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    The Crafty Writer

    Photo Manipulation Have you ever had an image in your mind that you wanted to share with the world, but knew it would be impossible for you to get that picture? Like that picture at the Halloween party, where I was dressed in my full Daggerhir renaissance battle garb. It was a nice picture, but it was taken inside and it looked rather out of place. Standing beside steel cabinets and computers with leather studded renaissance garb, not quite the image I wished to share with the world. Wishing the photo was taken in a castle or maybe on a path in the woods it would look so much better,…

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    WiseWoman Traditions

    Now Remember Rosemary ÓSusun S. Weed Mad Ophelia tells us: “There’s Rosemary, that’s for remembrance”. In Shakespeare’s day it was common knowledge that rosemary helped one remember. Today, as then, herbalists agree: “For weyknesse of ye brayne, sethe rosemaria in wyne and keep ye heed warme”. The leaves of this tough, evergreen shrub, are valued for both medicinal and culinary uses. And, the powerful antioxidant vitamins found therein do help the brain work better. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an especially aromatic member of the mint family. When grown in dry, poor soils in hot areas, a little protected, but touched by the winds, rosemary rewards us with minerals, vitamins, and…

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    Pagan Parenting

    For the Love of Trees At this time of year; the holiday season as it has been dubbed by our “inclusive” culture, it can be hard for parents to keep meaning in the countless celebrations and the consumer driven racket that surrounds our children.  Many of us grew up celebrating Christmas whether religiously or from a secular perspective and most Pagans I read about integrate Yule, Winter Solstice, Christmas or Hanukah however it works best for their families.  Keeping it simple is something I strive for at this time of year.  This is my favourite holiday and as such I love the decorations, songs, and symbols of giving and peace…

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    Forest Moon Church

    PAGAN YULE Once again it is Yule and we still have many Troops deployed in hostile environments. Let us not forget them as we sit around our fires this year, attending festive parties, gorging ourselves incessantly and opening presents from the big jolly man. I will close reverently with this poem, author unknown but it always brings a tear to my eye as I can relate and feel pride with this Soldier. Twas the night before Christmas, he lived all alone, in a one-bedroom home made of plaster and stone. I had come down the chimney with presents to give and to see just whom in this house did live.…

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    Stones Corner

    Apophyllite Very powerful for deep, peaceful stillness and meditation and dream recall.  Clairvoyance, out of body travel.  Heals and brings joyous openness to the heart center as it opens the brow and crown chakras.  Clears mental fuzziness and channels for the higher self and angelic realm contact.  Helps see truth for growth. Aquarmarine Good for those experiencing grief.  Tranquilizing, uplifting, openness, innocence, light heartedness, creativity, communication, self awareness, confidence, purpose.   Throat and Spleen Centers.  Heart, immune system, thymus, lymphnodes, mouth, earts.  Affects etheric and mental levels.  Releases anxiety, fear, restlessness peaceful stillness like the flow of a forest stream.  Breathing, allergies, water travel, journeys, sea goddess.  Seeing through people.  Protection. …

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    Let’s Spell it Out

    Let’s Spell It Out The Magic of Gift Giving By Gail Wood For pagans, The Wheel of the Year turns at Samhain and we move inward as we wait for the promise of Yule, its gift to us is the return of the light.  Like so many other spiritual paths and religions, we are also beginning the time of celebrating gifts from our gods, whether it is the return of sunlight, the birth of a son, or the passing over of danger and injustice.  We also seek to emulate the generosity of our gods in our own celebration of giving.  Unfortunately gifts and gift giving also brings stress and worry. …

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    Journey of a Witch

    What is Truth? “And what is ‘truth’? Is truth unchanging law? We both have truths. Are mine the same as yours?” -Pontius Pilate, Jesus Christ Superstar. What is truth? How do we define it? Is it fluid or is it solid? Does it rise like the mist shrouded in darkness and dissipate with the sun? Or does it remain like a rock firmly lodged in the flesh of the earth? Eventually the wind,rain and other elements will erode that rock to sand. When plants grow in sand; that sand can turn to soil. An ever changing cycle. I think of truth very much like the rock cycle. The importance of…

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    We Ride the Winds

    within our hands we hold the threats of fate woven like all, from the eternal, never-changing web we raise our arms in gratitude to those we may not see, but know within our souls are ever with us. within the Lady’s bellied pot we mix the herbs, the spices of our lives feeling each single part within our hands taking the moment to our hearts and raise the power we dance when needed, or when dance feels right among the wondrous panoply of stars or sometimes ‘neath a burning candle’s light we dance, we raise the power and in due course, the power is cast to point of need. woman…

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    Hally’s Hints

    Self Knowledge to Create Balance I had the unique experience of completing my accreditation in behavioural profiling. Whilst this may be all good and well from a behavioural perspective what does this mean on an energetic level? It is interesting to consider how each of us are “wired” I remember a time where personality profiling was the latest and greatest providing us with an analysis of ourselves from the conscious. We ended up endeavouring to fit into a perfect box that somehow was supposed to be the answer to all of our questions. I wonder how many of us decided to amend ourselves to reflect these results, and even more…

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    Paranormal Path

    Poltergeists The word poltergeist comes from the German word poltern meaning rumble or noise and geist meaning ghost or spirit.  These noisy spirits are known to cause trouble. They are characterized by their ability to move stationary objects such as furniture. Some may report hearing knocking or scratching sounds. They have even been known to write notes and at times cause physical harm by hitting or slapping whoever occupies the “haunted” location.  There are rare reports of actually seeing the source of the poltergeist activity and there are two main theories of why and how this activity occurs. The first theory is that it is a ghost that has such…