_________________________________________________________________ Cover art: You can find Christmas Winter Faerie by Janna Prosvirina on the etsy shop JannaFairyArt where it and many others are available as Coloring Pages. About the artist: Janna Prosvirina lives in Upper Austria (Europe), in a beautiful area full of turquoise blue lakes, evergreen forests and high mountains. She has been working as a full-time professional artist for the past eight years. Her watercolor paintings have been sold to art collectors and fans all over the world and appeared on a number of products. Since September 2018 Janna has started creating coloring books and pages for adults. Apart from being a traditional artist, Janna is a devoted…
Finding Your Own Way
Chapter 8 The Shamanistic Path I add this section for those who are interested in the spiritualistic or shamanistic aspect of meditation. This is simply an introduction to the world of the shaman. For those who wish to delve further, I would advise finding a reliable teacher to help them. In the last twenty years, there has been a widening of interest in the healing and spiritual practices of our ancestors and many have found a pathway back to a more earth-centred method of teaching and healing. As always, trust your own instincts. Find out as much as you can before becoming too closely involved with any particular individual. We…
Going Back to My Roots
(Roots by Frida Kahlo) “Be like a tree. Stay grounded. Connect with your roots. Turn over a new leaf. Bend before you break. Enjoy your unique natural beauty. Keep growing.” -Joanne Rapits I’ve been going through major internal shifts in the last year. Recently, I’ve been making some changes in my life that are shaking up relationships with people I love. Some of these patterns are co-dependent and that is a no-go for me. When I read this quote by Victor Hugo, I realized that I have a changeable mind and ways of being that used to work for me in those relationships stop working as my thinking…
Gael Song
Midwinter and Christmas Spirit Magic (Image from http://visitstonehenge.com/) As nearly everyone knows, light seeds of what will manifest during the coming year, are sent by the spirit world down Arthur’s sword of light to the base of everyone’s spine on Midwinter dawn. I can usually feel a sizzling at the base of my spine that day, when I first step out of my little cottage into the daylight. But there’s much more that follows after, which no one at all seems to recognize. As a light healer, reading energies, it’s easy for me to see these. And so, this month, I want to write about what I’ve observed over…
Book Review: Shamanic Qabalah – A Mystical Path to Uniting The Tree of Life and the Great Work by Daniel Moler
Book Review Shamanic Qabalah A Mystical Path to Uniting The Tree of Life and the Great Work by Daniel Moler Author, Daniel Moler’s book brings together two subjects that have long held my interest; a shamanic perspective and Qabalistic studies. The latter is an area of study that has been my passion and work for many years now, the former one that I have long been acquainted with and know many well-respected practitioners. With that being said, I was intrigued as to how the author would approach the Tree of Life and its application to shamanic work. The sheer weight and history of Qabalah, in this book used…
19-Days of Illuminated Darkness 2018 Free Course
19-Days of Illuminated Darkness 2018 Begins December 3.2018 Waning 4th Qrt. Moon in Scorpio Join me, once again, as we count down to the Winter Solstice and 19 Days of Illuminated Darkness. What was begun as the veils of Samhain parted and the New Year turned another cycle of the Great Wheel, continues as we welcome the Winter Solstice and the burgeoning of the Solar Light! Winter Solstice December 21st. 5:23p.m. (EST) This is the second of a series of posts through 2019 that will explore the many meanings of the Sabbats of the Great Wheel of the Year. Each will countdown with a specific number (relevant) of days and…
Go a Wassailing
Go a Wassailing The ancient tradition of wassailing has pagan origins intended to bless the coming year’s orchards’ crops and protect them from evil spirits. Later, wassailers went from door to door, singing and drinking to the health of their neighbors. Wassail was the alcoholic beverage of choice. There are many traditional carols that are clearly for Christians, but there are a growing number of songs appropriate for pagans celebrating Yule. Some are original songs by pagan and wiccan musicians honoring the winter solstice; others are new lyrics set to old standards. Here is a sampling that you might enjoy this winter. “Santa Claus is Pagan Too” by Emerald Rose…
Going Shamanic Radio
“Going Shamanic” is hosted by Jennifer Engracio on P.A.G.E. Media Project’s blogtalk radio each month. The show focuses on how to integrate shamanism into every day life. Instead of relegating the spiritual aspect of ourselves to Sundays at church or weekend workshops, this show will support listeners in weaving ritual, prayer, magic, alignment with the Spiritworld and the Earth into their lives to enrich their experience of living. This Month’s Topic: Going Shamanic – Sacred Sexuality, Part 1 Human sexuality is mysterious, vibrant and diverse. This show explores why sexuality is a birth right and important to overall health and wellbeing. It answers the question: Why is sexuality holy? Jen welcomes Saida Désilets, PhD, who is…
3 Pagans and a Cat Monthly Feature
3 Pagans and a Cat Podcast Three Paths, One Journey, No Cat In this highly informative & entertaining podcast, three family members embroiled in wildly divergent traditions gather in one room to discuss, debate, and flat-out argue about their magical, mythical, and mundane lives, all for our education and pleasure. *** Each Month… we will share the previous month’s episodes with you from their site to help keep you up-to-date with their impressive podcast. While there, don’t forget to listen to this month’s as well, we wouldn’t want you to miss a thing! November 2018 Podcasts Episode 24: Embracing Dissonance: Car, Gwyn, and Ode discuss the damage…
SpellCrafting: Spells & Rituals
Yule Ritual Merry meet. Below is a Yule ritual written for a group, which can easily be modified to be done as a solitary. Read through, making note of what to gather and how to set it up. The altar can be a candle on the floor, or raised up in the center on a small table. Traditional colors for altar cloths are gold, silver, red, green and white. SET UP: Set up your altar with seasonal botanicals, directional candles. Designate a place for guests to put coats and, if desired, shoes Arrange so that before people enter the ritual space they can place their cares and woes in…