Working with the Morrigan Oracle Deck
During the pandemic I’ve been focusing on learning more about Irish Paganism, partly because I grew up with tales of Ireland and the Tuatha dé Danann, but also because I’ve studied and honoured the Morrigan for years and wanted to go deeper, and get more in touch with the lore.
One of the tools that was recommended via the Irish Pagan School was the Morrigan Oracle Cards deck by Morpheus Ravenna and Hannah Storyteller. This gorgeous set of cards is full of themes from Irish mythology, beautifully detailed and with only a brief guidebook (downloadable), so it really encourages you to use your own intuition.
Since the 2nd of November, I’ve been doing a daily draw and keeping a journal of my answers. Here are a few key excerpts from that, to give you a taste of how the deck has been working for me.
My Question: How do I stay on my chosen, committed path, and follow through with all my commitments, without dropping something?
The Card: Fire.
A welcoming fire burns neatly within carefully placed stones. The outer side of the stones is dark, grey and brown, but the tops and side facing the fire flow with transferred light. The flames climb high but are not out of control. I feel this would be a dark place without the fire. In the foreground, a pole, which I think is the central pole or a supporting beam in the home I am in, has spears lashed to it, plus what might be a sheep’s skull, or possible a birds tail, I’m not sure. There are black feathers by the spears; I can’t tell if they’re attached or separate. A few things come to mind. One, that the fire is me and if I am in control, then all will be well; this will be a happy, welcoming place and I will not be overwhelmed. Perhaps this is a reminder just to trust the process. Another is that the fire is my creativity and if I trust in the strength of that creativity all will be well. Another is that the fire is the smith’s tool; the spears shown will have been smelted in fire, then honed, to allow someone to fight their battles.
My Question: How can I be so thoroughly committed, which I definitely am, yet still nearly let things slide when I am distracted by other commitments?
The Card: Growth.
A waxing crescent moon hangs over a mountain range, with a small settlement in the valley below, just in sight. Branches of trees slightly obscure my vision from the left, or perhaps they are crows’ feathers. They are very black, but only serve to further frame the goal; the top of the mountain, dusky and orange in what seems to be the light of the setting sun- or perhaps it’s on the rise. I get the sense that the mountain is my journey, and as long as I’m putting one foot in front of the other and not quitting, it doesn’t matter how quickly I get there. I also get the message that even asking the question, challenging myself or trying to understand my own foibles, is a sign of growth in itself. Like the crescent moon, I’ll get a little closer towards my fullness each day. Plus, we all wane and wax in our journeys towards our goals. We just need to keep going and keep asking the important questions.
My Question: Why, after all my hard work and achievements, do I still doubt my own abilities?
The Card: Piety.
Two strange statues stare eyelessly towards me. One is vaguely wolf or dog like. The other is vaguely human with a torque or similar on their head and another around their neck and arms or a cloak wrapped around themselves. Between them and slightly obscuring the left hand, animalistic statue, there is a carved plinth carrying a bowl of either red wine or blood. The five swords sunk into the ground in front suggest blood, while the blue grass suggests darkness, night-time, or death. There is also a round shield directly in front of the plinth. The carvings are curved, and the curves move away from each other. A tree stretches over the scene but can only be seen a little on the right. Other trees stretch away into the darkness and something like a mist encroaches on the scene. The only message I’m getting is to stop feeling sorry for myself and get on with it. Listen to my gods and cards. Take what rest I need. Do the work. Trust the process. My faith will carry me through, and perhaps there are others that have faith in me.
I am moved to carry on with this daily draw for several months. Not every answer has been what I’ve expected, and some haven’t been completely clear. But many, like the examples above, have given me the guidance or push I need to keep moving in a certain direction; something I’ve needed more than ever in this strange, strange year.
About the Author:
Mabh Savage is a Pagan author, poet and musician, as well as a freelance journalist.
She is the author of A Modern Celt: Seeking the Ancestors & Pagan Portals – Celtic Witchcraft: Modern Witchcraft Meets Celtic Ways.