 78-Card Deck and Book for Rootworkers, published by Destiny Books, One Park Street, Rochester, Vermont, is a Tarot deck designed and created by Tayannah Lee McQuillar, with artwork by Katelan V. Foisy. This beautiful Tarot set comes in a solidly made 6 1/4 inch by 9 1/2 inch cardboard box with a glossy sepia-toned surface. On the front of the box is the Major Arcana XX card, called Dem Bones; on the back are a description of the set and brief bios of McQuillar…