The Modern Merlin’s Corner-September 2024: As the leaves fall…
Photo Credits: Original Design, created on Canva by The Modern Merlin
I’ve decided to do something different for my monthly column entry this month, inspired by watching the changing of the seasons outside my window and all around me. I’m lucky enough to live in a fairly tree-covered area, even in a somewhat more urban environment. Come with me on this journey, and be enchanted as we follow the seasons. Happy October Eve!
As The Leaves Change, So Do We
“The leaves are falling all around. Time I was on my way”
-Ramble On, Led Zeppelin
One of my favorite songs by Led Zeppelin, quoted above, is a liminal song in and of itself, reflecting the changes that come with time and the seasons. Nothing is ever permanent, and change is essential for the continuation of life. Is it time to move on from something? A job? A relationship? A way of thinking? A bad habit? Maybe you don’t give yourself enough credit, or don’t get in enough self care. The leaves remind us to slow down and appreciate the simple things in life: a warm cup of coffee on a cool autumn morning, or the sound of the crickets chirping at night. The leaves show us just how beautiful it can be to let things go. In a season of change, balance and growing darkness, we’re reminded of the light within ourselves. Fall is my favorite season; the air is crisp, filled with the scent of burning fires, fresh leaves, and the occasional scent of apples. Things seem to slow down a little, and people look for the deeper meanings behind such a liminal time. Speaking of time, liminality and the like, the dark part of the day grows, allowing witcheries to be cast in the shadows, preventing those wishing you ill from interrupting. Darkness can be a cloak for those who are drowning, a comforting piece of life allowing for rest, recuperation and healing. The ancestors’ voices whisper in the winds that blow, and the critters about bring messages of change, beauty and might. Pine cones begin to grow, reminding us of nature’s enduring qualities, despite the cold, the darkness and the desolation of winter, so that we too can be resilient, enduring through to the next spring.
Green fades to red, orange and brown
Life is slowing, the pace is slowing, and we should too. That’s not to say that many of us can. I even fall into this category; it’s not that as modern humans we want to go, go, go all the time; we have to, unfortunately. Finding comfort in the small things, a lesson the leaves have for me this year, is something I need to embody more. Finding the small moments to slow down, while still being productive to keep up with modern life (despite my many critiques for the current societal expectations). Embodying balance is a key theme of Libra season, the inauguration of Fall and the precursor to Samhain. Samhain, as a spiritual and holy day, requires balance. Not all spirits are your friend, and that goes doubly so for Samhain. The veil is wide open, and it’s opening more and more as we speak. Spiritual and psychic abilities are heightened, and you’re likely to have weird happenings, synchronicities and the like. Add to that, the finale of 2024’s eclipse season in Libra, bringing to an end what the eclipse in April brought in Aries. Justice, Karma, Community and the drive for self improvement, putting the self first, and the like will need balanced in this event. A lot of the old and outdated will begin to fall just as the leaves are now.
Leaf Magick!
A simple way to embrace the changing energies of the season is to simply pick up a fallen leaf. I personally prefer whole leaves, and I try to match their color (and tree, if possible) to my intention. For instance, if I am dealing with someone who is hostile towards me, yet we have to be in contact for whatever reason, and I need to “sweeten” that relationship, then I would search for a maple leaf, of yellow color, the lighter the better. If I need to release a burden that’s keeping me tied down, I would search for a dark orange or brown Oak Leaf. If I need a little spark of vitality, quick energy, and some endurance, fallen pine needles and/or pine cones work wonders! Pine also works well for harvesting rewards for abundance and prosperity during this time of year, especially so if it’s needed to get you through the winter. Finding what’s local and accessible to you is what works best, instead of searching for something that’s not local. A quick google search of any picture of a tree or leaf reveals what tree it is, and then can be searched for magical and spiritual properties. Match that with your intent, and ask the leaf and tree’s permission before harvesting your new friend. As long as all is okay, proceed to the next steps, given below.
Now that you’ve got your leaf, an intent, and some fresh air, what next?
There’s a multitude of ways to work with your new leaf ally, but my favorites include:
- Writing a petition on the leaf, and allowing the wind to blow it away, and work its magick (a magickal alphabet keeps it secret from prying eyes too)
- Doing the above, but burning the leaf instead (make sure that tree does not contain poisonous elements to people or animals before doingso)
- Letting the leaf sit on my altar as a reminder of my intent or lesson(s) it has to teach
These are just a few ideas, but I would highly recommend confirming with the spirit of the tree and leaf before doing anything to damage the leaf, such as writing on it or burning it. It’s the season of the witch, so trust your intuition!
Wicked Witchin’!
