As Above, So Below (How the Stars Became Our Hearts)
The Mystery of Non-Causality
“You are this universe. And you are creating it at every moment. Because you see, it starts now. It didn’t begin in the past. There was no past. If the universe began in the past, when that happened it was now. But it is still now and the universe is still beginning now and it’s trailing off like the wake of a ship from now and as the wake of the ship fades out, so does the past. You can look back there to explain things but the explanation disappears. You will never find it there. Things are not explained by the past. They’re explained by what happens now. That creates the past. And it begins here.”
– Alan Watts
As a species, we’re used to indoctrination. Which makes sense, as the basis of generational knowledge largely depends on taking what you were taught for granted. Humanity wouldn’t go very far if we couldn’t trust our teachers with two plus two. We’d spend our whole lives disproving everything we’ve been taught. Religious indoctrination is what comes to mind most commonly, but even scientific knowledge is indoctrinated. Some even considered science a religion. In which case, scientific indoctrination is religious indoctrination.
As pagans, we’ve already gotten quite used to questioning religion, but what about science? Sure, at baseline, most of us agree that flat earthers are very likely wrong, but let’s applaud them for not blindly accepting science. Maybe there’s something to learn from them. Most people accept science as absolute truth, but just like religion, science is yet another set of explanations for the universe we all observe. But there are other ways of reasoning out the universe. The truth is, no one knows the answers, so your postulations are just as valid as scientific theories in all honesty.
We’re mostly familiar with The Matrix franchise which popularized the idea that we live in a computer generated simulation. That idea isn’t absolutely preposterous. In fact, modern science backs up the idea. Many ideas point to the idea that the universe as we know it is largely generated in the mind. So whatever causes the stimulus could be a supercomputer uploading information directly into our brains via a sensory cable.
The origin of the universe itself is so fantastic that it defies the laws we use to describe it. The Law of Conservation of Mass states that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. So the universe couldn’t possibly exist. Yet we’re here perceiving it. This can lead you to a few possible conclusions, and each of them are impossible by our scientific understanding of reality. (And yes I understand the Big Bang is a theory, but more on that later.) 1. The universe popped into existence from pure nothingness, with no cause. 2. The universe and everything therein doesn’t exist. Or 3. The universe just always existed.
Now The Big Bang, (which has recently come under scrutiny) actually agrees with 3. As the theory depends on a super dense singularity to precede the bang itself, which suggests that the universe existed (at least in some form) before the universe as we know it began. Which…is pretty weird. But we accept it as truth. In fact, most explanations of universe origin fall into infinite regress. Like what came first, the chicken or the egg. Anything that exists, we assume must have had an origin. Though at first glance this seems logically sound. But if you break it down into a mathematical equation, it would add +1 of everything that exists as it’s progenitor. And since this would also explain the first thing that ever existed would have had a thing before it. Which is logically unsound. In this article, were gonna explore some ideas that are outlandish, and outright even crazy.
Whatever, or whoever created the universe, if it even does exist, always existed, or the universe itself always existed, and the creature we would consider God is just the oldest sentience in existence. Maybe the origin of reality is a mystery even to them. Or maybe through some magic we can’t imagine understanding, the creator created itself. Many these things stretch the imagination, but if you even try to think about some of the great mysteries of life, nothing seems out of the realm of possibility.
What if causality isn’t universal? What if somethings just always existed. What if that’s what eternal means? It brings a new depth to infinity that something not only has no end, but no beginning. Perhaps language gets in the way a bit, but it would seem, things can exist without origin. What if mysterious artifacts like the pyramids just always existed without apparent cause?
Are the laws of physics something the gods created?
Or are they their limits? Maybe even Hermes couldn’t exceed the speed of light. We know life can exist without an apparent awareness. Even though a jelly fish doesn’t have a brain, the DNA in it’s cells hold memories from it’s very first cell divisions. In the same way, the universe itself could be alive, and consciousness, or even life itself could stand as the proof.
About the Author:
Alexiel Raynes is a shaman, philosopher, and musician from Louisville, Ky. He has studied religion and science for over 20 years. His spiritual path focuses on self realization, the liberation of the constraints of the mind on consciousness. He also studies plant medicines and their use in indigenous cultures world wide. He is fascinated with exploring the world beyond the veil of mainstream western science, and postulates at what lies beyond general consensus reality. He, together with his business partner Hallie Walker are the owners of Saol Bandia, a holistic herbal apothecary based in their hometown. They are also very active in raising pagan awareness in their community, and helping give witches the courage to stand up to a world that has forgotten our ways.
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