• Monthly Columns

    The Modern Merlin’s Corner: Owls and Oaks: Wisdom of the Seen and Unseen

    My personal spiritual journey has been zig-zagging lately, between different topics, practices, pantheons and spirits. Lately, I’ve been on a path of deepening my connection with the land, the animals that inhabit it, and the spirits, too. When I began reading Celtic Goddess Grimoire for my review, which you can read here, I began sensing an even deeper appreciation for nature than I already had. I felt a deep connection with the trees, animals and land that I see everyday, and I can only explain this as Nemetona’s presence, one of the Goddesses in that book that really came through, along with Melusine, as I live in a town that was literally…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Herbana Witch: A Year in the Forest by Cecilia Lattari

    Book Review Herbana Witch: A Year in the Forest by Cecilia Lattari Publisher: Red Wheel 144 Pages Release Date: September 11, 2023       “The Herbana witch is a green witch who uses the power of nature and the wisdom of the forest and who has a deep understanding of herbs, barks, mushrooms, roots, flowers and woodland plants.” — Amazon “She is an earth witch, just as the wise women of the past were.” — C. Lattari “She keeps jars full of harvested and dried herbs in an ever-plentiful pantry, including coffee beans ready to be ground and sunflower seeds for bread dough in the spring.” — C. Lattari…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Psychic Skills for Magic & Witchcraft: Developing Your Spirit, Intuition, & Clairvoyance by Cat Gina Cole

    Book Review Psychic Skills for Magic & Witchcraft: Developing Your Spirit, Intuition, & Clairvoyance By Cat Gina Cole Publisher: Llewellyn Publications 232 pages Publication Date: February 8, 2022         “Psychic Skills for Magic & Witchcraft” guides readers to develop intuitive abilities, something many may not realize is possible. The book begins with an introduction to beliefs, a glossary of terms, and exercises to master the fundamental tools required at all levels of psychism. Meditation, imagination, and the effects of social conditioning are explained. Pathworking, remote viewing, psychometry, manifesting, and letting go are among the skills covered. In Chapter 5, readers are given exercises to advance such skills…

  • Interviews,  Reviews

    Book Review & Interview – Green Witchcraft: Discover how to use Herbs, Flowers, Woods, Crystals, and Essential Oils to Naturally Heal, Increase Abundance, and Align Yourself with the Magic of Mother Earth by Madeline Silvy

    Book Review Green Witchcraft: Discover How to use Herbs, Flowers, Woods, Crystals, and Essential Oils to Naturally Heal, Increase Abundance, and Align Yourself with the Magic of Mother Earth by Madeline Silvy Publisher: Self-Published 233 Pages Release Date: September 12, 2023       Some books feel like a conversation and visit from an old friend, one that you enjoy very much. Green Witchcraft by Madeline Silvy brought the comfort and companionship of sisterhood to my heart and home. Being brought up in a family of all men, it took me a while to discover the beauty and truth spoken, Women need Women. Green Witchcraft delivered the fulfillment of that…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Spell Jars for the Modern Witch by Minerva Siegel

    Book Review Spell Jars for the Modern Witch: A Practical Guide to Crafting Spell Jars for Abundance, Luck, Protection, and More By Minerva Siegel Publisher: Ulysses Press 160 pages Publication Date: June 6, 2023         Minerva Siegel gives readers 50 recipes for spell jars, and the magickal fundamentals to know before you begin. While the title is “Spell Jars for the Modern Witch,” you don’t have to be a witch to protect, manifest, or heal. Also known as witch bottles, they contain the elements of a spell, and can easily be recharged and refreshed to offer long-lasting effects. The first part of the book describes six psychic…

  • Monthly Columns

    Notes from The Apothecary

    Notes from the Apothecary: Petunias   Petunias: Both a beautiful garden flower and a star of the RNA-focused scientific community. Way back in the 1990s, scientists tried to create deep purple petunias by inserting the gene associated with this colour. Instead, the flowers just came out white! Further studies into this led to big discoveries concerning RNA interference and gene silencing, for which scientists Andrew Fire and Craig Mello received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. But it all started with the petunias. Petunia is not a single species, but a genus of flowers that contains around 35 distinct species. They’re all in the Solanaceae family, which also includes…

  • Interviews,  Reviews

    Book Review and Interview – Witchcraft Unchained by Craig Spencer

    Book Review Witchcraft Unchained: Exploring the History and Traditions of British Craft  Written by Craig Spencer Publisher: Crossed Crow Books 243 Pages Release Date: June 22, 2023         Bright Blessings, readers, When I saw this book was available to review, I jumped at it, and before I could say “thank you”, my editor sent it to me. Why did I specifically want to review this book? Because it is rare – rarer than rare. Today, few care about the history of the craft. Most pagans and witches want spell-books instead of learning about the roots of our craft. Some of us witches do want to learn, so…

  • Monthly Columns,  Uncategorized

    Weyland’s Whey – That Old Familiar Feeling

    Count Them Blessings   I got COVID.  She didn’t.    Are we old?  Not yet!   We love our fur kids!   Our dog’s name is Delinquent….   ….she livers up to it.   Delinquent barks at everything.  One night she warned us of an intruder at our door.   Coffee is awesome!    Wicca is a great comfort.    ** About the Author: Weyland Smith is an eclectic solitaire wytch.  He lives in New Jersey with his girlfriend Sparkle, their two feline familiars and a dog named Delinquent.  Weyland’s interests include writing, crystals and web weaving.  Wey is also a firm believer in reincarnation—in a previous life he was…

  • Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Book Review – Spells for Change: A Guide for Modern Witches by Frankie Castanea

    Book Review Spells for Change: A Guide for Modern Witches Written by Frankie Castanea Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing 208 Pages Release Date: April 22, 2023         Frankie Castanea called Spells for Change: A Guide for Modern Witches the book she wish she had at sixteen when she began her on her path. It provides the basic foundations beginners need for understanding the history, elements, tools, crystals, herbs, and spell crafting. Castanea, a practicing eclectic/folk witch, found herself answering all the questions she’s received as a mentor while building her audience on social media platforms. The information is purposefully devoid of any particular path or religion, focusing instead…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Witchcraft and the Shamanic Journey by Kenneth Johnson

    Book Review Witchcraft and the Shamanic Journey by Kenneth Johnson Publisher: Crossed Crow Books 233 Pages Published: January 31, 2023     Are Witches Shamans? Where does witchcraft originate? Is it related to Shamanism and the Shamanic Journey? According to Kenneth Johnson, Witches are the direct decedents of the remnants of European Shamanism. He uses history, written observations by historical figures, courtroom confessions during the European witch trials, and anthropology and archaeology studies to show us the path taken from ancient shamanism, through medieval witch-scares, to modern day witchcraft. First we’re shown what it means to be a shaman, how shamans are spiritual healers who go to the Otherworlds to…