Being a season of justice, balance, and release, this time of year also gives us the opportunity to work magicks to protect ourselves, even if that means working baneful magicks. To clarify, I’m not saying the asshole who cut you off on the highway deserves a curse or hex; it’s the people who just won’t stop crossing your boundaries, no matter how many times you spell those boundaries out to them. Either they don’t care, or just have no respect for anyone’s needs but their own. Either way, sometimes you have to enforce those boundaries in not so nice ways. Sometimes, people don’t play nice, and neither should you. Here’s a spell that fits these themes, that I’ve had a lot success with, and it incorporates the magick of fallen leaves as well as the season.
The Modern Merlin’s Blackthorn & Hawthorn Hex
What You’ll Need:
- Hawthorn leaves and/or berries (a lot of metaphysical shops carry them, some areas have them growing abundantly; you’ll need a total of 3 leaves at the minimum. If using berries too, try to obtain 5)
- Thorns from a Blackthorn (usually found at metaphysical shops)
- A Black Candle
- A Red Candle
- A Taglock (something of the person’s, a picture of them, or even just their full name)
- Hexing Oil to dress your candles (multiple variations can be found at metaphysical shops), or create your own with olive oil, one part dried red pepper flakes, black peppercorns, clove, cinnamon, rust from a rusty old nail, and a couple of berries from a hawthorn and a thorn from blackthorn. Let sit for 24 hours under the light of a waning or dark moon before using
What to do:
- Dress the candles in your hexing oil.
- Add 3 small drops of the oil to your taglock item as well, if possible
- Speak to each part of the Hawthorn, asking it to help you. Explain your reasons for doing this, and ask if you can write on the leaves. If yes, do step 4. If no, move on to step 5.
- If you can write on the leaves, write what this person is doing and that it stops now. No exceptions. Write three things they’re doing that are not acceptable, or the one thing, and what must be done so it stops. Squash one berry on each leaf, solidifying that it will stop.
- Speak to the Blackthorn now. Tell it what you need help with. Pierce a thorn through each leaf after you’ve spoken to Blackthorn.
- Whether or not you can write on the leaves, let the candles burn out, and gather all of the materials from the hex. Bury them somewhere they will not be disturbed, even better if it’s somewhere you don’t go to. If it’s especially egregious, find the oldest tree in a cemetery you’ll never go back to, and bury it there, after asking the tree for permission, of course.
It’s really that simple to cast magick, and it’s powerful still! I’ve found that using a few basic items, and a focused intent brings the most success, especially in the more baneful magicks. Needless to say, your instigator will most likely stop in their tracks. Hawthorn is associated with terror, nightmares, hexes, witchcraft, darkness, and boundaries. Blackthorn is associated with strife, the Dark Goddess, and boundaries, as well as immense protective power. This spell works wonders in these kinds of circumstances where it’s your last resort, without being too expensive, inaccessible, or complicated, and also has the fewest ethical concerns compared to some other similar spells. One last thing to clear up: don’t set intentions on nasty things happening to this person or people, as Blackthorn and Hawthorn are very powerful and known to work easily and effectively in baneful magicks. I would urge caution and introspection before making specific intentions of harm being done to this person; this spell, at its base, stops them in their tracks, and if they try again, bad things happen because they tried crossing a boundary. Adding specific intentions of harm could cause the situation to flare up even more, needlessly. This spell works and stops people in their tracks from further harming you, and will have bad ramifications for the other person if they try again. Leave well enough alone, and let magick be just that instead of trying to control outcomes.
Be unafraid to embrace the magick of the season, even if it seems dark and a little scary; chances are, you’re right where you’re supposed to be. Stop fighting change and instead allow it to happen.
I hope that my readers enjoy this odd, but needed break from the usual in my monthly column entries. I also hope that all are doing well, embracing the beauty of Fall and are finding new and fun ways to embrace the Season of the Witch!
Autumn Blessings,
The Modern Merlin
About the Author:
Hello there! I’m the Modern Merlin, and I’ve been a Polytheist and Animist Pagan, Witch, Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Mystic, Ceremonial Magician, Occultist, Shaman, Seer and Soothsayer for 15 years, worshipping and casting magick with deities and spirits from many cultures, including Ancient Greece, Rome, Norse & Germanic, Celtic, Egyptian, Sumerian, as well as many Faeries, Nymphs, Dryads, Ancestors and other nature and land spirits and spirits of place. I practice Necromancy and Deathwalking, as well as Traditional Witchcraft, Druidry, Hellenism and Ceremonial Magick, incorporating all of them into a cohesive practice, with some shamanic touches. I study and practice Astrology as well as Tarot and other forms of divination such as Runes, Palmistry and Ogham. I give readings and spiritual services on my Facebook Page, The Modern Merlin, as well other free informational posts for everyone to see!